One of the most unique animals is a cat. They have a loving nature at times, and yet are strangely intelligent and independent. Caring for cats in proper ways, though, it not always that simple. Keep reading to learn more about proper cat care so that your cat will remain healthy and happy.
Be sure you have a vet that your cat sees regularly so it stays healthy. Cats need routine annual check-ups and possibly additional ones as well for vaccinations. Make vet appointments immediately if your cat has a medical condition or has become injured.
Cats are usually more active during the night. This means that they will usually be quite active at night. If your cats keep you up at night, kick them out of the bedroom. This will keep them from attacking your toes.
Male cats often develop crystals in their bladder that come out in their urine. This can be prevented with a proper diet. This problem is painful for the cat and to your wallet, as well. Feed cats food that's low in magnesium. Go over the label carefully. Fish products tend to be higher in magnesium than poultry products.
Though a veterinarian will almost always have a supply of medications that your cat needs, it can be more cost-effective to purchase them from online venues. Though, in emergency situations, buying online may not be possible. If you are buying cat medicine often, you can usually save up to 50% online.
While cats are good pets for children generally, smaller children may treat them too roughly. Guide your kids in handling a feline. Give them examples of how to be gentle with it and what should and should not be done. Tell them that a cat's bones need to be handled more gently than those of a dog.
Try to figure out why your cat makes meowing sounds. After you have lived with your cat for a while, you will come to know what she wants by her meow. Possibilities include that she is hungry or wants to be let outside. Know what your cats cries mean so that you're able to understand the cat more.
Watch kittens around kids. If children are younger than five years old, pets ought not be left with them. Little children do not have the necessary skills yet to handle a pet by themselves. When your children age, you will realize when they're able to deal with a pet.
Cats love to be high up. To make your cat really happy, give it a place to safely survey its area. If you do not want cats making a mess in your house, remove breakable items from your shelves. You could even place a small bed or blanket on the shelf to make your cat feel more comfortable.
Do not attempt to teach your cat how to use the litter box. They do this by nature and don't need to be taught. While some folks think you should pick up your cat and place their paws against the litter, this can actually be traumatic.
Vary your cat's diet just a tiny bit to keep them from being picky. If you feed them only one type of food, they may refuse to eat anything else. However, stick with the same brand, and just vary the flavors because cats can have stomach problems if you vary the food too much.
Keep you cat's old scratching post even if it is beginning to look worn. It's in this condition that cats tend to love it the most. By throwing away an old scratching post and replacing it with a newer one, your cat will likely look for older items to scratch, such as your furniture.
Keeping your cat up to date on vaccinations and annual check ups can keep your cat in good health and provide a longer life. Not unlike kids, kittens require vaccinations and check ups every so often so that they do not get sick. You love your cat, so take the best care of him as possible.
Some human foods you enjoy often are not good for your cat. A few unhealthy food items for cats are green tomatoes, grapes, garlic and onions. These foods will cause indigestion or much worse for your cat. Milk is something that can hurt your cat's stomach, so beware of that too.
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Never use chemicals that have phenol in it near your cat. Many household cleaners, like Pine-Sol and Lysol, contain this chemical. It causes liver problems in felines.
A cat can be a wonderful addition to the family, as long as you make the effort to learn about taking care of them properly. Study the tips you learned here. Put the information to good use for your kitty friend so that you can have them in your life for many years to come.