Chille Tid lyrics


Steven Universe

[Open Middle of the Ocean]

(Pearl and Amethyst, both wearing life jackets are seen sitting in a life raft in the middle of the ocean. Amethyst is holding Steven, also wearing a life jacket, by the ankles and dunking him under the water.)

PEARL: looking over the edge of the life raft, with visible bags under her eyes Guh! This isn't getting us anywhere.

AMETHYST: sleepily What's the matter, Pierogi? You tired?

PEARL: annoyed I don't get tired, I get results.

(Steven is looking from side to side underwater. He begins to gargle and reaches for his neck as he begins to run out of air. Wiggling his legs, he attempts to signal to Amethyst that he needs to be pulled up.)

AMETHYST: speaking slowly with visible bags under her eyes Was the sign for "pull me up" one wiggle or two?

PEARL: Amethyst, stay focused!

(Amethyst lets go of Steven's legs and shrugs at Pearl's response.)

PEARL: searching the water, using her gem as a flashlight* For all we know, Lapis and Jasper's fusion could be right under our noses! *gasps as something appears beneath the surface

(Steven floats to the surface of the water with the aid of his life jacket. He gasps for air, spits a fish out of his mouth, then grabs it midair.)

STEVEN: This is why we wear life jackets. throws the fish away

PEARL: Ah! A-are you alright?!
(Garnet then emerges from underneath Steven, picking him up and climbing back on the raft.)

GARNET: sighs Nothing.

(Garnet tosses Steven onto the raft, and he starts flopping around like a fish out of the water.)

PEARL: Ugh, it feels like we've been searching for light years!

AMETHYST: Uh, light years measure light, not years. pokes Steven's stomach, causing him to spit out another fish

PEARL: throws her hands up in exasperation* Guh! *tries to lean on the side of the raft but slips And I'm sick of these... life... diapers!

STEVEN: Safety is no punchline, Pearl. gets up and grabs a nearby life jacket to give to Garnet

GARNET: Safety is our job. We must find Jasper and Lapis. As it stands, their fusion is a ticking time bomb. throws the life jacket Steven gave to her overboard and summons her own

STEVEN: worried Is... Lapis gonna be okay?

GARNET: She had control when she used her power to drag their fusion into the ocean. But, a fusion like theirs is unstable, bound together by anger and mistrust. If that bond snaps, their anger will take over, and destroy.

STEVEN: getting visibly tired* Don't worry, Lapis, we won't let you sleep with the fishes... *yawns

GARNET: We're gonna have to keep looking. But first, let's bring Steven home. looks at Steven fast asleep in the raft

STEVEN: abruptly wakes up* Huh, wha—? *stands up, one eye slightly closed in grogginess and drooling slightly* No, I'm— I'm— I'm fine! Let's— let's go fishing! *walks over the edge of the raft, sleepily mumbling" First one to catch something wins... *falls over the edge
GARNET: quickly catches Steven before he falls into the water I win.

[Trans. Int. Beach House]

(The Gems, now without their life jackets, brings Steven back home through the front door.)

PEARL: We should be out there, searching! Not in here, not searching!

STEVEN: quoting himself "Sleep is a curse, and yet a curse I need to live." -Steven Universe.

GARNET: Steven isn't like us. He needs rest.

STEVEN: Don't you guys need rest too? You look exhausted.

(Steven gazes at the visibly exhausted Gems: Garnet's face is lined with creases, Amethyst is drooling slightly with her face squashed down, and Pearl is squinting with her hair disheveled.)

GARNET: voice strained by her stiff face We look awesome.

STEVEN: walks over to the couch* Look, you can't really knock sleep until you try it. *picks up some cushions* And maybe we can throw a little fun into the mix, with- *throws the cushions on the floor A slumber party!

PEARL: eye twitching, disgusted Fun?

STEVEN: Yeah! All of us together, peacefully dozing off. lies on the cushions It'll be like there isn't a vengeful fusion boiling the ocean with hatred.

