Yesterday a girl came up to me and shared her story
How she died and came back to life, now stands before me
What a powerful testimony, crazy ain’t it?
To know how quickly that our lives can be taken
Without warning, it can happen in an instant
Makes you think twice about it all, the clocks tickin
Some don’t get a second chance
Took a second to comprehend the plan is in somebody else hands
Be grateful you get to live another day
Most of us take it for granted, let it go to waste
You’re in trouble
The moment you get comfortable
Develop character, integrity, stay humble
Both you and I end up spending energy
On the things that we can’t bring with us to the cemetery
We carry unnecessary envy and resentment
When we should be practicing forgiveness
Had a reality check that I didn’t deposit
Tribulations come like they did in the Hobbit
Is this all part of a bigger picture?
Well then I want to be creating moments that’ll be remembered
Wouldn’t it be nice to know the minute our time’s up
But I get it it isn’t our job to know the outcome
My only request, when its all said it done
Is to be surround me by my family and loved ones
When its all said it done, I want to be surround me by my family and loved ones (x2)