'It Was You'
Verse 1: (Me, Talking To Her)
"Take A Good Look, All Of This, It Was You.."
"The Way I'm Stood Shook;
-All The; Thoughts I Think-Of, Too!"
"The Urge To Hurt Myself!
-To Cut My Wrists;
& SLIT Them Through"
*["Yet Another Thing, You've Said 'I Did'; I Didn't Do!"]*
"I Just Want You To Listen; .... -
I'll Be Finished; In A, Minute?
-Why The f*ck You Need Convincing?
.... Just Be Willing; It'll Do!"
"I'd-Consider-It; Ignorant;
But-It's, Simply: INconsiderate!"
"Even RIGHT NOW? .....
= You're STILL Oblivious!?"...
"Why Not, Tell Me, You're Not; Interested?"
"IF-Your, Only, Interest; IS, 'Internet'.... -
-Then-NO, Disrespect; But, You're... Listening-To-Who?"
I'M Insisting: "YOU Just 'Lit-The-Fuse';
Cos You're Sitting In-A-Mood; .... -
-And, I-Ain't; Even; Seen-You; In-A, Minute?"
-"All I Did Was Bring-Us-Food?"
..... You're Insistent; We *["Dismiss It"]*; .... ("Again!")
"So, Don't Say*['It's Not Deliberate']*
Cah, There's No Dismissing 'Proof'!!"
"It Feels As If You're Drifting? -Is It True?"
"I Swear WE CAN Fix It Boo!"
"I'll: -Beg Forgiveness?
-Give You Kisses?
-Make It Different!?"
-"If We're Through
Just Know That; With-It
OR, With NO Committment;
-It IS: -'Forever & A Day'
-MY Life AND Love, Will-STAY; Committed-With-You"
Hook 1:
You're Telling Me:
...... (Pause) ...
... "You Always Say: -
'That ISN'T True!'
"And Also, That:
'Those Things, YOU Said -'I Did'.... -I DIDN'T Do' "
...... (Pause) ...
I'm Telling You:
-"THAT Isn't True!"
"I-Always Hold My Hands Up
And, Admit It, IF It's Truth" ...
"Which Means That; Now, I've Made-You-Right...
But Only Cos You've; Made-Me; Say-The-Lines; -
That I; Claimed-I; Never; Say... So; "Maybe; Babe,-I-Lied?
Burr, It's Crazy-Why; -Am I Afraid; To WANT To Make You 'Mine' ?!"
I Tried To Speak To Friends And Take Advice
But Mates Are Like:
"Your Love Was Crazy Ain't Gon Lie;
But Bro... I Just Hope Your Hopes, Ain't Up High
Don't Waste Your Time; I Hear She Hates You Mate, Don't Try...
Gage, It Was Toxic... Say Goodbye..."
f*ck THAT! ...
Give Me Just 1 Day To Prove I'll Make It Right!
You're Telling Me:
"You Always Say That?"- "IF It's True!"...
Then; THIS-Time: 'DO Those-Things
YOU-Said; -But, 'DIDN'T' DO!!"
...... (Pause) ...
I'm Telling You, That:
-"It's The TRUTH!"
"I Concede"
"I'll Do, AND Be, What You Need"
"You're The Reason Why I Breathe"
"Babe, Believe: It Was You!"
Verse 2: (Her, Talking To Me)
"Take A Good Look, ALL Of THIS, It Was You.."
"The Reason For THIS, And ALL The sh*t I'm SICK Of, Too!"
... "Nothing But A Bully, I'm Not, Giving-In To-You!"
"Shut-It! ... Trust-This Ain't Something I, WILL-Give-Into-Boo"
"I won't Submit;"
*["Baby, I Won't Give In, Too!"]*
"Always Tell Me I Do Nothing; But, -
-Who-Else Coming-Through?
-Prick! It's True?"
"I; -Love Us-As A-Couple But
Both; -OF Us-Are As-Stubborn; Stuff's
-A f*cking Conundrum; Bub
What I Tell You, When I Tell You; IS The Truth! -Plus,-
A Commitment; Consisted; Of, Us-Two...
Should-Have, Never; Need, Convincing?-
-Your-Consistent; 'Beg-To-Differs'; -
-ARE -PER-SISTENT; Indications; OF-A, Different-View
AND-You're; Mentioning;
What-Hurts;-You, Cos
It's-What, YOU Believe Will-Hurt; -
ME, -Like; Threatening:
'Ending-It', Cos You're
Scared; I'll, Leave You First"
"What's Even Worse?
= You Wonder If I'm No Longer Looking
At The Person That I Spent My Life looking For "
"I Was Certain I'd-Learn;
You're, Worth More Than They Took You For"
"You Wanna Say I Lie; Or Say I'm Torturing You?"
