Final Fantasy Victory Theme with Lyrics lyrics
by brentalfloss
You just got pwned, FTW!
Now you're dead, you're dead 'cause we killed you
We took you by surprise (Hmm? Boo! Ahh!)
We just saw you roaming the forest
And said "Let's kill those guys" (Yeah! Good idea!)
You're a squirrel who somehow has money
And sometimes swords and shields
I don't care if you're a cute bunny
I'll kick your ass for reals!
Let's all dance right next to your corpses
We're happy that you're dead (Yay! Woo-hoo! Whee!)
Now we might play chess on your carcass
Or soccer with your head!
La la la, you're dead, la la la la
We killed you, la la la
No remorse, la la la la la la
La la la la la la!