I too a sister had! too cruel Death!
   How sad Remembrance bids my bosom heave!
 Tranquil her soul, as sleeping Infant's breath;
   Meek were her manners as a vernal Eve.
 Knowledge, that frequent lifts the bloated mind,
   Gave her the treasure of a lowly breast,
 And Wit to venom'd Malice oft assign'd,
   Dwelt in her bosom in a Turtle's nest.
 Cease, busy Memory! cease to urge the dart;
   Nor on my soul her love to me impress!
 For oh I mourn in anguish—and my heart
   Feels the keen pang, th' unutterable distress.
Yet wherefore grieve I that her sorrows cease,
For Life was misery, and the Grave is Peace!