Iv'e been feelin' down
Like life brings you down
Give you slight motivation
Pick ya up
Everyone around all the beauty that surrounds my sound brown body keep me up
Enyukay is in my veins
Yea it's all up in my brain
Every time i have a seizure I'm gettin up
Its all i think about
It's all I care about
Its all i want
I'm risin' up
Every time I fall then I get up
Every time I f*ck it up
Every time I fall then I get up
Every time I fall then I get up
Every time I fall then I get up
I'm never on the ground stuck
I take my balls then I get up
All I need is my mind and muscle
I must keep grinding to the top
Enyukay he smell like Persian musk
Never knowin' someone I can't trust
Everybody that i f*ckin' trust
Sayin' enyukay is like a must
Everything ya do in ya life is f*cked
Til you take enyukay straight to the top
Every time I fall then I get up
Every time I fall then I get up
Every time I fall then I get up
Every time I fall then I get up
Every time I f*ck it up
Every time I fall then I get up
I'm never on the ground stuck
I take my balls then I get up
Every time I fall then I get....
Trademarked by Enyukay 2017