GARNET: walks over to Pearl and Amethyst, putting her hands on their shoulders" Steven's right. You should stay here and relax. But I'm going. *straining with her teeth clenched Because I'm always relaxed.
PEARL: But, Garnet, you couldn't possibly search the ocean by yourself! Let me— uh, let us, help you! pumps her fist in the air We're a team!

GARNET: No, right now you're a party. A slumber party. walking backwards toward the Warp Pad* Steven, put these Gems to bed. Don't stay up too late. There's snacks in the fridge. Bye. *warps off

[Trans. Int. Steven's room]

(Steven is now in his pajamas, inside his bedroom with Pearl and Amethyst.)

STEVEN: Now, before we get our slumber party started, would any of you care for a slumber companion? picks up a tray of three different stuffed toys

AMETHYST: kindly declines Steven's offer* I'm good. *flops over onto her stomach and quickly falls asleep, snoring loudly

STEVEN: nods in approval at Amethyst and turns to Pearl Pearl?

PEARL: declines the offer too I'll pass on the slumber pals.

STEVEN: Okay! walks off with the tray Sleep it up, then!

PEARL: Oh! Right. sits cross-legged and eyes half closed Is... this right?

STEVEN: No, you should lay down.

PEARL: I get it now. turns to lie down on her chest and puts up a pillow beneath her chin Am I doing it?

STEVEN: Well, that's way better than before. sits near Pearl But close your eyes all the way.

PEARL: Okay. closes her eyes* Alright. *nods her head I'm sleeping now. I'm sleeping.

STEVEN: You can't talk while you sleep.

PEARL: opens her eyes and glares at Steven How is this even supposed to work?!

STEVEN: It's easy! flops onto his stomach* You just lie down, get nice and comfy. *puts his arms under his head Don't move... And don't... think about... aaaaanything...

(Steven quickly falls asleep and begins to dream.)

[Trans. Int. Steven's Dreamscape]

(Gray wavy lines wipe across the screen and a sitcom stage, similar the Beach House, appears. Everything is in black and white. Steven and Pearl, kneeling next to Steven, are seen on the stage. Steven is wearing a tuxedo with his flip flops, while Pearl, lacking her gem, is dressed like a sitcom mother in a polo tucked into waist high slacks. Canned applause plays as a narrator talks over the scene.)

NARRATOR: Steven Universe was filmed before a live studio audience.

PEARL: Oh my goodness, Connie's going to be here any second now! I can't believe it, your first school dance! adjusts Steven's bow tie Let me just fix your tie, and—

AMETHYST (OFF-SCREEN): Stop fussing over Steven like a baby!

(Canned laughter is played, as Amethyst, dressed like a stereotypical masculine older sibling, rides down the stairs on a skateboard.)

PEARL: Amethyst! What did I tell you about riding that thing in the house?

AMETHYST: rides past on her skateboard and waves at Steven* Have fun at your dance, dude! *rides up the stairs Bunga-cowa!

(More canned laughter plays, as Pearl stands up and grunts in frustration, steam blasts out of her head, and chases after Amethyst.)

PEARL: Amethyst, I'm gonna get you!

(Pearl and Amethyst disappear off the stage when the doorbell rings. Steven then runs to the door.)

STEVEN: Just a second, Connie! opens door You won't believe what Amethyst just- Huh?

(Behind the door is Garnet, her back facing Steven, in a varsity jacket with a star insignia and jeans. The audience whoops, whistles and hollers at her appearance.)

STEVEN: in a snarky voice Can I help you?

(Garnet turns around, revealing having only two wide eyes, and smiles widely.)

GARNET: Chille tid! grins

STEVEN: Oh! Hi, Garnet!

GARNET: walks into the house Hey Steven. You gotta come to the beach tonight! There's gonna be this huge bonfire party thing.

STEVEN: I can't go to that! I'm going to the big dance with Connie!

GARNET: Wow. The big dance. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

(The audience whoops and cheers at Garnet's comment.)

STEVEN: Uh-huh! (The doorbell rings again.) gasps* She's here! *grabs the door handle Okay, I'm ready for the big dance, Con— Huh?

(Steven opens the door to reveal Lapis Lazuli. In contrast to the black and white atmosphere, Lapis is in full color. Water is eerily flowing out of her eye sockets and open mouth. She looks up in silence, from the water sloshing from her eyes and mouth.)

