by Blythe Baird
Every loophole, every misstep,
every trial resulting in error
will be attributed to her gender.
Her period: blamed for the blood
on the hands of our children.
Her mothers hand-me-down rage: blamed
for every bankrupt city and flooded street.
When she does not allow America to feed
off of her womanhood, the whole country
will accuse her of letting us go hungry.
How can we expect a woman to keep us out
of war, when our country
has already declared one
on her body?
Watch this public display of femininity's
balancing act. Watch this laughable attempt
at being both powerful and unthreatening.
Watch her walk the tightrope of being
both pretty and taken seriously.
Watch her drown trying.
Watch the mascara run down her face.
Watch this delicate grandmother crumble.
Place bets in crowded bars with drunk friends
how long this royal imposter can hold her breath.
Watch the crowds drooling mouths
wait for her to save our country,
daintily. We will tremble as our country’s men
leave handprints over the mouths of our daughters,
chanting “And this is why we can't
put women in charge of anything."