.380 Script lyrics
by Rosario Dawson
[alarm blaring] [glass scraping]
Now, watch out.One of them killed his father with a scalpel. I don't know about the rest, but don't take any chances.We just need to quarantine them until the cops can -
[Louisa] Claire - Oh, my God!
[Louisa] What the hell? [alarm continues blaring] [grunting] Temple! [grunts] [Claire] No! Louisa! [screams] [grunts] [yells] [grunting] [coughing] [Daredevil groans] [panting] [grunts]
[Daniel] Don't let him take us back down there.
[clatters] [sirens wailing in distance] [breathing heavily]
So, there's this organization. Its members believe in some pretty strange sh*t.[sighs] And they have deep pockets, even deeper connections all over Hell's Kitchen.
Like a cult?
It's kinda hard to explain.They call themselves the Hand. Nobu's one of them.Those killers who attacked us, I think they work for him.
Why did they want those patients back?
[softly] Honestly, I don't know.
[sighs] That candle that you're burning at both ends? Sooner or later, it's gonna fizzle out.
I'm fine. Really.
You know the problem with martyrs? The good ones end up dead.
You know, it's it's one thing to try to take on the mob, or to block some shady real estate deal.But this stuff?
Those people just killed your friend.
I know!
I can't just let that happen, Claire. Not in my city.
It's not your city anymore! Matt, admit you're in over your head. There's no shame in that.
[Matt's phone rings]
Yeah? When? Oh I'll be right down. Thanks. [turns off phone] Hey, I gotta go. It's important.
Really am sorry.
So am I.
[sighs] We're almost done.
Just want to go over your statement one more time.
You're sure you didn't see anything unusual outside your apartment?
Not that I remember.
And the man who blindsided the two officers, you couldn't tell if it was Castle?
Like I said in my statement, when the shooting began, I hit the decks and stayed there. I didn't see anything.
Smart. Powell, I think we're good. Go ahead and pull your car around.
[sighs] [grunts] [sighs]
Are you okay?
It's been a long night.
Have there been any developments?
Besides making sure Castle's face is plastered across every TV channel and newspaper? The DA and the medical examiner are dead, the same as*h*le takes a shot at you, and so far nobody in this entire city's seen a damn thing.I'm... I'm sorry. That wasn't, uh, very professional.
Mmm. Like you said, it's been a long night.
We'll nail him.Until then, I'm just glad you agreed to accept police protection.
I appreciate the offer.
All right, the car's outside. Powell and Reed will escort you to a safe location. We'll keep someone posted outside, 24/7.
[sighs] Right.
If you remember anything, anything you know where to find me.
[sighs] Sorry, he's, uh Can you give me a minute? Thanks. Matt.
What are you doing here?
Brett reached out. Someone shot at you?
Yeah, it's it's okay.I'm fine.
- Why didn't you call me?
- [chuckles] Would you have answered? Look, Matt, I know that you mean well, but I can take care of myself.
No, you can't, Karen. Not if Frank Castle wants you dead. No one can.
You're right! You're right! Castle's dangerous, and maybe I can't handle this, but I don't want your help.
What's going on with you? What are you holding back? [scoffs]
Frank didn't do this, okay? Matter of fact, he saved me.
He was at my apartment last night. And if he hadn't been watching the place, I'd be dead. Except the cops have it all wrong. Frank didn't kill Reyes. But whoever did knew that Frank would take the blame, and what do you know, every cop in New York City wants Punisher's head on a stick.
You told this to the police?
- Great! Lying to the cops. Smart, Karen.
But that's my problem, not yours. Frank thinks he can find this guy faster than the NYPD, and, honestly, I agree with him. He saved my life and he asked me for time. I I owe him that much.
Not saying I'm going along with this, but if Castle's not the shooter, who is?
[inhales] Everything points back to the Central Park sting. That's where everything fell apart. What Reyes mentioned.
- This Blacksmith?
- Mmm-hmm. Right. Frank has a source in prison. Turns out the DA was right, that the Blacksmith arranged the meet.
