Where Were You lyrics
by KJ-52
Daddy why did u do that to mommy? / you said if we hit somebody we're suppose to say sorry / but you never say sorry daddy you yell now / why did you tell that man that mommy just fell down / mommy didn't fall down daddy's lying / mommy why are you always sad and always crying? / daddy why are you always mad you always fighting? / why do you always say I'm bad even when im trying? / no I dont want to go to my room / I dont want to go to bed now I want to be with you / I dont want to daddy it's to early / I didn't mean it daddy I'm sorry I'm sorry / I promise I'll never say that again / I'm sorry daddy please dont hit me again / I'll be a good boy now / don't put me in the room please don't turn the lights out /
(Where) where were you / just when I needed you /
What up pops I ain't got to tell you my heart is as hard as a rock things have changed since I was the age of six / yet some situations stay the same / like the way I conceal my pain / growing up I'd swear my name was every profane thing a man could say / I used to make excuses like you weren't the one that hit her / it was just the liquor in ya / my dad the perfect example of hatred and why am I so bitter? / you told me real men don't cry that was a lie / you don't realize what goes on inside of my mind / as time passed my heart ran cold / my emotions froze / lost track of the bruises and the broken bones / just once wanted to hear that you loved me / wrap your arms around me and hug me yeah right / remember the first time I couldn't feel the pain it was when grandma came and took me to church / where God releived the hurt and He knows it took work / but I forgave you / He could save you / but the question is will you let Him? / it would be such a blessing to see you as a changed man and holding my mothers hand /