Funeral in My Brain lyrics
by Emily Dickinson
[Verse 1]
I felt a funeral in my brain
And mourners to and fro
Kept treading, treading 'til it seemed
That sense was breaking through
[Verse 2]
And when they all were seated
A service like a drum
Kept beating, beating ’til it seemed
My mind was going numb
Then I heard them lift a box
And creak across my soul
With those same boots of lead again
Then space began to toll
[Verse 3]
As all the heavens were a bell
And being but an ear
And I and silence some strange race
Wrecked solitary here
[Verse 4]
I felt a cleaving in my mind
As if my brain had split
I tried to match it seam by seam
But could not make them fit
[Verse 5]
The thought behind, I strove to join
Unto the thought before
But sequence raveled out of sound
Like balls upon a floor
There is a pain so utter
It swallows substance up
And covers the abyss with trance
So memory can step
[Verse 6]
Around across upon it
As one within a swoon
Goes safely where an open eye
Would drop him bone by bone
And then a plank in reason broke
And I dropped down and down
And hit a world at every plunge
And finished knowing then
I felt a funeral in my brain
In my brain
In my brain