Egypt's deposed president, Mohamed Morsi, has gone on trial on charges of "false" incitement of violence and murder after being brought from the secret location of his detention.
Morsi, who was ousted by the army on 3 July amid mass protests against him, has reportedly announced that he would not recognize the authority of any courts claiming he remains the country's legal president.
Morsi faces charges along with 14 other Brotherhood figures and allies - including Mohamed el-Beltagy and Essam el-Erian - in connection to clashes last December outside his presidential palace that left at least 10 dead. His co-defendants were transferred to court via armored vehicles from south Cairo's Tora prison as reported by Al Ahram News. In my opinion, this is nothing new. No one is surprised and no one is fooled, least of all those who are perpetrating these crimes and those who are clapping them and trying to stifle all voices of protest.
This behavior had been the order of the day in the Middle East for decades now. In the last 80+ years there was only a blip of one year where it was possible not only to openly protest and criticize the government of the day, not only to make mockery of the President in every way possible, but even so far as to set fire to their offices and kill the people of the ruling party.
All the rest of the years belonged to despotic military rule when people could not utter a single word of criticism of the rulers let alone make fun of the supreme rulers Nasser, Sadat or Mubarak. The judiciary used to be the same as what they have now. The same Adly used to be in Mubarak's judiciary and allowed to remain in place. This corrupt judiciary did not utter a word in all these years when atrocious crimes were being committed by the rulers and suddenly became rights conscious when the military asked them to.
Protesters used to be hounded, tortured, arrested, jailed and even hanged. Egypt is back to that murderous phase once again. The same old formula - a person in military uniform who thinks he is the most powerful and loved one and is above the law; the same old oppressive methods, even worse. Whereas previous despots killed by the dozens, this one Sissy does it by the hundreds. The same tried and failed methods - terrorize the opposition, shut down all their voices, arrest them, jail them, kill them. The only change this time is that the person wears sun glasses whether it be day or night.