Fresh Finds: Pop 4/21/2021 lyrics
by Spotify
"Peanut Butter" - Porsh Bet$
"she calls me daddy" - KiNG MALA
"Good Guys" - Abigail Barlow
"Brown Liquor" - RÜDE CÅT
"wrong but worth it" - Jack Fruit
"Bruised" - Old Swing
"untitled" - Jayde
"Under the Same Stars" - Evalyn
"Never Fade" - Scout
"Tried To Love You" - RARIA
"heart to spare" - Maro
"matrix" - BXB LOVE
"worth it" - YAS
"Emergency Snack" - Madeline
"Getaway" - Katzin
"nights in la" - Meggie York
"intuition" - ghosthands
"The View" - Paddy Echo
"Baby Don't Cut Your Hair For Anyone" - Alex McArtor
"Bindii Patch" - Abby Bella May
"Facts" - CYRUS
"Let Me Go" - Fionn
"This Is the Hit" - Lynks & Charlie Steen*
"twofaces" - nic violets
"FLUTTER" - Xelli Island
"Burden" - MINOE
"Gucci Store" - Prado
"Flames" - Sanni
"Sixteen" - Course
"Dangerous" - DAY_S
"planet1995" - Y ohtrixpointnever
"Big World" - Cop Kid
"Tuesday" - Elkin
"Love Equals Time" - Evan Torrente
"HIGH/BYE" - Cody Frost
"Nervous" - The China Blue
"Solid" - Ari Rivera
"I'm On" - Sans Soucis
"Twenty Twenty" - Social Hour
"Another Weekend" - Ade