Office Work lyrics
by iamjakehill
5 AM
Got to go to work
Never want to be there
'Cause that sh*t get on my nerves
And what about Jenifer
Always in my business
Had my name for dirty santa
Got me sh*t for Christmas
But that's just the start of my problems
Try'na keep it all together while I'm pouring out my coffee
Pulling out the drive way
Speeding on the highway
Pull your self together gotta make it 'til Friday
*Phone rings*
Jake, where are you, you're late
I know
Gotta get those papers up to date
I know
I told you that when we were face to face
I know
You better start picking up the pace
I know, god
Well would you look who it is my favourite employee, Jake Hill late Once again
How's it going buddy
Yeah, hi
*Office noises and Chatter*
Shut the f*ck up
I'm tired of this sh*t
'Cause every time I come up in here everybody on my di*k
Look why you gotta ask me questions 'bout the week you got me Stressing
I don't want to know about your kids and their karate lessons
I just want to shut the door so I can have some peace and quiet
I don't want to hear about the food you're eating for your diet
And I'm typing up my work and then you come in talking sh*t about The government and politics and how you do it different
And Hipshi
Why you always eating all my Kimchi
Can't you read the label or you mentally deficient
And Bobby
You don't want us always drinking coffee
You never make another pot and wonder why I'm salty
I'm sick of finding bugs in the kitchen
Ain't nobody cleaning up
Ain't nobody washing dishes
Can somebody sweep the rug
'Cause its dirty as f*ck
It's like am I the only one that sees it 'cause ain't nobody does
And then there's Molly
Nobody want to go to your party
Essential oils never really work and I'm sorry
I got a lot to get off my chest
Cassandra you're a b*tch and kinda fat
But I really like your breasts
And Hector
Why you always smell like ass
Every time I see you coming hold my breath until you pass
And Christopher
I know you're having problems with your sister
Nobody really gives a sh*t
Don't care about your business
Jake, you need to leave
No b*tch I ain't finished
You the main one
Always calling on my phone like I'm your damn son
I don't really give a sh*t about what ain't done
I'll do it when I can and you ain't saying nothing
It's like
Every time you call me got some negative sh*t to say
I'm f*cking sick of the way you treat me, I'll be leaving on my way
Don't really give a sh*t about this office, I just got an offer
Making $20,00 every time I drop a topic
And now's a good time to let everybody know
That you've been f*cking Chelsea in the back of the office with me Clothes
Does your wife know that?
Should I call her and tell her?
You think she'd be mad?
I'll just call her myself
*Phone rings*
Hi, is this, ah, Ms Pentaux
Yeah who's this
My name's Jake Hill I work for your husband Mr Pentaux he's been f*cking other employees in the back of the store I hope you'd like to know that
He'll Tell you all about it when he gets home
Thanks bye
f*ck this sh*t
I'm out
Hey see you later Hipshi
Bye Jake