Commercial lyrics
by Romeo
Answering Machine: Your mailbox is full. Caller's cannot leave new messages
Until you erase some of your existing messages. 14 new messages. 16 saved
Girl: Hey whassup Romie? (giggles). This your Juliet Tomeka. I was calling
Cause you so fine at school yesterday oh my gahh. But I see you not in right
Now...but...I'll holla back at ya. Peace
4 Yr Old: Lil' Romeo? This Andrea. I just wanted to tell you...I love you and I
Got your number from school. And I'm in the 2nd grade. I love you (giggles)
Sister: Hello Romeo? This your sister Antonianne. This girl wanna talk to you
(Here...take the phone). Sister's Friend: Hi Romeo this Ashley. I saw you at
School today I was wearing the 'P. Miller Shorty' shirt on and I really wanted
To let you know I love you SO much. I'm gonna give your little sister my
Number...make sure you use it. Holla!
Man: Hey Rome...whassup? This is P man..hurry up and get ready we gotta make it
Today, we gotta flight schedule
Girl: I wanna say...I'm so happy for you and...stuff like that. And...I don't
Really know what to say. But, all I know is your really ??...I love you
Sweetie, keep on doing what your doing shaking your tails off alright? Bye
B: Rome, this B. I'm at the house, what time we gon' to the gym? Hit me on my