The Songwriters lyrics
by Jamey Johnson
We get to break out of prison
Make love to our best friends wife
Have a beer for breakfast in Boston
Drink rum in Jamaica that night
We get to tell all our secrets
In a code no one understands
We get to shoot all the bad guys
But never get blood on our hands
We're hero's, we're schemers
We're drunks and we're dreamers
We're lovers and sometimes we're fighters
We're students we're teachers
We're the devil we're preachers
We're true love but mostly one nighters
We're the songwriters
Half the world thinks we're crazy
The other half wants to be us
And the're jealous because we get to hang out
In the back of some big stars tour bus
We're old boots and tee shirts and blue jeans
We're cables and strings and E Chords
We only dress up in November
When they hand out some writers awards
We're hero's, we're schemers
We're drunks and we're dreamers
We're lovers and sometimes we're fighters
We're the truths we're the lies
We're stupid we're wise
We're true love but mostly one nighters
We're the songwriters
We ride bridges we cross em and burn em
Teach lessons but don't bother to learn em
Our mama's don't know what we're doing
Why we stay out all night long
I told mine I was a drug dealer
She said thank god you ain't writin songs
We're heros, we're schemers
We're drunks and we're dreamers
We're lovers and sometimes we're fighters
We're the truths we're the lies
We're stupid we're wise
We're true love but mostly one nighters
We're the songwriters
We're the songwriters