Dark Match
Droz defeats Mosh (6:00)
Singles Match
Gangrel defeats Al Snow (5:54)
Tag Team Match
The Head Bangers (Mosh and Thrasher) defeat LOD 2000 (Animal and Droz) (3:21)
Singles Match
Val Venis defeats Goldust (5:35)
Singles Match
Tiger Ali Singh defeats Edge (2:54)
Tag Team Match
Christian and Sable defeat Jacqueline and Marc Mero (4:50)
WWF Intercontinental Title Match
Ken Shamrock (w/The Big Bossman) (c) defeats Steve Blackman (6:51)
Singles Match
Triple H (w/Chyna) defeats Jeff Jarrett (w/Debra) (6:55)
WWF World Tag Team Title Match
The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg Jesse Jammes and "Badass" Billy Gunn) (c) defeat The Nation (D-Lo Brown and Mark Henry) (10:11)
WWF World Heavyweight Title Match
The Rock (c) defeats X-Pac (w/Chyna and Triple H) by DQ (12:33)
Fatal Four Way Match (Special Referee: Gerald Brisco)
Steve Austin defeats Kane and Mankind and The Undertaker (w/Paul Bearer) (16:12)