Why would the Blacksmith come after you?
I've been working with Ellison at the Bulletin.
Yep. Yeah, that'll be it.When when, when did this start?
Ever since the trial. When I was trying to find evidence for the Castle case. [sighs] We were looking into the Central Park shootings, and I guess we're getting too close.
- Then you need to back off.
- No, Matt.
You need to back off! This is not a game, Karen. This is dangerous.
Right, well, so was working at Nelson and Murdock. I - The cops have offered me protection and I'm I'm taking it. So you don't have to worry. I'm I'm fine. Look, I'm gonna I'm gonna go.
- I'm gonna come with you
No! Matt, I'm I'm not yours to protect.
Room's been checked, it's clear. You need anything, anything at all, we'll be just outside.
Okay, thanks. What I need is about 12 hours' sleep.
[snickers] [elevator dings] [funk music playing on radio]
You said you'd bring a car, not steal mine.
It's a good song. We used to sing along to that. Imagine me doing that.
[music stops] I inherited the tapes with the car.
Hey Look, maybe you don't wanna be here, mmm?
Gotta say, I'm having second thoughts. I'm not a lawyer. I'm not protected by attorney-client privilege. Lying to the cops, that makes me an accessory.
Okay. So, walk away. Go.
Blacksmith already tried to get me once. I really don't wanna give him a second chance.
He's not gonna get it.
[engine starting]
[Marci] Hello, Mr. Nelson. You decent? Oh, boo. I was hoping to catch an eyeful.
- No such luck.
- [chuckles] It's a Foggy Bear. Calm down, I also brought you this.
- [scoffs] - [chuckles] There's a, uh, lot of extra security out there.
Anything going on I should know about?
Um, I don't know. I heard a hell of a lot of noise last night.
You didn't see Matt on the way in, did you? [smacks lips]
Sorry. So, how are you, really?
Peachy. I'm in the hospital with a hole in my arm and Nelson-Murdock's kaput. [chuckles] They say it comes in threes.
Next you're gonna tell me Josie's burnt down.
Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. But actually, I'm here to present you with a new opportunity. People around town have been talking about you.
About how I blew the trial of the century?
Give yourself more credit. Your opening statement set the tone for the trial. Which, if Castle hadn't been such a lunatic, you might've actually won. Some are saying it was impressive.
I lost the case. My firm imploded.
And now you're a free agent. You can finally be your own man.
What you might consider a failure could actually be something else.A new beginning.I knew you were gonna be sensitive about this. [sighs] That's what I like about you. I'm just asking if it would be okay, in the near future, for me to set up a meeting.
All in time. I need to float your name first.
And here I was thinking you were gonna take advantage of me in my fragile state.
[scoffs] No, Franklin. Not yet.
[Shirley] You've already gone above and beyond.
This has been a very traumatic day.
You sure you wanna be down here? Ms.
Temple, we get that NYPD paperwork finished? Yeah.
Did you mention the part where you unethically and unilaterally brought those five patients into this hospital? [Shirley] Whoa, easy.
With all due respect, we just lost one of our own.
And whose fault was that? [cell phone vibrates] The board is gonna have a goddamn field day with this.
- All right, stay put.
- [phone beeps] There's no way he can put all this on you.
[Claire] He'll try. I broke the rules.
He came after you, Claire. What choice did you have?
I'm a nurse. Took an oath to save people, not kill them.
It was you or him, and you saved yourself.
Male. Height, 5'10". Approximate age, 30, 35 years. Weight, 185 - What the hell? -
[Shirley] What is that? -
This scar, it looks like it's from -
[Claire] An autopsy.
[chuckles] That's not possible.
I've seen enough dead bodies to know what a Y-incision looks like.
[examiner] He was cut evenly. Precisely.
That's where they spread open the body cavity and examine the internal organs.
Maybe it was some sort of freak accident. Uh, uh, unorthodox open-heart surgery.
Look at him. He was gutted like a fish.
Claire, you are not seriously suggesting that this guy's been dead before.
