The Story (Narrated by Mr. Hippo) lyrics
by Nintendo
Mr Hippo:
You know, I spoke with Angel earlier, absolute great guy by the way, a very fantastic and understanding person, but he looks at me and says "Hey, where's Orville?" but uh, I dont think he knows that Orville was uh, taken to parts and service and was never seen again, i gotta say, i really miss the guy, Reminds me of the time that me and can't get sidetracked, i've got some pretty important news, while we were picnicking, he brought up the subject of a new project called Red Dot Files, he told me that it won't be a collaboration, but lets be real, i sort of doubt that, no disrespect. But I really enjoy the collaborations he does, really good songs, he said "Do you think i should have any features?" But lets be real, im a hippopotamus, i dont know a lot about features or music, I just let the tunes carry me away.
But uhm that's about it for the music part, he kept mentioning some girl named Susie- boy you humans are really keen on love, aren't you? almost dependent on it from what i've heard, but uh, if i recall correctly, he said she's the most beautiful woman he's ever saw
my facial recognition isn't that good but from what he told me, she was a real looker.
I accidentally caught a glimpse of his phone and she was his lockscreen, takes me back to the good ol' days, im not as young and spry as i used to be considering the fact that i am again, a hippopotamus, but still, love at it's finest is like gold, but just dont tell Foxy about that, he might kill you if he hears you have gold, assuming you actually have gold.
Anyways back to the point, she had flowing black hair, eyes so beautiful its like looking in a mirror, and love so perfect you were on top of the world, but of course, this all came from him, i'm a robot, i can't feel love, what is love? My database has no meaning of love, therefore its a stranger to me.
During the picnic, i saw him watching old videos and looking at old pictures she had sent him a while back, seeing him happy also made me happy, but then he got a little sad, and when i asked him what was wrong he looked at me with such kindness in his eyes and said "You know, Mr. Hippo, im glad to have friends like you" And it made me feel happy, if robots could cry i would've fried my circuits right then and there.
He then turns to face the playground and i can see a tear roll down his face, "If it werent for Susie & Ryxu, none of this would have been possible". I pat him on the back and offer him to buy him some bread from the bakery across the street, and i got a little sad, i looked at the spot where me and Orville once sat and watched a kid feed sourdough bread to some ducks, I said it before but you aren't supposed to feed ducks that bread, they'll swell up and die.
For the remainder of our time in the park, he was thankful for everything he had in life, his girlfriend Susie, his best friends Eva and Ryxu, still with all the joy he could want, there was still a little sadness in the corner of his heart, and he didn't exactly know why, nobody did, dont tell him i said this, but i see something great in that kid, i see that kid becoming a superstar before my eyes, a few hours passed and we packed up our stuff and said our goodbyes, and just like that we left how we came, with smiles on our face and a promise to meet again. But uh, not you listening, you're uh, you're kind of dead pal, and you have been since the beginning of the story, If it wasn't me today, it would have been someone else tomorrow.
But i made your death quick and painless, so that counts for something.... you know, before you go, say hi to Orville for me, will you?