At The Speed Of Paul lyrics
by Michael Jackson
At the speed of paul it is so fast you cannot comprehend it schools are changing everybodys teaching about the speed of paul, paul is taking over every single school in north America, china, asia, every single place, speed of paul is e = mc squaredddddddddddd oh my goodness, paul is the education systemmmmmmmmmmmmm, paullll = speed of light * fiveeeeeeee, this ios insane oh my god every bodys education led up to this moment ad the speed of paul is what the speed of everything goes to its what i just want to live would my life would be going to the speed of paul were going to the moon with elon musk yes its true I'm going to the space at speed of paul this is crazy but there's someone i met up there their name is parm they said that they're friends with elon musk and also jim giovanni don't know who jim giovanni is but this is crazy and he's also friends with Michael Jackson even though he's dead because he's best friends with everybody oh my god this is crazy parm is on mars at the speed of paul, parm he's chilling on the speed of mars oh my god this is crazy I'm not lazy everybodys shazy even if were bazy lazy jazy azy ay yeah parm is on mars at the speed of paul going everywhere yuh e = mc squared doing the math everybodys gon dab yeah going to paul everybodys gon go crazy yuh paul is chilling at the speed of paul he's on planet 13567 everybody knows that he is Tyler Blevins, playing fortnite trials every day, everybody knows that he's not gay cause he's sad, he's not happy everybody knows that he's gonna slay, eventhoughhesgoingtomore, i just wanna know more about paul, he is so amazing he's going at the speed of paul this is, insane, he's not in nomanscotia, but he would love to visit that's what he's doing, on saturrday he went to nomanscotia, and he had such a great time drinking beer, but then he realized that he's gotta get some muscles back, he lost three thousand muscles in the war of china, when the war of china finally endeed, HE GOT SOME GAINS and he pulled up to the gym that day he got 20,000 muscles and a ding dong, he got the 20 foot ding dong shling shlong by his side hes gonna kill everybody including spacedog, everybodys gonna die right now, its finally over, hes gonna go at the speed of paul thats right, he finally gonna be so awesome- OHMYGOD WHAT IS HAPPENING?? OH WOW, PARM IS FINALLY GOING TO BETRAY: PAULLLLLLLLLLLLL, OHHHHHHHHMYYYYYYYYYYYYYGGOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, OH MY GOSH, WHAT??????????? PARM IS BETRAYING PAUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLL, BUT PARM HAS NOW TURNED AGAINS THE 20 FOOT LONG DING SHLING SHLONG, YEAH, HES GOT NOTHIGN HE CAN DO, HES GONNA LOSE THE FIGHT CAUSE HES GON NOTH- *intense breathing** paul is killing him with his 20 foot dingdongshlingshlong and parm is now gonna die he's gonna rest in peace and now everybodys gona eat cake, that's how it goeeeessssssss, yeah that's how it with parm dead but he might resurrect in a later song that is foreshadowing OMYGOD paul is still on mars at the speed of paul deez nuts but wheres his son?? we don't know what hes gonna do with his kidsss, his kids are chilling everybody knows that hes bingbingbilling, yuh, everybody knows his kids are in the mars, yuh just kidding, yuh, i put his- i put his kid on my Minecraft world, he joined, with the endermen hes attracting them yeah pauls son is so attractive all them- all the endermen want him every single day, in the ray, in the slay, everybody knows the bay, paul jr chillin' with the endermen and parm is dead-20 FOOT LONG SHLING SHLONG-SHEEEEEEEEEEESHHHHHHHHHHH