Wait a minute, she said what? All right, that's it. I'm shutting this down. You and you, out! And you, not a word to anyone, understand?
You don't think that this looks just a little bit strange? At least bring in the coroner, have them check and see
[man] You're not hearing me.I'm not jeopardizing this hospital's financial future over a nurse's wild-eyed...
Wait, all of a sudden, this is about money?
That's none of your business.
This hospital was attacked. People are dead...
Enough. I've heard all I'm going to from you, Temple. Go back to your job, and let me do mine.
[sighs] Come on.
[grunts] - [Tower shrieking] - [Daredevil grunting] - [whispering]
Shh! Take it easy. - [whimpering] Breathe. It's better me than Frank Castle.
- [panting] But he's not your only problem right now.
Give me everything you have on the Blacksmith.
How did you hear about him? All you need to know is that Frank Castle wants him.
And he's gonna turn this city into a war zone to find him.
Okay, what do you need? Whatever you have.
Nationality, source point, known allies, anything.
We don't have it.
We never had more than his code name.
That's what makes him so high value, he's elusive.
Look, I'm telling you, three government agencies couldn't find him.
The only lead we have Say it.
Look, it's thin.
Reyes was looking into the Blacksmith's competition.
There's a new rival on the scene.
[stutters] Doesn't move half the product but but it's still more than everyone else.
- Look, Reyes figured if anyone has - Keep your eyes forward.
If anyone has a clue about the Blacksmith's identity, it would be his worst enemy.
- Give me the name.
- We don't have one. Uh, but our intel gave us a source point.
- Where?
Look, the only place where drugs and corruption rival your neighborhood.
All right, good.Now get up. Slowly. Wherever you were going just stay there.
[sighs] Not so sure stopping is such a good idea.
- You're not hungry? - [sighs] No, not really.
[music playing on radio] You don't think the neighborhood's a little sketchy? Oh, yeah.
I'm shaking in my boots.
- [chuckles] - Ma'am? Just get a little black coffee over here? [sighs] Anything new from the cops? [chuckles] Just that they want you dead.
Yeah How about that, uh that DA? She have anything on the Blacksmith? - Only that he's moving an unprecedented - [utensils clattering] Unprecedented volumes of uncut narcotics into Manhattan.
- How's he doing it? - Well, that'd be the mystery.
[sighs] Okay, look, there's, uh an unfinished highway on Long Island that was illegally used as a landing strip in the '90s.
I mean, it would require payoffs, bribes This guy's a ghost.
He works alone or close to it.
I just - How do you know? - I just do.
Okay, so, what, that leaves us with railroads, shipping lines, trucks, maybe? Hey.
Thank you.
- How 'bout you, hon? - [Karen] Sure, yeah.
Get anything else right now? You know what, I'm gonna need about as much black coffee as this place would pump out.
So, just keep it coming.
Thank you.
[Karen] You didn't seem surprised that I owned a gun.
[chuckles] I guess the only thing that surprised me is that you didn't plug me.
- [sniffs] - You pick it out yourself? Why?
People who don't know sh*t about guns usually go for something shiny. You know, something with a with a fancy grip. There's always the as*h*le who gets the big hand cannon that kicks like a mule and they're too afraid to use it. But a 380 shows thought.
- Maybe it's not your first rodeo.
- Maybe it isn't.
- Almost took the shot.
- [chuckles] Did you?
And, uh can I ask you why you didn't?
Because I believe you.
I don't like what you do. And ultimately, I think you probably belong in jail.But you you're honest. You you never lie to me.
Does he?
- Who?
- Come on.Let's not do that.Okay. The lawyer. Not the other one, uh, Murdock.
Um... Yeah.Yeah. [stutters] He's got issues.It's complicated, like most people. Hard person to get to know. I just think that inside he's...
You love him, right? - [chuckles] You can't know that.
- I'm sorry, can't know what? You can't
[chuckles] Come on. We're in court, all that sh*t going on, it's all over your face. You can't hide that. You love him. Ma'am, just a little bit more.
Thank you.
