iwishtheyweredead lyrics
Skies never let me rest
They keep me awake at night
Stuck inside my head
Always fearing for the worst
I can barely move my arms or legs
Everything filled with cement
I hope my friends don't notice I'm gone
I'm sick of always hurting them
We all worry too much anyways
I think it'd be better with me gone
I want them to be dead
So they don't cry when I pass
I'm a selfish loner
Wonder why anybody cares at all
Take and take but never give back
I bleed to make the voices stop
Still can't find another way out
I think I'm lost again
Don't know where to run
Wanna get away from it all
But I have no home to return to
So I walk these paths alone
Every time I try to bring someone with me
They're taken away for good
Don't wanna put anyone through that again
So I'll stay by my lonesome
Forever and always
I'm sorry I've hurt you all