Woman in the Waves lyrics
by Michael Franks
When I was a boy of twenty-two
I stood before a statue
Was it you?
(They shake the fruit when they dance
You should try some when you have the chance)
Her face had no power to deceive
She wore her beauty shamelessly
Like Eve
(Guavas can be bittersweet
But the mango's always good to eat)
Love has complicated my past
God knows I left no stone unturned
Now I realize that at last
I've found her again
She understands how the blue water behaves
Mother-of-pearl is the woman in the waves
My eyes could travel her beauty for always
Gold of the sun is the woman in the waves
I know that my life has led me here
To where the dolphin jumps
And the sky's clear
Here we live without locked doors
Share and share alike- what's mine is yours
I see invitation in your smile
To celebrate our passions
Without guile
In the noa noa night
Nave nave's a familiar sight
I am avare of her fragrance
Even when she disappears