Oblio’s Return (Narration) lyrics
by Harry Nilsson
The next morning, Oblio noticed that the rock under which they had slept was in the shape of a giant pointing hand and there was an inscription on its side which read 'Destination Point'. So they set off in the direction indicated by the hand and before long they found themselves on a road which led them out of the Pointless Forest and on and on through the pointed hills and valleys until finally they paused. And in the distance, they could see the spires and the steeples of the Land of Point. Now, when the townspeople heard that Oblio and Arrow had returned, they ran out to the edge of town to give them a heroes welcome, for you see, not only were the people glad to see them, Oblio and Arrow were the first to have ever been to the Pointless Forest
But when word of Oblio's return had reached the Count, he was so mad he ran to the courtyard and he grabbed Oblio and he said...
"What are you doing here? You were banished to the pointless forest!"
And Oblio said, "But we went to the pointless forest, and not only that, but it's not pointless at all."
"What?!?" there was a huge gasp from the crowd
"Nonsense!" said the count. "You're in trouble!"
And just then the king arrived and he said "Not so fast, Count. What do you mean 'not pointless', Oblio?"
And Oblio said, "Well, it's just that we did go to the pointless forest and it's not pointless at all. In fact, the trees pointed..."
"Nooo!" from the crowd
"...and the leaves on all the branches pointed..."
"Noooo!" from the crowd
"...In fact, even the branches pointed and not only that but everyone we met in the entire pointless forest had a point and it's just that, well it's just like here and we figured since that everything has a point, then I must have one too."
Just then someone in the crowd yelled out, "He's got a point there!"
And at that point, the bell sounded in the pointed steeple and all the points on the tops of all the buildings in the whole Land of Point began to melt, and at that point, the points on the tops of the heads of all the people in the whole Land of Point began to melt. All, that is, except for the Count's. His just sort of flapped over on its side and he split, presumably for the Pointless Forest. But before he did, he reached over and he grabbed Oblio and he pulled off his cap and you know what? There, on the top of Oblio's head, was a point
Well, that's about it. That's the end of the story, and it's also the end of the album! So, thank you... and good night!