Regrets Only Script lyrics


Rosario Dawson

The hacker is on the ninth floor.
Move quickly.
When we are done, we bring the boss all ten fingers.

ELEKTRA: Hungry?


MATT: Come on, that's enough. You've eaten enough. Talk.
WAITRESS: Warm that up for you?
ELEKTRA: Pie? Don't tell me you're watching your figure.
- We just fought the Yakuza.
- And won!
MATT: You might've mentioned the Japanese mafia before butterfly knives started flying.
- I told you I needed help, no?
- You said you needed a lawyer.
- I lied.
- Yeah, no sh*t. You've been lying since you got here. And that ends now. I want to know what you're doing back here, what's happening with the Yakuza And I wanna know how you know I wanna know how you know about me.
ELEKTRA: I know who you are because I watch the news. "The successful apprehension of Wilson Fisk."
I wear a mask.
ELEKTRA: Well, you can't mask that ass. I'd know it anywhere. You've been working out, by the way. I appreciate that.
MATT: The Yakuza are a powerful organization with powerful enemies.
- Mmm-hmm.
- What do they want with you?
I guess I have a way of p*ssing people off sometimes.
- Yeah, I agree.
- Come on.
Don't be angry, Matthew. I told you. My money's planted deeply inside investments with the Roxxon Corporation. And Roxxon has ties to crime.
- How long have you known that?
- I didn't. Until last night. I stirred the pot a little on the business side. And when I did, who came knocking on my door but the Yakuza. Their mistake, because now, they're after us.
No. Uh-uh. There is no us. This is your problem. Why can't you just divest your funds from Roxxon and be done with it?
ELEKTRA:That's a coward's way out. Someone screwed with me. I don't like that.
- Then get a lawyer.
- I thought I did.
- Call the police.
ELEKTRA: You're one to talk. "Devil of Hell's Kitchen".
MATT: Would you keep your voice down? What I do is none of your business, all right? Not anymore.
MATT: Let me tell you what's gonna happen now. You're gonna finish your food, you're gonna leave the waitress the biggest tip she's ever seen, then you're gonna get up and leave.
You're gonna book yourself on the first available flight out of New York and get on it, go back to whatever spa, or resort, or five-star hotel you just came from, and stay out of my city. If the Yakuza have their sights set on something bigger than your spoiled little rich ass, then I will take care of them.
ELEKTRA: Let me tell you. The Yakuza do have a bigger plan, and I'm not going anywhere.
MATT: You can't fight them.
ELEKTRA: And you can?
MATT: I drove them out of New York once before.
ELEKTRA:Oh, no, you didn't. The Yakuza never left. They just hibernated and watched you take out all of their enemies. Now, New York is ripe for the taking, and they plan on getting to the top of the hill first. Well, I'll scare 'em back into hibernation I came to you. If you don't want to be partners, I'll handle it on my own - Partners?
WAITRESS: More coffee?
MATT: I don't need a partner.
ELEKTRA: Yes, you do. And so do I. Because you have skills. You fight better than anyone I know. But I have information.
I gained access to Roxxon's servers right in front of their little criminal faces. We do it together, we take them down fast and hard. The second it's done, I'm out of your city. Forever.
MATT: The last time I saw you, you put a knife in my hand and asked me to slit Roscoe Sweeney's throat. I happen to respect human life. If we do this If then I need to know you're at least gonna pretend to feel the same way. Nobody dies. Do you understand? Do you understand?
ELEKTRA:Oh, perfectly.
MATT: Good.
ELEKTRA:I have a rule of my own.
MATT: Oh, my God. You have a pair on you.
MATT: This may come as a surprise to you, but I've actually moved on in the ten years since you left. I'm seeing someone now, which is only part of the reason why I have zero interest in ever starting anything up with you ever again.
ELEKTRA:Of course you do. Check, please.
MATT: You're still so arrogant.
ELEKTRA:Just realistic.
MATT: What makes you think every man you meet wants to sleep with you?
ELEKTRA: Because so far, they have.
MATT: We do this we work together, we take down the Yakuza, and then you're gone. *whistles* I don't wanna ever see you again.
ELEKTRA: Absolutely.
MATT: Fine.
ELEKTRA:One last thing. And this is the deal-breaker. You have to give me back that pie.