"Say It's *['Smelling Bullsh*t And Calling It'?]* -It's Not!
And Though It's Not Torturte; -It's Abuse!"
Hook 2:
You're Telling Me:
...... (Pause) ...
... "You Always Say: -
'That ISN'T True!'
"And Also, That:
'Those Things, YOU Said -'I Did'.... -I DIDN'T Do' "
...... (Pause) ...
I'm Telling You:
-"THAT Isn't True!"
"I-Always Hold My Hands Up
And, Admit That, It IS Truth" ...
"Which Means That; Now, I've Made-You-Right...
But Only Cos You've; Made-Me; Say-The-Lines; -
That I; Claimed-I; Never; Say... So; "Maybe; Babe,-I-Lied?
Burr, It's Crazy-Why; -Am I Afraid; To WANT To Make You 'Mine' ?!"
"You're Meant-To
Make-Me-Feel-Safe And I've-
-Gave Up Trya-na' Wait And Try;
I Know It Aches Inside
Maybe, We Both Need To Take Some Space And Time
Hey, YOU Always Complain; I'm, Frustrating.."
"Give Me just... 'ONE Day'
To Prove .. I'll Make It Right!"
You're Telling Me:
"You Always Say That?"- "IF It's True!"...
Then; THIS-Time: 'DO Those-Things
YOU-Said; -But, 'DIDN'T' DO!!"
...... (Pause) ...
I'm Telling You, That:
-"It's The TRUTH!"
"I Concede"
"I'll Do, AND Be, What You Need"
"You're The Reason Why I Breathe"
"Babe, Believe: It Was You!"
Verse 3: (Me, Talking To Myself)
"Take A Good-Look, ALL Of This, It Was-YOU.."
"Your Loneliness; ONLY-Is; Cos-WHO?" ("YOU!!")
"YOU-Are; Why-YOU; Want-To; Go-Sick; And-Screw"
"YOU, Saw-It! -It's,-
You-Called; Her:
And, 'Awful'-Things"
-Cos, You-Can't;-Make-It; -Without;-Her;-She:
'IS Of YOU'"
"YOU'RE-Why; You're-p*ssed; -Off;-p*ssed; &-STILL; Drinking,-Too!"
"The-Reason-For, THIS-sh*t; You-Sit; With-in; &-Stew!"
"AND, Also-Why; You're; Likely; Going; Prison,-Soon!" ...... (But..)
"I-Just; Want-My; 'Mrs.'-Back" ... / ("To, NOT-Be: Missing-YOU!!")
Yeah, I'm-A-Prick
But-I'm, Big-Enough; And, Willing-To, -Admit-It
I, Only-Saw; You-6; Hours;
I-Wished; I'd-Get; 1-Minute/Two...
But-When, I-Ask; You-
'When, You-Finish?'
-You'd-Act; Like-You, Had-To; Send-Me, Pictures-Too!?
You-Get; What-You, Give; She-Said:
"I've-Had Enough; Of-What; I've Given-You!"
She-Says; I-Took-Her; 'Inner-Youth'!?
.... Like-We; Never-Fell-'In-Love';-
-When-We, Was-Young? ...
&-I, Just-'Took-Her' In-Her-Youth??!! ......................
Like-I; Never; Spent-Them; SAME-Years; With-HER-Too?!?
Hook 3:
You're Telling Me:
...... (Pause) ...
... "You Always Say: -
'That ISN'T True!'
"And Also, That:
'Those Things, YOU Said -'I Did'.... -I DIDN'T Do' "
...... (Pause) ...
I'm Telling You:
-"THAT Isn't True!"
"Now-I; Hold My Hands Up
I-Admit It!
It's The Truth!" ...
Which Means That; Now, I've Made-You-Right...
But Only Cos You've; Made-Me; Say-The-Lines; -
That I; Claimed-I; Never; Say-So; "Maybe; Babe,-I-Lied?
Burr, It's Crazy-Why; -Am I Afraid; To WANT To Make You 'Mine' ?!"
"For You, I'd Give Or Take My Life!?"
"I Love You More Than Anything;
And, Everything, In All Of Space And Time!"
"Let's: -Take Some Time?
And: -Go 'Slow-Paced';
-Go Out On Dates
-'Rewind' ?"
"The Only 'Good Thing'? = It Was YOU!"
"I'm Sorry, Burr! This Ain't A Lie!"
You're Telling Me:
"You Always Say That?"- "IF It's True!"...
Then; THIS-Time: 'DO Those-Things
YOU-Said; -But, 'DIDN'T' DO!!"
...... (Pause) ...
I'm Telling You, That:
-"It's The TRUTH!"
"I Concede"
"I'll Do, AND Be, What You Need"
"You're The Reason Why I Breathe"
"Babe, Believe: It Was You!"