Now to be honest
I don't want this thing to end
I just wanna kiss your neck
You are more than just a friend
I'm in love but I pretend
That I'm not
Then I fall in love again
And again and again and again
It's a curse not a blessing
I'm in love with a memory
Everyone has phases
And they all come to an ending
We all go back to basic
That's just basic understanding
Everything comes back around
Our souls are never ending
No one ever really dies
If I had a thousand lives
I would always look for you
I'd choose you a thousand times
Tell me what you think of me
Don't you lie be honest please
Lead me by example
Your example is your honesty
Honestly I gotta be
Something like a god mc
Searching for the god in me
I'll never OD off a g
All these people watching me
1 2 3 like eyes on me
Get your hands right off of me
I am not your property
I gave you my everything
Thought about a wedding ring
I'm just a romantic I can't stand it
I don't wanna think
Subconscious thoughts
I let em sink
Spill your thoughts when you fill your drink
Feel my skin might turn to ink
Do you really think?
Do you think about forever
One day I'll be way better
I promise I'll come back to you
Once I get my sh*t together