So, um, Miss Page, I drew this up based on your official statement to the police, about the Metro-General shooting.
You new to New York, Mr. Roth?
Born and raised.
- Is this your first case? - Second. I won my first.Domestic violence.
I believe in protecting women.
Thanks. From all of us.
KAREN: Uh, here, this says that Castle pursued me down the stairwell, but I went down, he went up. Um, okay, that's a change I can make. Also, I didn't escape on foot, I had a car.
- I know I told the NYPD about that.
- Um car.
KAREN: I was also not Castle's only target. That's just flat out wrong.
What about Grotto?
Where Where did you get my statement? - Grotto?
- Grote.
Oh, Elliot Grote.
Yeah, he's on the victim list.
Ballistics matched him to one of the many guns connected to Frank Castle.
- Early start today?
KAREN: Matt. Uh, this is Christopher Roth. He's the public defender assigned to the Castle case.
ROTH: I just dropped by to get Miss Page's signature on this statement. Once we've got that, we're all done.
KAREN: Well, with this meeting.
With this case.
How so? Castle's awake.
Soon, he'll plead guilty, then it's open and shut.
Open and shut is good.
New York will sleep better knowing Frank Castle's behind bars.
I know I will.
Sleep even better when he's dead.
Uh, dead?
Well, lethal injection, probably, although the electric chair is a possibility.
New York doesn't have the death penalty.
Yeah, but Delaware does. Some Dogs of Hell were murdered out there along Interstate 95. DA Reyes just has to link the killings to Castle, and then they'll be well within their rights to extradite him.
And you know
Are you and DA Reyes friends?
- I met her once.
- When?
Yesterday, when the judge assigned me to the case.
But, look
She's the one who took down the Punisher. She's not going through all these paces so that she can not put the final nail in his coffin.
I'm sorry, Mr. Roth, I can't sign this yet.
Um - Are you sure?
- Positive.
We'll be in touch, Mr. Roth.
I'm sure we will.
KAREN: Statement he wanted me to sign? Complete work of fiction. Probably handcrafted by Reyes.
FOGGY: Well, we could write an anonymous letter, and maybe the judge will assign a new public defender.
MATT: Yeah, or we could help Castle ourselves.
FOGGY: No way.
MATT: Yeah. We don't have to defend him. We could just negotiate a plea deal. Without extradition, or an electric chair. And then, Castle goes away, Reyes gets her ticker-tape parade, everyone wins.
FOGGY: Everyone except us. You see the front door? The "open" sign is up, but nobody's walking in. If we keep messing with Reyes, we'll be shuttered by the end of the month.
MATT: Come on, if we stand up to her, we could actually end her incessant bullying.
And possibly save this guy's life.
A murderer who shot at you.
KAREN: For reasons that I don't fully understand yet.
Roth said Castle's gonna plead guilty. So we get in there, we talk to him...
KAREN: Ask him some questions about what really happened to his family, why Reyes wants him dead.
MATT: Build a fair plea, and show the DA our justice system still has a backbone.
FOGGY: This is a bad idea, Matt.
KAREN: Um It's okay, I'll be outside.
FOGGY: I can't believe we're even discussing this. He chained you to a roof. You, of all people, should know he's a psychopath.
MATT: Okay, his methodology is clearly wrong, but in his own kind of way, he was trying to do something noble.
- Do you hear yourself?
- Yeah. He wanted justice, Foggy, like us.
FOGGY: So we should risk everything our firm, our reputation, and and let's be honest, our safety? We should put it all on the line to help him?
MATT: Kinda. Yeah.
FOGGY:Is this about saving a man or saving a vigilante?
MATT: He's a person. Like you, Foggy. Like me. And he shouldn't have to die.
FOGGY: Karen, grab your stuff. We're going to the hospital.

