Beach Party lyrics
by Rebecca Sugar
[Open Beach]
(The Crystal Gems are seen under attack on the beach, as Steven and Amethyst are screaming and thrown across the sand, while Garnet and Pearl land steadily on their feet.)
PEARL: You okay, Steven?
STEVEN: lying on his stomach on a boogie board I've seen better days.
AMETHYST: Pearl, I got a boo-boo.
PEARL: Oh, walk it off!
GARNET: Here it comes! (A pufferfish monster rises about ground and blows strong wind at the Crystal Gems.) You all distract it! leaps off
PEARL: Let's show this thing what we're made of, guys!
AMETHYST: What do you think we've been doing for the past hour?
(Pearl hurls her spear at the pufferfish monster, but the pufferfish blows it back to them.)
PEARL: Duck! ducks under the deflected spear
AMETHYST: looks around* Man, I don't see any duc— *notices the spear and ducks at the last second, as the spear chops some of her hair Quack!
STEVEN: Steven's turn! throws the boogie board and it gets stuck to the one of the pufferfish monster's spikes Yup, it's got spikes.
AMETHYST: It's okay. rests her arm on Steven's shoulder Here comes Garnet!
(Garnet begins diving sky-high towards the pufferfish monster.)
STEVEN: Smash that puff!
(The pufferfish monster notices Garnet and starts blowing at her. Garnet tries to force her way through, but the wind is too strong. She is then blown away and sent flying and screaming towards Beach City, smashing into the Fish Stew Pizza restaurant.)
STEVEN: Aw, man, we blew it!
AMETHYST: Ugh, whatever!
(Amethyst charges up to the pufferfish monster. Just the monster begins to blow at her, Amethyst shapeshifts into a baseball bat and whacks the monster, sending it flying far into the ocean. She then shapeshifts back to normal shortly.)
PEARL: Amethyst! Smacking it really far away doesn't solve anything! We needed to destroy it. Now it's just gonna come back later.
AMETHYST: Yeah, so we'll deal with it later.
STEVEN: Let's get Garnet. She landed by the boardwalk.
(The group starts walking to the boardwalk.)
[Trans. Ext. Fish Stew Pizza]
(Garnet is lying calmly and still on the wrecked sign of Fish Stew Pizza while Kiki and Kofi Pizza look up at her.)
KOFI: yelling Would you ANSWER ME! You've wrecked my sign, and now you're just sitting up there! Are we engaged in a secret staring contest?!
STEVEN: arrives with Pearl and Amethyst Garnet! Are you okay?
GARNET: jumps off the building I'm fine.
KIKI: Hi, Steven.
AMETHYST: looking and laughing at the building sign* This place is wrecked! Gimme one down low! *puts her hand up for high-five, but Pearl shoves it down
PEARL: No accolades for you, Amethyst! turns to Garnet She knocked the pufferfish back out into the ocean!
GARNET: Let's regroup back at the temple.
(The Gems leaps away, leaving Steven before.)
KOFI: Where are you going? What about my sign? turns to Steven Steven! What is wrong with your friends? One of them busted up my sign, then they all just jump into the sky like some circus act, without even offering to help!
STEVEN: But, Mr. Pizza!-
JENNY: exits the restaurant Da-ad, pipe down!
KOFI: Ohhh! Did I interrupt your beauty sleep?
JENNY: yawns I don't need sleep to look pretty.
KOFI: Now you listen here, young woman!
(Nanefua appears at the doorway of the restaurant holding a dead fish.)
NANEFUA: Kofi, you are going to wake this fish from the dead with all the noise you're keeping. Oh, too late. pretends to be the fish* Kofi, you so loud! Aaaahh! *sticks her tongue out Bleeeeeh.
JENNY: Gunga, you're so funny.
KOFI: Mooom! Quit joking around! Look what they did to my sign!
NANEFUA: exits the building looks at the sign Cheese on bread.
KOFI: Can you believe it? You're such a nice boy, Steven. Why do you hang out with those animals?
