Fire Emblem Awakening lyrics
by Nintendo
History & ConceptNew featuresTipsWeapon Triangle
Trinity of Magic
flying units
Second SealCharactersSkillsClassesWalkthroughMain ChaptersPremonition: Invisible Ties
Prologue: The Verge of History
Chapter 1: Unwelcome Change
Chapter 2: Shepherds
Chapter 3: Warrior Realm
Chapter 4: Two Falchions
Chapter 5: The Exalt and the King
Chapter 6: Foreseer
Chapter 7: Incursion
Chapter 8: The Grimleal
Chapter 9: Emmeryn
Chapter 10: Renewal
Chapter 11: Mad King Gangrel
Chapter 12: The Seacomers
Chapter 13: Of Sacred Blood
Chapter 14: Flames on the Blue
Chapter 15: Smoldering Resistance
Chapter 16: Naga's Voice
Chapter 17: Inexorable Death
Chapter 18: Sibling Blades
Chapter 19: The Conqueror
Chapter 20: The Sword or the Knee
Chapter 21: Five Gemstones
Chapter 22: An Ill Presage
Chapter 23: Invisible Ties
Chapter 24: Awakening
Chapter 25: To Slay a God
Endgame: GrimaParaloguesParalogue 1: Sickle to Sword
Paralogue 2: The Secret Seller
Paralogue 3: A Strangled Peace
Paralogue 4: Anna the Merchant
Paralogue 5: Scion of Legend
Paralogue 6: A Man for Flowers
Paralogue 7: Noble Lineage
Paralogue 8: A Duel Disgraced
Paralogue 9: Wings of Justice
Paralogue 10: Ambivalence
Paralogue 11: Twin Wyverns
Paralogue 12: Disowned by Time
Paralogue 13: Rival Bands
Paralogue 14: Shadow in the Sands
Paralogue 15: A Shot from the Dark
Paralogue 16: Daughter to Dragons
Paralogue 17: The Threat of Silence
Paralogue 18: The Dead King's Lament (only available via SpotPass)
Paralogue 19: Irreconcilable Paths (only available via SpotPass)
Paralogue 20: A Hard Miracle (only available via SpotPass)
Paralogue 21: Ghost of a Blade (only available via SpotPass)
Paralogue 22: The Wellspring of Truth (only available via SpotPass)
Paralogue 23: The Radiant Hero (only available via SpotPass)XenologuesXenologue 1: Champions of Yore 1
Xenologue 2: Champions of Yore 2
Xenologue 3: Champions of Yore 3
Xenologue 4: Lost Bloodlines 1
Xenologue 5: Lost Bloodlines 2
Xenologue 6: Lost Bloodlines 3
Xenologue 7: Smash Brethren 1
Xenologue 8: Smash Brethren 2
Xenologue 9: Smash Brethren 3
Xenologue 10: Rogues & Redeemers 1
Xenologue 11: Rogues & Redeemers 2
Xenologue 12: Rogues & Redeemers 3
Xenologue 13: The Golden Gaffe
Xenologue 14: EXPonential Growth
Xenologue 15: Infinite Regalia
Xenologue 16: Harvest Scramble
Xenologue 17: Summer Scramble
Xenologue 18: Hot-Spring Scramble
Xenologue 19: Death's Embrace
Xenologue 20: Five-Anna Firefight
Xenologue 21: Roster Rescue
Xenologue 22: Apotheosis
Xenologue 23: The Future Past 1
Xenologue 24: The Future Past 2
Xenologue 25: The Future Past 3AR CodesDownload Content