You can't have cell phones in this area, sir!
- What's going on?
- Reporters.
Looks like every outlet in town wants a word with Castle.
Or a report on who does.
Come on.
You press?
MATT: Uh, no, attorneys.
FOGGY: This much spotlight concern anyone else? I mean, we're about to step onto a big proscenium stage here. And how do I know what proscenium means? Because I did theater in summer camp which is exactly the kind of thing that these reporters will find out if they start digging into me.
MATT: Come on, jazz hands.
MAHONEY: What the hell are you three doing here?
FOGGY: Brett! You're wearing a tie, and it's not a clip-on.
MAHONEY:This ain't a good time, Foggy.
- How'd you get babysitting duty, Sergeant?
MAHONEY: A detective sergeant now.
- A promotion?
MAHONEY: Uh, just lucky. Top dogs like the press of a good collar.
Yeah, and the cops that get 'em. Congratulations, Detective.
MAHONEY:I'm sorry, but the area is restricted beyond this point. You can't be here.
MATT: What if we have business with Frank Castle?
MAHONEY: Business? Guy's barely conscious.
MATT: Our firm wants to represent him.
MAHONEY: Man's already got a lawyer.
FOGGY: Yeah, we met that benchwarmer. Not the freshest fish the city could've drummed up, but he's in the running.
MATT: Brett, we feel Nelson and Murdock is better equipped to represent Mr. Castle's best interests. Certainly over that of his current legal counsel.
MAHONEY: Look, I don't ask questions, but every firm in the city's passed this one by. Must be a reason. You're chasing the wrong ambulance. DA wants the death penalty.
KAREN: The public defender is all but ready to roll over and help.
MATT: They'll even extradite Castle out of New York if that's what it takes.
FOGGY: So we thought he'd respond to our strategy of, you know, keeping him alive.
MAHONEY:Come over here. Look, none of this is my problem. But all I know is, you go up against this DA and lose? The only funeral to attend will be your firm's. You're talkin' career suicide.
If we walk away we're letting him die.

MAHONEY:Bags and briefcases get searched. Do not give Castle anything.Do not take anything from him. Arms up.
They already searched us when we came in downstairs.
MAHONEY:Yeah? And we're gonna do it again. Everything's been removed from inside the room. He's tied down, but keep your distance and mind the tape. Do not step past it or I get to make my dream come true and arrest you.

KAREN: Oh, my God.
FOGGY: Matt, the tape.
MATT: Frank Castle. [Frank opens his eye] My name is Matthew Murdock. These are my associates, Franklin Nelson and Karen Page.
FRANK: Yeah. I know who you are. You protect sh*tbags.
MATT: We came here today to make you an offer. We don't want money for our services, we're not interested in fame or free advertising. Weren't even assigned to your case. We don't have to be here. But you take a quick look around, you'll notice we're the only ones who are. As you may well know, your list of enemies extends well beyond the gangs you've killed. You're very good at making powerful enemies. And the day you were admitted to Metro-General for the round you took to the head, a do-not-resuscitate order was placed on you.
FOGGY: And a shoot-to-kill order, just a few days ago.
KAREN: We know, because we heard it given.
MATT: These orders were issued by the District Attorney. And the fact that she's had it in for us ever since we started asking questions tells us we're on the right track. Someone in the DA's office wants you dead, Mr. Castle and we'd like to know why. You let us take your case, we can soften your sentence, and give you a shot. Maybe even find out who's responsible for what happened to you. We're talking about your life, Mr. Castle. We can help you keep what's left of it.
FRANK: Yeah. Kinda like what you did for Grotto, huh?

Karen! Karen!
- Foggy!
KAREN: You want answers? So do we, but none of us will get them if you're dead.
FRANK: Where did you get that?
KAREN: From your home. You were in my home? Why were you in my house?

