Growing Pains III (Commentary Version) lyrics
by Logic
This one, wow, this one meant a lot to me, um... First and foremost because the original "Growing Pains I & II" were on mixtapes and before this album, I did, uh, the mixtape Welcome To Forever and there was no "Growing Pains," uh, from any part of the series on that. So I think a lot of people thought that it may have been over and there wasn't going to be another one, and i wanted to give them that feeling of "wow!" like "wow." "Growing Pains III" and all these people who heard these things on the mixtape like "Man, he's still there. He's still Logic," like "Wow." I'm a fan, I know what it's like, and you kind of dread like "Ohh, what's that album gonna sound like?" For me, I wanted to give them this
It opens up with a skit, and I love Wu-Tang Clan, so I always loved their skits, so it's basically about the first time I ever heard gunshots outside of my window as a little boy. And then it opens up, "Outside I can hear 'em bussin', bussin', and the police they rushin', go to my head like concussion" And I'm about fifteen years old at that time, and the gunshots, I still hear them every now and then throughout my life and I'm wondering, I always used to wonder "What caused that shootout?" Why did I hear his? What was it? So I kind of created the fictitious tale of something that was, in fact, a true event. So that goes in, when you first hear me rapping I'm laying in bed at fifteen years old and all the things racing through my mind, from the eviction notice on my door, you know, just being on food stamps and welfare and not knowing what's going to happen tomorrow and just, all the wonders. And then the beat changes up and I actually fall asleep. So this is my inner-most subconscious thoughts that I didn't even realize at the time, at fifteen years old, but now, you know, at twenty-four and looking back, reminiscing, I know that those are the things that are on my mind, because growing up in that situation, no matter what, um, the only time I was special, the only time I was anybody was when I was asleep. When I was asleep I was a famous basketball player, baseball player, I was a rapper/artist, I was a singer, I was an actor, I was dancer, I was an astronaut, but when I woke up I was just a boy from a broken home, and that- that was very hard to swallow
Even touching upon the lines about the television and feeling like that family, you know growing up on The Cosby's and Family Matters, and you know, that was the closest thing I had to a real family. Once the television program turned off, or our electricity turned off, I snapped back to reality. Um, I didn't end it on a bright note, because there's people out there that feel that same way, so I wanted them to know that I'm with them. And I'm there, and I was there, and I understand, so...