I might have feelings for Matt Murdock, but it's just it's a swirl, it's a lot of things. Like [chuckles] ingredients. It's not love.
Ma'am, can I ask you, do you guys always serve bullsh*t here - or is that just her, huh? - [Karen scoffs]
Fresh pot.
I'm sorry. You were saying?
He's the kind of man who hurts people. Not like you, but he damages them.Breaks them.
Sorry, is that supposed to mean something? So those are the people that you get out of your life.
Is that right?
Look, I might generally be considered out of my skull, so this might not mean much, but this could be the craziest, most batsh*t thing I've ever heard in my life. People that can hurt you, the ones that can really hurt you, are the ones that are close enough to do it.
People that get inside you and and and tear you apart, and make you feel like you're never gonna recover. sh*t. I'd I I would chop my arm off right here, in this restaurant, just to feel that one more time for my wife. [scoffs] My old lady, she didn't just break my heart.She She'd rip it out, she'd tear it apart, she'd step on that sh*t, feed it to a dog. I mean, she was ruthless. She brought the pain.
But she'll never hurt me again.
You see, I'll never feel that.
You sit here and you're all confused about this thing, but you have it.
You have everything.
So, hold on to it.
Use two hands and never let go.
You got it? Now, you need to go in the back and get the waitress.
You tell the cook and anyone else who's back there to find the biggest piece of stainless steel and you get under it.
Go now.
[stuttering] Wait. What's happening? The Buick. It's rolled around the block three times before it pulled up. Who are they?
Just some guys who are about to walk into a diner for the last time.
[stuttering] Wait, you you wanted them here. You parked me outside like bait.
You need to go.
- You're such an as*h*le.
Yeah. [sighs] You got that right.
[indistinct chatter] - [walkie-talkie buzzes] - [switch flips] Pell drop is done.
Still waiting on Lafayette and Ludlow.
Ping, your kid's messing around with the carousel again.
[man on walkie-talkie] My kid's at basketball, as*h*le.
[grunts] Yang, you better get up here.
[grunting] [grunting] - [grunts] -
[Daredevil] Come here! [panting] Who do you work for? - [spits] Screw you.
- [grunts] The Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
Madame Gao.
I see from the uniform you've taken the Devil's name to heart.
Yeah, I had to 'cause of people like you.
So, you continue your fight, but for how long, I wonder? And at what price? [muffled voices]
Call your men off.
Why would I do that?
'Cause, otherwise, I'm gonna break their legs.
We speak alone. Call them off.They'll be gone shortly. When you are satisfied we're alone, we'll talk.
- [gunshot] - [grunts] [yelling] [gunshots] [both grunting] [man screams] [groaning] [groans] [panting] [groans] [groaning] [grunting] [panting]
The Blacksmith. Where is he?
Screw you.
[gunshot] [Frank panting] [Frank] Where?
Go to hell.
[Frank]Okay. Okay.
[grunting] [coughing] I want a place.
[coughs] 41st Street. The pier. I can take you.
- [gunshot] [whimpers softly] [breathing heavily] Frank [gasps] Oh, my God! Oh, my God! [Frank] You need to call the police, get protective custody.
Get away from this thing.
- [sobbing] - Get away from me.
[breathing heavily] [keys jangling] Just stay away from me.
[shuddering] [gasps] [sniffles] [operator] 911, what is your emergency? Hello, yes, please.
[breathes heavily] Connect me to the 15th Precinct, please.
[lock rattles] Trust me, my men won't disturb us.
Yeah, I don't take much on faith these days.
You know, word was you left Hell's Kitchen.
I'm surprised you came back.
What made you think I ever left?
The multiple charges pending against you, drug dealing, money laundering. Oh, yeah, slavery.
That's the reason you come to me?
It's not enough?
I suppose after all this time, I expected more from you.
Like what?
An understanding of the real threat facing this city.
Well, as far as I'm concerned, I'm looking at one. However, tonight I'm only after information.
Perhaps you should ask your police.
I don't want you.
I want your competition.
A heroin dealer with the street name Blacksmith.
