Old times/Glaciers lyrics
by Earl Sweatshirt
[Verse 1]
I Seen Things
I Seen Things
I Seen Things
I Seen Things
Next To My Grandpa
He was on The Deathbed
Been Through lots of things
The f*cks going through my head
Eyes Go Out in The night
I Lay In my bed in Despite
Feeling I Could Of Done Better
Or Have Done Something Right
But Who Knows What Will Happen Tonight
[Verse 2]
Spinning In The Dark
Their is no light
Whats the point of being Happy
If theirs nothing in life
Whats The Point Of
Life if Its a Pointless thing
I got lots things that are
Processing in my Brain
[Verse 3]
I Despite
I Despite
I Despite
I Despite
I Despite
I Despite
I Despite