STEVEN: They're not animals! They're the Crystal Gems, and they protect humanity—
KOFI: I've heard enough!
NANEFUA: glances nervously at Kofi and Steven Hey, girls, I think I hear all of our cellphones ringing.
JENNY: plays along Gunga, your hearing is so good! (The three girls walk back into the shop.)
KOFI: Steven, you can tell your friends that they are officially BANNED - from Fish Stew Pizza!
STEVEN: Wait, what?! Kofi, that's not fair! This was just an accident!
(Kofi stomps back into the restaurant and flips the "Closed" sign at the door. Steven walks away in despair.)
[Trans. Int. Beach House]
(The Gems are all gathered around the kitchen counter as Steven returns.)
AMETHYST: Why don't we just, like, let it roam free?
GARNET: That's not an option.
AMETHYST: looks Steven approaching Hey, Steven!
STEVEN: I've got bad news, everyone. You've all been banned from Fish Stew Pizza.
PEARL: pause Oh, uhhh, that's okay.
AMETHYST: That pizza wasn't even good.
STEVEN: Aren't you guys upset about this?
GARNET: Not at all?
STEVEN: But these are our neighbors!
GARNET: There's nothing we can do about that now.
PEARL: Right now, we have to figure out a way to take care of that pufferfish.
STEVEN: What's the point of saving people if they're just gonna ban you from their pizza shops?
GARNET: We don't do it for thanks.
STEVEN: Yeah, see! nods* That's so nice of you, the Pizzas don't even know! If they got to spend some time with you they'd see *turns to Amethyst* how fun, *to Pearl* and smart, *to Garnet and mysterious you are!
GARNET: chuckles Hah, mysterious.
STEVEN: Hmm... ponders for a while I know! I'll throw a little party on the beach in front of the temple! Just us and the Pizzas.
AMETHYST: I don't know, Steven. I mean-
STEVEN: Don't worry! I'll take care of everything!
[Trans. Ext. Crystal Temple]
(Steven has a table and chairs set on the beach. He is also cooking hot dogs and hamburgers on a barbecue grill.)
STEVEN: Man, this is gonna be so good. sniffs the food and giggles
AMETHYST: Hey, Steven.
PEARL: Got everything ready for your little party?
STEVEN: Yeah, and there's one more thing. hands the Gems a magazine reading "Foine Summer Special" and Garnet grabs it
AMETHYST: What's this for?
STEVEN: I was thinking you guys could change your outfits.
PEARL: What's wrong with what we have on now?
STEVEN: Nothing. I just thought it would be nice to go kinda casual.
(The Pizza family begins to arrive around the cliff.)
NANEFUA: Is this the right address?
JENNY: I've never seen this side of the beach before.
STEVEN: Oh man, they're here! Hurry up and change. Over here everyone! runs towards the Pizza family Hi!
JENNY & KIKI: Hey, Steven!
STEVEN: How are you all doing today?
KOFI: The shop is closed today, because it's broken!
(His family looks around nervously.)
STEVEN: sweating Oh! Uh... that sounds, uh...
NANEFUA: Hey! Do I smell hot dogs? Show me where the hot dogs are.
STEVEN: Oh, right this way, everyone. leads them toward the Gems First, let me introduce—
GARNET: We Are the Crystal Gems!
(The Gems turns their appearances and outfits into casual beachwear as they introduce themselves.)
GARNET: Garnet!
AMETHYST: Amethyst!
PEARL: Pearl!
STEVEN: pops in And Steven! ...But you already knew my name.
NANEFUA: Oh, you're all so talented.
KOFI: So, you are a circus act.
PEARL: Circus act?
STEVEN: barges in Hey, let's eat!
(The Crystal Gems and the Pizza family begin eating around the party table.)
KIKI: Everything came out great!
STEVEN: Thanks, Kiki.
NANEFUA: Aren't you girls hungry? You've barely touched your food.
GARNET: We don't need to eat.