And you think I can help you?
I know he's been cutting into your territories.
Heroin is illegal.
And as far as territories go, New York is only one of mine.
I could have 100 cops here in an hour.
I've grown bored with tea. However, it does seem that our interests have momentarily aligned.
[pouring] The heroin being imported by the Blacksmith is the purest I've seen.
He's also ruthless.
His crew has been systematically eliminating my chemists and street dealers.
I can end it tonight.
But I need a place to start.
My sources tell me his product come in by ship.
Which pier? [laughs] If I knew that this conversation wouldn't be necessary.
That's not a lot to go on.
You can be sure his goods will be well-guarded by professionals clearly more capable than my own.
Thanks, Madame Gao.
But I fear that the path you've chosen isn't going to be an easy one.
Yeah, it never is.
- So? - So good news is, you're not fired.
[laughs] But this is strike two.
Um I protected you in there.
All you gotta do is keep your mouth shut, do your job, and everything will be fine.
- That's it? - That's it.
They're just gonna sweep this all under the rug, aren't they? - What about Louisa? - [groans] [sighs] The story is, Louisa got killed by a junkie.
Got his hands on a scalpel, things got out of hand.
It was very unfortunate, and could happen to any of us.
- You can't possibly be okay with this.
- Claire There's a body downstairs being prepped for its second autopsy! I was willing to take responsibility for what I did, take whatever punishment that they want to dole out.
- But pretending like it never happened? - Shh.
Come on.
Those killers are still out there, and we're not gonna report that? I've got no way to confirm it, but I'm pretty sure the hospital just received a major anonymous donation.
- So, now we're taking hush money? - [groans] Shirley, Louisa was one of us.
I don't know about you, but I need my job.
- What? - Really? That's how you're gonna play this? Those patients were never formally checked in, which means there are no records.
The hospital cops aren't talking [breathes deeply] and Louisa's gone.
That makes it your word against the administration's.
And believe me, that is a fight you cannot win.
You already got two strikes.
- Yeah.
- Wait.
No, Claire! Claire, wait Let's just call this strike three, shall we? [man] Ms.
Temple I'm not sure exactly when this hospital became more concerned with private donations or saving our own asses.
But just an FYI, it used to be a place where job number one was saving lives.
I won't be any part of this.
- I'm out.
- Claire.
[distant gunshots] [gunfire erupting] [man] Multiple shots.
I got no idea where they're coming from.
- And our outside perimeter's not gonna - [gunshot] [body thuds] [man groaning] [groaning continues] [gunshot] [Frank grunts] [crowbar clatters] You still here, chickensh*t? It's just you and me now.
You hiding? Huh, you afraid? - [panting] - [gunshot] [gun clicking] Looks like you're all out.
That's all you got, huh? The cash, the sh*t Just take it.
Take it all.
That what you think's gonna happen, huh? Please You think you're gonna talk your way out of this sh*t? - [gunshot] - [groaning] I've been looking for you.
- [groans] - [breathing heavily] You're the Blacksmith.
- Say it.
- God, I don't wanna die! - [gunshot] - [screams] [breathing heavily] Say it.
I want you to tell me.
Say, "I'm the Blacksmith." [breathing heavily] Say, "I'm the Blacksmith.I killed your wife. " Say it.Say, "I killed your children." - You feel me?
- [stutters] I did it, I did it. [stuttering] I'm the Blacksmith. I'm the one you want.
- Just finish it! Finish it!
- That's what you want.
- [whimpering] - Here it comes.
- Don't shoot him, Frank! Frank! -
[Frank] Oh, for Christ's sake.Get outta here, Red.
[Daredevil] He's lying, Frank. We're here for the same reasons, all right? I want the Blacksmith just as much as you, but he's not him.
I know when someone's telling the truth, Frank.He's not.
Bullsh*t! Just get outta here! He's not the man you came for, Frank.
[man] It's me, I swear
Are you lying to me? [screams] Are you lying to me?
He's not the Blacksmith. Put the gun down.
- [Frank panting] Either way...
