I Love Word Association Games - Joan Stokes lyrics
by Thomas Sanders
The XBONE can go
and the PlayStation's lame.
New games don't engage me;
They aren't the same
as they once were.
I want something to fan that elation flame.
That is why
I love word association games.
For the fun to function
You need an easy framework--
A clear set of rules
that help to make your game work.
So, for this one:
let's say everytime I say a word
I'll jump to THAT train of thought
and that's how I'll frame the verse.
Mother, Father,
Brother from another Mother
Other than the (aforementioned)
Mother, may I step up farther?
Yes, you can of Coca-Cola,
Soda Pop, rockin' 'til my heartbeat stops,
Sign from God
Complex, Apartm(i)nt, gummy, berry, crop