NANEFUA: Oh, you young people and your experimental diets.
GARNET: I am much older than you.
KOFI: So, you all live in that tiny house up on that hill?
GARNET: waves her hand as it sparkles in the air We inhabit the inner sanctums, only accessible through magical extra dimensional doors.
KOFI: What is wrong with your hand?
JENNY: And why does this place look like it's falling apart?
PEARL: Well, the temple has been here for thousands of years—
KOFI: Oh! I see how it is, when something breaks around here, you just leave it alone... just like the sign at my shop!
STEVEN: Um... sweating profusely Who wants to play volleyball?
(Steven draws the outline of the volleyball court on the sand with a stick.)
STEVEN: Okay, everyone, the court is all set. Now to get into our teams.
PEARL: But, Steven, won't our abilities give us an unfair advantage?
STEVEN: That's why I'm picking the teams: Amethyst and Jenny! Pearl and Kiki! Garnet and Kofi! And last, but not least, yours truly and Nanefua!
NANEFUA: I haven't played in ages but I bet I could whoop all your butts.
STEVEN: That's the spirit. You guys ready? Let's play!
(Steven throws the volleyball into the air and the first match begins. Amethyst gets the first serve.)
AMETHYST: Oh-ho! Hope you're ready to lose, Pearl.
PEARL: There is no way I'd lose to someone like you!
AMETHYST: Here we come! hits the ball
KIKI: Uh... hah! hits the ball up
PEARL: Nice one, Kiki!
KIKI: Aaand... pow!
(Kiki smacks the ball down. Amethyst and Jenny miss it.)
STEVEN: Amethyst, no kicking!
AMETHYST: What kind of game is this?
PEARL: Nicely done, Kiki! high-fives Kiki
STEVEN: Try and stick to the rules, Amethyst!
NANEFUA: Try harder, Jenny!
KIKI: Here it comes! serves the ball
(Jenny pulls back the net and uses it to deflect the ball into the air.)
KIKI: Come on, Jenny!
JENNY: What? I'm not doing anything.
AMETHYST: My move! shapeshifts into a tennis racket and smacks the ball down
JENNY: Aw, yes!
PEARL: That was uncalled for, Amethyst!
JENNY: You afraid of getting a little sand in your hair, Kiki?
KIKI: No, just trying to keep tidy.
PEARL: There's nothing wrong with trying to keep tidy.
NANEFUA: So exciting!
KOFI: Our turn!
GARNET: I'm ready.
JENNY: I got this one.
KOFI: Jennifer! You touch that ball, you're grounded!
JENNY: Whoa! dodges the ball Daddy, you cheatin'!
KOFI: Hahaha! The look on your face! Hahaha!
GARNET: This is going to be easy.
NANEFUA: It'd be nice if they stuck to the basics.
AMETHYST: Take this, Garnet! Yeeeee-ha! hits the ball high up in the air
GARNET: jumps up into the air* Haaaghh! Ah! *smacks the ball hard downwards
(The ball comes charging at full speed towards Amethyst and Jenny.)
JENNY: We should probably move, huh?
AMETHYST: Yeah, we should...
(Both Amethyst and Jenny move away from the volleyball court, just as the ball hits the sand like a meteor, forming glass on its impact.)
KOFI: Hahaha! You're all running like wild chickens! Hahahaha!
AMETHYST & JENNY: looking at the glass formation Woaaaaah!
NANEFUA: Did you know that when sand is super heated it turns into glass?
STEVEN: I did not know that.
AMETHYST: grabs the glass formation and tosses it into the ocean in rage Let's play!
(The Gems and the Pizzas continue playing volleyball with each other.)
PEARL: sees Amethyst kicking the ball* Amethyst! *proceeds to summon five Holo-Pearls* Aahhh... *runs around Kiki with the Holo-Pearls Over here, Amethyst! Over here!
KOFI: Kofi time! hits the ball
JENNY: Jenny time!
KOFI: You can't use the car for a month!