(O.S): Who's in there? What? - Open the door! Open - You go in my house
KAREN: Someone is lying about what happened to your family, Mr. Castle.
REYES: You three, out!

MATT: Now! We're on shaky ground. You need to be really careful.
- Excuse me.
- How can we help you, Ms. Reyes?
- Get your things and go.
Uh, we have a little bit of business here left.
Frank Castle already has counsel. So, unless you've asked the public defender for permission to speak to his client, you are in violation of New York legal ethics.
MATT: We spoke to the PD this morning. To be honest, he doesn't seem all that prepared to tackle this case. Although, he did mention the conversation that you had with him yesterday.
REYES: Matt Murdock, is it?
MATT: Yeah, pleasure to meet you.Mmm-hmm.
REYES: You have a reputation of being a smart man, Mr.Murdock.
And since your colleagues seem unable to grasp the hornets' nest they keep kicking, let me direct this at you. Leave this ward, leave this man, leave this entire case behind before you wake up six feet under the ash that was your reputation and promising legal career.
MATT: We have a right to a private conversation with a prospective client.
Not if there's a conflict of interest.
- And what conflict is that? - Elliot Grote.
You can't represent Castle when one of his victims was your former client.
FOGGY: Alleged victims.
- All the same.
MATT: Representing Grotto might have complicated matters, but then again, all evidence of our work with him and our deal with you seems to have disappeared from public record. It's almost as if someone didn't want it known that you violated a witpro contract, jeopardized the safety of said witness, and then ordered a shoot-to-kill on Castle.
FOGGY: But I guess Ms. Reyes could just confess to that when she files this conflict of interest complaint. We have our case files to back up our story. How's your side looking?
MATT: The fact of the matter is, Ms. Reyes, the only person who shouldn't be here right now is you. Seeing as it's a breach of ethics for the prosecuting attorney to communicate with the defendant without his assigned legal counsel present. So, if you'll excuse us, we'd like to resume convincing Mr. Castle that, unlike his current legal counsel, we can actually help him.
MAHONEY: You already did.
REYES: What?
MAHONEY: Castle doesn't want the public defender. Says Nelson and Murdock are his lawyers now.
MATT: Thank you, Detective Sergeant. If you'll excuse us. Foggy, do you have my cane? Thank you.

KAREN: Finally feel like we have the upper hand against that woman.
Yeah, she bluffs well, but she'll negotiate. She doesn't want this going to trial.
- Of course. She wants it to end quickly, so she can move on to burying us
- Just deal with one problem at a time.
- So where are we supposed to start? Let's have the charges and evidence summary brought in here.
We can weed through it and work out what terms we want directly with Frank.
- It'll save time.
- Can't believe this is happening.
Oh, this is happening all right.
*knocking on door*
Yeah, come in.
Car service for a Mr. Murdock.
FOGGY: Car service?
Um It's, uh, not a very good time.
My employer was quite insistent.
- His employer?
- Yeah, the new, the new client. Um, could you just give us a minute?
(the man leaves)
Yeah, the That new client I mentioned, um, I forgot I scheduled a meeting.
- I guess it's now, I suppose
- Seriously?
- After you insisted we come here? - Foggy, you saw the bank deposit.
KAREN: What kind of client sends a driver anyways?
MATT: The kind that pays. A lot. I know the timing is awful, um...
FOGGY: It's okay, just go. Go. All right.
MATT: Um, call me with any issues. This shouldn't take long, anyway.
- I'm sorry.
- No, it's okay.
Is this officially happening? Are you guys dating?
Uh, we're
Ooh. Uh, we
KAREN: Um Not not labeling it. You know, why don't I Why don't I walk you out?

