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Received march ninth at 6:18 pm
Sean whats up its Cody
So i was just uh driving from the old road
And theres this f**king ford truck in front of me
And it has a W'04 sticker
And it has a f**king uh a George bush sticker
You know and then it has a it has those little sticker guys
That usually people have like p*ss on ford or p*ss on chevy
And its all p*ss on John Kerry
Like he had all this sh*t on the back of his truck right
So were sittin at the stop stoplight
So i flip him the f**king W
Like you said right
And so im flipping him the W
And like he can't figure it out
And hes like telling his wife
I can see hes like
"ya theres this guy behind me ya know like doing the W sign"
And he didn't get mad right
Cause he didn't know
He thought i was like ya f**king pro bush
So i give him the W and i flip him off
At the same time dude
And then he realizes like
"Oh sh*t this guy isnt a f**king pro bush guy"
Ya know
And then he
The the light turns green
And he f**king he stops in the middle of the intersection dude
And then his wifes like
You could tell shes like
"What are you doing"
Ya know
And so then he just takes off
And then the next light turns red
And he f**king hits reverse
Like hes gonna reverse into me and sh*t
And then ya know
I was just sat there patiently ya know
Just like im not gonna budge
Im not gonna try to drive away scared or anything
Ya know
And then he just takes off and it was it was just like nothing happened
But it was funny dude
I had to f**king do something to this guy dude