JENNY: misses the ball Daddy!
AMETHYST: Why you cheatin' so much?
GARNET: You cheated first.
JENNY: That is not true!
(The Gems and the Pizzas start arguing in the background.)
NANEFUA: This is getting out of hand.
STEVEN: sigh I'll run and get the ball.
(He chases after the volleyball, when a strong gust of wind starts to blow.)
STEVEN: Hey, why is it getting so... windy?! (The pufferfish monster appears around the cliff corner.) Ah, no! It's back! Pufferfish monster's back!
NANEFUA: What's all the—
STEVEN: Nanefua! Ruuuunnn!!!
(The Gems and the Pizzas are still arguing, oblivious to the strong wind blowing.)
AMETHYST: We should win 'cause we're the best.
KIKI: Y'all cheated!
GARNET: You are lying.
PEARL: Cheaters!
KOFI: Everyone is grounded here!
STEVEN: running away with Nanafua Garneeet!!!
GARNET: Steven! Oh, no! Gems! Protect the Pizzas!
(The Gems each grab the Pizzas and leaps away to safety.)
KOFI: Hey!? What is going on!?
STEVEN: This is terrible. I was trying to get everyone together, but now everyone's in danger.
NANEFUA: I'm not afraid of that thing! Let's see if you can keep up with me!
STEVEN: Of course I can! runs towards the pufferfish monster with Nanafua
NANEFUA: Oh! Oh! Over here!
STEVEN: No! Over here! Come on!
(Nanefua and Steven starts running in circles around the monster and distracting it.)
PEARL: Oh my gosh! Steven!
KIKI: What are they doing?
STEVEN: Everybody, get ready!
KOFI: to Nanefua Mom, you are crazy!
GARNET: Not crazy... Brave.
JENNY: Gunga, careful with your back!
STEVEN: Amethyst, turn yourself into a ball!
AMETHYST: Okay! shapeshifts into a ball
NANEFUA: Jenny, roll Amethyst to the net and then hold on!
JENNY: Sure thing! rolls Amethyst towards the volleyball net
NANEFUA: Pearl, head over to Jenny and Amethyst!
PEARL: Yes, ma'am! jumps into the air and over to the volleyball court
NANEFUA: Hit Amethyst into the air as hard as you can!
PEARL: cracks knuckles With pleasure...
(Pearl tosses Amethyst into the air and whacks her high into the sky.)
PEARL: Hu-uh!
NANEFUA: Kofi, Kiki! Get over to the net!
STEVEN: Garnet, spike the beach!
GARNET: I understand!
(Garnet summons her gauntlets and leaps into the air.)
AMETHYST: gets caught by Garnet Be gentle.
GARNET: I'll try!
(Garnet smacks Amethyst hard. Amethyst grunts as she plunges towards the ground like a meteor, gradually setting aflame. She then makes impact on the sand, creating a huge spiky formation of glass.)
NANEFUA: Here comes the tricky part!
STEVEN: I'm ready!
(Steven and Nanafua runs towards the volleyball court and the pufferfish monster gives chase.)
NANEFUA: Everyone take the net to the other side of the court!
STEVEN: Okay, everyone, pull the net into its face!
(Everyone starts pushing against the wind and shoving the monster into the glass spikes with the net.)
NANEFUA: It's not enough!
STEVEN: Don't worry, here comes Garnet!
(Garnet dives from the sky towards the monster and punches it into the glass spikes. A cloud of sand then envelops the screen. A period of time passes by.)
KOFI: Thanks for your hospitality.
NANEFUA: lightly jabs Kofi in the stomach And?
KOFI: And, for saving my family, you are all officially unbanned from my shop.
STEVEN: Aw, thank you so much, Kofi! We really appreciate it, right, guys?
GARNET: Okay, yes, thanks.
STEVEN: Aaaand?
PEARL: What were we banned from again?
(Steven protects the Gems and laughs nervously as the star iris zooms in on his face, ending the episode.)