You think he'll be okay? With this?
Yeah, I mean, it's a pretty small office. It's gonna take some getting used to.
Yeah, I guess.
But I'm not misremembering, am I? It really was the best curry on the planet?
KAREN: Mmm, yes. Great, great curry.Even better company.
MATT: I'll try to make this go quick.
KAREN: You know what? Foggy and I have got our hands full with everything here. Why not just make dinner for tomorrow night?
- Yeah, can we?
- Yeah.
- And thanks for backing me up earlier.
KAREN: Well, I didn't do it for us. I did it 'cause helping Frank, getting to the truth, that's the right thing to do.
[Matt laughs and kisses her]
I know.
- All right.
- Okay.

Matt enters the car, Elektra is already inside.
MATT: You can't just send a car for me whenever you decide
- Get undressed.
- What?
The invite says 7:00 p. m. sharp.
No, I I can't do this right now.
- I got more important
- We've been working so hard. I thought we'd get boozy and let loose for a night.
That's funny.
We're going to a gala to steal a top secret Roxxon ledger that details certain illegal goings-on in Hell's Kitchen.

The way in is Stan Gibson.
Doubt it. Works for Roxxon. And according to my intel, every employee carries a key card that grants them access to their secret floor in the Yakatomi building. What sets our friend Stan apart is that he's just an accountant. Zero fighting chops.
So you're gonna pickpocket his key card?
- Yes.
- In the middle of a gala?
That's the idea.
MATT: After last night, the Yakuza know they've been compromised, which means security's gonna be tight.
ELEKTRA: There was a time when you trusted me.
When was that?
ELEKTRA: We'll be fine.
MATT: I have a life. Certain things I want to protect. I need to know every step of this plan.
Matthew, where's the fun in that?
There isn't any. It's not about fun. We have a deal. I told you, one and done.
- After tonight
- Farewell.
I know.
Yeah. Let's make it count, then.

FOGGY: It's worse than I thought. Thirty-seven separate murder charges.What about you?
KAREN: Uh, 98 lesser I mean, felony assault, burglary criminal possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment. Any number of criminal mischief charges.
FOGGY: We're so screwed.
KAREN: You ready to go in?
FOGGY: No. But considering the arraignment's in a couple hours, we don't have much of a choice. Time to play twenty questions with a killer.

FOGGY: I've reviewed the charges you're facing. It's my understanding that you wish to plead guilty to all of them? I'm gonna need a verbal confirmation if we're gonna continue. Look, you asked us to represent you. In order to do my job...
FRANK: I'm guilty.
KAREN: Great, uh
FRANK: I'm not talking to you.
KAREN: What?
FRANK: Her. I need to talk to her alone.
FOGGY: Absolutely not. My colleague is -
KAREN: I'll I'll do it.
[Foggy leaves]
- If you're feeling up to it, I
- My family. What do you know?
Uh, we can get to that.
FRANK: What do you know about my family?
Karen takes a paper.
KAREN: Have you ever seen this? Police report, complaint number 211974. "Victims were stopped at a traffic light northbound on Buellton Ave, when an unidentified male suspect began firing a 9mm handgun at their vehicle. Juvenile male, juvenile female, and adult woman were found dead at the scene. Adult male driver was critically wounded and taken to Metro-General."
FRANK: That's horsesh*t.
KAREN: That's the story Reyes is running with. But you and I know you and your family, you - you were at the carousel that day. From what I can piece together, it seems like you were caught in some kind of firefight. How much can you remember?
FRANK: This ain't about what I remember.
KAREN: Yes. Yes, it is. Mr. Castle, I've got a lot of puzzle pieces, but trust me, this moves a lot smoother if you can tell me anything.
FRANK: It goes in and out.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
FRANK: The fact that it fades... We took our blanket down to our spot. She was by the carousel on the lawn. Then I heard her shout.
Scream. It was a grown man.
KAREN: Who did you see?
FRANK: I didn't. But I found out later. The Cartel. Irish. Bikers.
KAREN: Anyone else?
FRANK: I should've seen it coming.
KAREN: How could you know?
FRANK: What'd I just say to you? I said that I heard it. I heard it and I didn't do anything. My job was to keep them safe. I didn't. I didn't do it.
KAREN: Uh, I think... The questions can wait a minute, I'll just, Um... Why don't I, uh Why don't I come back when you're...
FRANK: You stay. Please.

