Welcome lyrics
by Zack de la Rocha
Welcome to Rewild Or Die
I'm Zack de la Rouda and I'm smiling bright
'cause I'm honoring Gaia with each line that I write
I hope y'all listen, but if not that's all right
'cause I ain't do it for y'all
I don't do this for me
I do it for the light and the life in the trees;
I-and-I think thrice. Every rhyme that I breathe
Gets caught up in my throat like a cough so I choke and wheeze
But hopefully y'all can see what I'm tryna do
'cause all my pieces got a piece of the giant truth
I been focusing solely on a hope for freedom
But I can see that we need to rewild - that's crucial
That's what I'm talking about
I put the shouting on pause, now I'm walking around
I got my volume on low
I'm building up power
Yeah, I'm 'bout to let a lot of love out, saying
Welcome to Rewild Or Die
Now I feel nice and I'm smiling bright
'cause I'm honoring y'all with each line that I write
I hope yout listen but if not that's a'ight
It's all choices
It's just a bunch of thoughts
It's not the word of God
There's no right or wrong
But I been working awful hard on a couple songs
And they all are important to me
So y'all welcome
To isten in, listen in
Y'all welcome
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