Fresh Finds: Pop 1/19/2022 lyrics
by Spotify
Lullaby - Alicia Moffet
Memory Lane - Haley Joelle
Blemish - Mae Mae, The Colourist
Like U - Ben Laine, Zack Kindall
Little boy - Pam Rabbit
In My Dreams - Pure Shores
Kids - Sophia Alexa
April - Ben Kessler
SYF - Temme Scott
By Now - Fia Moon
3am - Oliver Keane
Waste My Time - Luke Chappell & Playyard
R u over me - Tessa Rae
Boys - Kelianne
Officer Don't Let Go - Jefferson & Faffi
You can't stay mad at me - lael
Libеration - BUZZ
Como Le Haces - Cruz & Randy Class
Bleachеrs - bluffs
Ily sm ihy - Jay Portal
Ttyl - Majorlilkween
See - Astrale
Fireflies - Audrey Marie
Bitter b*tch - Helen
Making Moves - Dani Doucette
Sunburn - Badley
Occasional Crazy - Logan Ghiorzi
Salt Lake City - Colton Avery
Below the Belt - Kenzo Cole