MATT: Wait, just hold on a second.
He pulls his collar, Elektra makes his tie again.
MATT;You like my stupid tie now?
ELEKTRA: I love your stupid tie now.
MATT: Yeah. Come on, let's go get what we came for.

- You must look nice.
- How would you know?
MATT: Turned a lot of heads. Raising a lot of heart rates. Too bad you can't enjoy the party.
ELEKTRA: I think I'll manage a good time. Don't you love jazz?
MATT: Eh, I'm more accustomed to '90s Top 40.
ELEKTRA: Then you definitely deserve a drink.
- Elektra.
- Relax. It'll make people less self-conscious around you.
HIROCHI: Ms. Natchios, delighted to have you here with us this evening.
ELEKTRA: You know I never pass up a chance to have my ass kissed, Mr. Hirochi.
HIROCHI: Then, unless this fine gentleman has beaten me to the punch, allow me to be the first kisser this evening. [kisses her hand] You look divine, my dear.
- Excuse me.
- Mmm-hmm.
MATT: First kisser, huh?
That's him, at the bar. Finish your drink.
Why? We gonna dance?
ELEKTRA: Ah, just not my song, but Stan's thirsty. And now, so are we.
ELEKTRA: Macallan still your drink? No, it's good. Consistent.
ELEKTRA: Yes, I know. Here we go.
MATT: Wait. Elektra.
- What?
SECURITY (V.O.): Eyes on Gibson at the bar.
MATT: I guess Roxxon upped their security.
They're watching him pretty close.
They've pinpointed their weak link. They're smarter than they know.
MATT: And chances are, they've got eyes everywhere else, too.
ELEKTRA: Well, this is going to be more fun than I thought. We have to get him alone somehow.
MATT: Leave it to me. You just hang tight.

Oh, no!
MATT: Oh, my God, I am so sorry.
- Ugh! sh*t.
MATT: Oh, God. Did I get any on you?
Oh. It's nothing.
- Please, forgive me. I insist you send me the dry cleaning bill.
No, no, I should watch where I'm going. It's my fault. Here, allow me.
MATT: Ugh, I'm such an idiot. Thank you, sir. Once again, I'm so sorry.
GIBSON: Think nothing of it. Enjoy the party.
MATT: Thank you.

