All these faces in a row
Tic Tac Toe Who will I know?
No one seems too original:
Duck faces from high angles
Yawning as I’m swiping through
Filling time on the B32
Yoga pose, bearded dudes
Travel porn, pics with food
Scrolling down it's all the same
Good angles and good lighting
Their best side is boring me
I want to see what's underneath
Too many people in a line
Too many faces in my mind
Im overwhelmed I feel resigned
Swiping left, killing time
Left, Left, Left swipe Left
Left, Left, Left swipe Left
Left, Left, Left swipe Left
Left, Left, so mindless
Everyone is talking, Got nothing to say
All they hit me with is “hey!”
People wanna say I’m too picky
But what am I gonna do with “hey?”
Yay! trapped behind a wall
Of talking. Don’t listen at all
How will you know how cool I am
When you don’t ask me one question?
Sometimes it’s like an interview
Boxes checked. I’ve been approved
The next level, I passed through
To be ghosted. I’m confused
It’s savage on the internet
But N-B-D I’m not trying
I rub one out, I please myself
I don’t need anyone else
When I’m bored
I Go online
Swiping through
Killing Time
When I’m bored
I Go online
Swiping through
Killing Time
I’m gonna die alone
I’m gonna die alone
I’m gonna die alone
I’m gonna die alone
I’m gonna die alone
I’m gonna die alone
It’s ok though!
(it’s ok!)
It’s ok though!
(it’s ok!)