Fresh Finds: Pop 2/24/2021 lyrics
by Spotify
"u suck" - Emily Bear
"Sundress" - Devin Kennedy
"The Drive - amour Remix" - Skyler Cocco
"Off You" - Sherwyn
"all i need (the distance song)" - Avery Lynch*
"axel ocelot" - kurtains
"Someday" - Kayla Hall
"and if i'm being honest..." - Heather Sommer
"BODY" - Fya Fox
"know myself" - Zach Oliver
"Sorry" - Madison Olds
"LITTLECRUSH" - webcage
"Broken Heart" - HYRA
"One More" - southernwade
"The Breaks" - Sarah Proctor
"Sid and Nancy" - Keni
"Friends" - PROM
"go die!" - KO Aka Koala
"Sky Without Stars" - Vella
"This Time" - Little Monarch
"Weekends" - Zoe Ny
"Love is Pretty" - Loome
"Pale Damp Cheeks" - Etaoin
"2008" - NERIAH
"light switch" - Audrey Gillispie
"spirits" - OSKAR O.
"Crush" - Lisa Stirling
"Faint" - LICK DROP
"Every Flower" - Sidney Bird
"Oliver Adderall" - Jason LoCricchio
"send me to rehab" - Leo IV
"Livin' Without" - Alice L
"Don't Say It" - Valentina
"swimming in east river" - Arthur Caplan
"f*ck You, It's My Birthday" - Lily Kincade
"Mercedes" - Ashley Chiang
"A Place of Our Own" - Dralms
"Bad Bones" - Emma Beckett
"Burner" - Austin Christy
"Last Night" - BOYFRN
"Hide & Seek" - BUSHROD
"Fiction" - Calm Canopy