FRANK: You were never in any danger.
FRANK: The other night. Babysitting that sh*t brick, running around with that Grotto. I just I only hurt people that deserve it. I wanted you to know that.
KAREN: You think he deserved it?
FRANK: I do. You know he used to do hits for the Irish? Huh? One time, he shot an old lady because she saw his face. I guess he - He didn't tell you that, huh? Yeah. The point is, you were safe, okay? I just wanted you to know that.
KAREN: Guess I'm just supposed to take your word on that.
FRANK: Classy. Nothing to do with my word, lady.
- No?
FRANK: No. Look, you got any idea what a scout sniper is? You ever heard of that? No?
FRANK: Okay, well, you're looking at one. My class in Quantico was class 307. And we had a a motto. It was a saying, yeah? It was, "One shot, one kill." The point is, if I wanted you dead, you'd be dead.
KAREN: Why why am I here? Why did you ask me to stay?
FRANK: I don't - I guess I worry that the memories are just gonna go away.
- Mr. Castle
FRANK: Look, you... You went to... You were in my house. You...
KAREN: You never went back? After your family was
FRANK: No. Can I just ask you, did you Were you in the kitchen? Yes.
FRANK: The plates, were they... Were they on the table, or did they get into the sink?
KAREN: Um Uh I think, washed. In the rack.
FRANK: How about in the next room, did you Did you see that piano that was there?
KAREN: Yeah. Yeah.
FRANK: Yeah? My son, Frank Junior, he He used to grab a handful of cookies and take 'em and hide 'em in that bench. You know, he'd play soldier. Guard it, protect it.
- Oh, yeah?
FRANK: Then he'd fall asleep down there. [she laughs] We'd find him He'd be sleeping on a pile of pile of cookie crumbs.
KAREN: Yeah, I, um When I was little girl, I did the same thing. Except ginger snaps and, um, broom closet.
FRANK: Oh, yeah?
KAREN: Pretend it was a spaceship. Take me far away.
Did you?
KAREN: Yeah.
FRANK: I guess we need that, right? We need to get away sometimes.
KAREN: I went up into the kids' bedrooms. There were drawings on the walls and, uh, sports trophies on the dressers.
FRANK: Yeah, I was gone a lot, so I didn't -- I missed a lot of that.
KAREN:There were toys scattered all over the ground, um... A lot of plastic dinosaurs.
FRANK: Yeah, those were my little girl's. Those were Lisa's. When she was little, she used to make these little noises when she played with them.
KAREN: What about the little the little car? Like a - Like a remote-controlled Jeep.
FRANK: Yeah, yeah, that, uh That was Frank Junior's. I got that for him for his seventh birthday. He used to - Yeah, he drove me crazy with that thing. [Karen laughs]
KAREN: Look, Frank, it's It's really not for me to say, but they clearly loved you. Very much.
Yeah Okay Here. Thank you.
FRANK: Thank you, ma'am.
KAREN: For what?
FRANK: You helped - You helped me remember.
KAREN: You're welcome.
FRANK: If you wanna ask your questions, you can go ahead.
Karen sits by the bed.

Gibson is trying to clean up his shirt in the bathroom.
GIBSON: Blind bast*rd. Ugh, could one of you grab me a club soda? Come on. [the lights go off]Oh, for Christ's sake. What the hell? Did the power go out, or did you hit the switch?
Matt knocks everyone out and then steals the card from Gibson.

This will erase the recordings and loop the security cameras.
- This way.
MATT: One second. Floor's crawling with security. Come with me.

FOGGY: It's your lucky day, Mr. Castle. The six Dogs of Hell gang members you wiped out in Delaware? Won't be an issue anymore.
Delaware doesn't have the evidence to charge and extradite, so the death penalty is officially off the table. But Reyes also wanted three life sentences without the possibility of parole.
But as the Nelson in Nelson and Murdock, I got her down to one, with the possibility of parole in 25 years.
That's the good news.
And the bad? She wouldn't budge on protective custody.
He's gonna have to be in general pop.
Uh, no, that's bullsh*t.
All right? He'll be He'll be surrounded by criminals, people out for his blood.
Sounds like a party.
No doubt you can handle yourself, but I think Reyes is betting on the gangs here.
Legally, though? I think this is the best possible deal we're gonna make right now.So I recommend you take it.
Okay, so, when the judge and Reyes come in all you have to do is say three simple words."Guilty, Your Honor." And you'll never have to see us again.
Can do.
Case number 4854, The People v. Frank Castle. Do you waive the reading of the charges?
Yes, Your Honor.
All right, then.
How does the defendant plead?
FRANK: I plead not guilty. You hear that, witch? I'm gonna watch you burn right along with me. You hear me?
- Counselor, please control your client.
FRANK: Do you hear me?
- I'm sorry, Your Honor.
The defendant has entered a plea of not guilty. Due to the nature and severity of the crimes he is accused of, bail is denied. A court date will be set upon consultation with the DA's office. We are adjourned.

FOGGY: Holy sh*t.That was not supposed to happen. What'd you say to him?
KAREN: What?
FOGGY:Three hours ago, he was pleading guilty. Why did he change his mind?
KAREN: Maybe he just wants the truth. About Grotto, about his family, about the the cover-up. I mean, if we go to trial, then it all comes out, right?
FOGGY: There's no "if." This is happening. Trial of the century. We need to find Matt before this goes wide. Tell him everything's about to change.

