[Hidden Feat. M-Acculate & Clarky]
Verse 1: [M-Acculate]
Verse 2: [Clarky]
I Bill a zoot, Bill a bong, & Bill Bill if I'm broke!
f*ck it; Kill Bill for a deal of his dope!
Si lo tengo un problemo ? -Dime
Y Si no tengo; entonces que dice!?
When I'm senile and my head; Seem's Vile;
Still be viral ima still be Rising from the Dead;
C's style is the best! Even freestyle's are the S
I - dont - care; what, You-dont; and you do get!
Cah...Usted es, muy stupid yes?
Lunch time! Every beat I eat with a one line rap;
Punch-Line; You're paying dealers fifty for a one line wrap;
Dumb-Guys; -Best-Thing; To, Do-Is: Make Music, Less!
-With just a single; I done started a wave;
You're the past; & I'm the last of a few to stay true to their aim!
Undoubtedly; its, bound to be; down to me.. Cah;
Every other f*cker seems sound asleep!
Their sound is; astounding me; It's same-sounding;
& So it's no wonder they ain't doubting me!
I'm not drowning; narh; but they're surrounding C;
BUT, My GIRL's the only one who got ME down to a T
Verse 3: [Hidden]