How our hair got this way lyrics
by Jamila Woods
they forgot to write down the part where Adam & Eve were created
bald, & after they ate the apple they became ashamed of the nakedness
of their heads. Eve tried everything: wet dirt, dried leaves, petals
of flowers without names, nothing stuck. & when God came down
He saw their heads stained with mud & knew they had disobeyed Him.
Adam said it was all Eve’s fault, for listening to that stupid snake. God
pulled the snake from the grass and stretched it so thin it broke into hundreds
of tiny coils. He piled them on Eve’s head.
now you can listen to the snake
forever / but the snake won’t listen
to you / not even to heat / not even
to gravity
God put some coils on Adam’s head too, but told him his would fall out
over time, as punishment for snitching.