- You kill him, we have nothing.
- [man groans] - ...you die.
[grunts] [groans] You just couldn't let it be, could you? You just couldn't let it You kill him, we got nothing, Frank.
[both grunting] [panting]
Castle's on board. Get back to the boat now. When are you gonna learn? Mind your own goddamn business!
Goddamn it, Frank. We want the same thing.
- That's bullsh*t.That's [both grunting]
I don't want to fight you. I don't want to fight you.
You want me to take it easy? [both grunting and groaning] [Frank yells]
[Daredevil] Stay down, Frank.
I'm so sick of you.
Get off me! Just couldn't let me have it, could you? You just couldn't let me have it. One second in peace. It was right there.
You had to sweep in. You feel good about yourself? [sighs] Piece of sh*t.
Oh, come on, Frank. It wouldn't have been the truth, and you know it.I can't let you start a war - for the wrong reasons.
Maybe a war is what I need. Maybe I need that. These people, they took my children from me. They killed my kids! Don't you get that?
Then do right by them! Help me. Work with me to find the man who gave the order.
And then what, Red? We gonna We gonna bring him in for justice? Is that what we're gonna do? Your way's bullsh*t, Red. It doesn't work. I need him I need him gone. It's gotta be permanent! It's gotta be finished!
I I understand. You're right. My way isn't working. So, maybe just this once [breathing heavily] Maybe yeah, your way is what it's gonna take.
Red, just this once? No. No, no, no, no, no, Red. That's that's not how it works. It's just you cross over to my side of the line you don't get to come back from that. Not ever.
[tires screeching]
I count ten. Armed.
There's a lot of gunpowder below decks. Any of these guys starts shooting, this whole ship...
It'll blow straight to hell.
We gotta get off this boat before they open fire.
You're goddamn right you do.
- [Daredevil grunts] - [splashing] We got him.
One batch, two batch penny and dime. Here I come. Here I come.
[man] Been a long time, hasn't it, Frank? Kill him.
[men screaming] [footsteps approaching] - [man] Just got word from Midtown.
- [Stick] Who'd she get? The Frenchman.
[scoffs] Jacques screwed the pooch.
[scoffs] What an as*h*le.
Now Ellie's on the war path, working her way up.
You know, sooner or later, she'll find you.
Kid's always been a doer.
Follow me.
A guy once told me there's a power in surrender.
[chuckles] In choosing when your time's up.
But I chose.
Now, that as*h*le's dead.
I want you outta here.
If there's gonna be a tomorrow for anyone you gotta follow the plan.
Get me what I need.
[grunts softly] [grunts] [gurgling] [gasping] [coughing] [panting] No.
[sirens wailing] - [indistinct radio chatter] - [Brett] My God [Daredevil panting] [Karen] Brett? [Brett] Be careful, Karen.
Cover these bodies.
Castle said he was coming here? You sure? Fifteenth Squad Sergeant to Central. Pier 81 on four-one street. I need FD and ambulances forthwith, and notify Harbor to respond. And Narcotics.This could be the largest heroin seizure in years.
[whimpering] Frank Why?
- [heart beating rapidly] - [indistinct radio chatter] [sighs] -
You heading out?
Clean bill? Congrats.
Yeah, I'm a regular poster boy for health. You going on a trip?
Something like that. I just quit.
- As in, your job?
As in, our mutual friend is gonna have to get friendly with another nurse, because the next time he needs help at the hospital, I won't be here. [elevator dings] They're trying to keep what happened last night quiet, like it never happened.
Oh, wow. What did happen?
Ask your friend.
I'm ready.
And now, it's ready.
[inhales] [tires screeching] [screeching continues] [horn honking] [honking] - [metal scraping] - [tires screeching] [man groaning] - [coughs] - Oh, you need help.
Hey, hey! We need some help here!
[gasping] She found him. She found him.
[gurgles] She found Stick and she's gonna kill him.
- Who?
- [gasps] Elektra.
[grunts] Hmm.
[blows] [breathes deeply] [panting]
We need to talk.
I'm all ears.