Letter 254 (March 1862?) - no ms. Frances Norcross lyrics
by Emily Dickinson
Dear Fanny,
I fear you are getting as driven as Vinnie. We consider her standard for superhuman effort erroneously applied. Dear Loo remembers the basket Vinnie "never got to." But we must blame with lenience. Poor Vinnie has been very sick, and so have we all, and I feared one day our little brothers would see us no more, but God was not so hard. Now health looks so beautiful, the tritest "How do you do" is living with meaning. No doubt you "heard a bird," but which route did he take? Hasn't reached here yet. Are you sure it wasn't a "down brakes"? Best of ears will blunder! Unless he come by the first of April, I shan't countenance him. We have had fatal weather - thermometer two below zero all day, without a word of apology. Summer was always dear, but such a kiss as she'll get from me if I ever see her again, will make her cry, I know...