ELEKTRA: Not bad, Magoo.
Eyes on Gibson?
He's in the men's room, sir.
It's there.
ELEKTRA: It's not there. It was supposed to be there.
MATT: I take it it's not here.
ELEKTRA: It was supposed to be there. If they find Gibson, we're toast. We have to go. Matthew!
- Shh.
Stop the elevators. We have an intruder on the 13th floor. Pull up security footage. I want to know who got to them.
Quick! Pull up the cameras on the 13th floor.
MATT: There's something behind this wall. There's an electrical current running through it.
ELEKTRA: Yeah? Where?
MATT: An interruption in the signal [points between a bonsai and an empty vase] here.
Elektra lifts the bonsai, the door opens.
ELEKTRA: Okay Ah. I'm a genius.
MATT: Here, this one. Books, paper.

Hiro, get in here. They're on a loop.
HIRO: Sir, we found the problem. All security, report to the 13th floor.

ELEKTRA: This is it. The Roxxon ledger.
MATT: Not now, we gotta go.

MATT: I don't speak Japanese, but I think they know we're here.
ELEKTRA: It's not working.
MATT:They're gonna see us.

Shut the power. Close the gates.

ELEKTRA: sh*t, they found us.
MATT: Let's go. They've shut down the floor. They're coming.

MATT: Now.

- Don't move!
- Oh! Oh, my goodness!
-We got something. 11th floor.
MATT: We are so sorry. This is, uh, very embarrassing. We just thought we could, uh, sneak in here.
But we'll be right out of here Sir
ELEKTRA: He'll make a big donation. He's very rich.
Oh - Please, sweetheart, just - Ow.
- Very sorry, sir.
- Shut up!
Nothing but a couple drunks. Keep checking the 13th floor.
MATT: Thank you.
- You need to leave.
- Yes, certainly.
Once again, we're so sorry, we didn't...
- Now!

MATT: Would you keep your sh*t together?
ELEKTRA: Calm down.

ELEKTRA: Invoices for arms. Guns, ammunition
- You read Japanese?
Drugs. Designer stuff, mostly. And this looks like people. Laborers of some sort.
MATT: Sounds like a lot of them.
ELEKTRA: Over the past several months. And all from Japan. Oh, what is this?
- What is it?
I don't know.
This one, I can't read.
- What do you mean? - It's in some kind of code.
This doesn't make sense. If invoices for drugs and guns and human trafficking aren't encrypted, then what is? Wow, what are they hiding?
ELEKTRA: Same time tomorrow, Matthew?
[he scoffs]

We have spent hundreds of millions of dollars, and decades of planning on this operation. And now our most valuable secrets have been stolen. I'd be very disappointed to learn you aided this theft in any way, Gibson-san.
GIBSON: I - I had nothing to do with it.
We entrusted you with access. Even employed security to protect you and ensure the sanctity of our operation.
GIBSON: I was in the bathroom. We were attacked.
The two bodyguards are shot by the henchman, who proceeds to point his gun at gibson.
GIBSON: Listen! Listen, I would never betray you! I have nothing but respect for the Yakuza!
Who said I was Yakuza?

MATT: Foggy?
FOGGY: You weren't answering your phone. Why are you fancy?
MATT: What's going on?
FOGGY: The arraignment. Frank pled not guilty, Matt.
MATT: What?
FOGGY: And it gets worse. Reyes pulled every string she has and fast-tracked the trial.
MATT: What All right. All right, all right, so we, uh we motion to extend. We, um maybe streamline our case theory, and not waste time fighting any charges
FOGGY: You don't understand, Matt! Frank agreed! He thinks he's stickin' it to Reyes or something. I hope your schedule is clear, buddy. 'Cause The People v. Frank Castle starts next week.
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