STEVEN: Lapis?

(Dimly colored blue eater rushes past Steven's feet onto the floor. Behind Lapis, a wave rises out of the water, casting a shadow over Steven. Steven looks up in horror, as the wave rises above Lapis' head, standing completely still.)

[Trans. Int. Steven's room]

(Steven wakes up from the nightmare, covered in sweat. Pearl is lying down next to him with her face up close.)

PEARL: Are you okay?

(Steven, startled by Pearl's appearance, quickly gets up and leans against the window in fright.)

STEVEN: Oh, man. I fell asleep and had this weird dream. I opened the door, and Lapis was there, and—

PEARL: Well that doesn't make any sense. matter-of-factly Lapis is fused with Jasper at the bottom of the ocean.

STEVEN: stares at Pearl ...You've never had a dream before, huh?

PEARL: Uh... I don't think so.

STEVEN: Well, Pearl, dreams don't always make sense. slumps to the floor* When you dream, the thoughts in your head get all mixed up into a weird movie. And they're really hard to explain, which is why they're boring to listen to. Like *sigh this one time, I had a dream, where, like, these things... were being sold at the Big Donut, right? But the front door of the Big Donut shop led to the back of my dad's van?

(As Steven talks about his dream, Amethyst slowly wakes up and looks around.)

STEVEN: So, I go into the van, and... Lion is driving, for some reason, but, he's driving really well.

(As Steven continues his tale, Pearl looks away, bored, and yawns.)

STEVEN: And... and then I say to him, I, I says... Lion. yawns Lion, how did you learn to drive you, a, vv-van? Y-you can't even, you, you can't.. bring... me... my...

(Pearl, bored of Steven's tale, decides to lie down on her side. Steven, drowsy from his own tale, begins to fall asleep again.)

[Trans. Int. Steven's Dreamscape]

(Gray wavy lines wipe the screen again and fade into a bright blue sky with small clouds. Steven then floats in, flying at high speed with a propeller on his back, whooping and hollering with his arms out. Dogcopter then flies up next to him.)

STEVEN: Whoa. Dogcopter! Mr. Copter! Sir! I'm one of your biggest fans, can I please have your autograph?

(Dogcopter turns his head to Steven and meows.)

STEVEN: Mr. Copter, please!

(Dogcopter flies down and away from Steven.)

STEVEN: Hey wait! Where are you going?!

(Dogcopter then speeds off with a jet of smoke behind him.)

STEVEN: I hope the rumors about Dogcopter in the tabloids aren't true.

(A large cloud floats towards Steven and morphs into Pearl's head.)

STEVEN: Huh? Oh! Hey, Pearl!

(Pearl's head moves toward Steven as she opens her mouth.)

STEVEN: Wait! Don't eat me!

(Pearl's head chomps down on Steven with her mouth. She chews for a little, then spits Steven out like a rocket.)

STEVEN: Oh, man! Thanks for the upgrade, Pearl! Now I can catch up with Dog—

(Amethyst then emerges from the water below on a miniature humpback whale.)

STEVEN: Woah, Amethyst?

(Amethyst and the whale fly higher away as the screen fades to black. Steven, still flying, emerges into the darkness.)

STEVEN: Hmm... This is... getting really weird.

LAPIS: quiet and distant This is weird.

STEVEN: halts his flight Hey, that sounds a lot like—

LAPIS: appears behind Steven Steven!

STEVEN: Lapis Lazuli! floats towards Lapis

LAPIS: Steven, what are you doing in here?

(Steven and Lapis slowly float upwards out of the darkness and into a blue ocean.)

STEVEN: Uh, I know it's weird, but I'm just dreaming, so don't even worry about it.

LAPIS: What? No! Steven, I'm trying to concentrate! How are you here?

STEVEN: Oh my gosh, are you okay?

LAPIS: Steven, please, I—!

(Amethyst's distorted laughter is then heard, as her huge disembodied mouth appears in the background and engulfs Steven and Lapis.)

[Trans. Int. Steven's room]

(Steven slowly wakes up again, to the giggles of Amethyst.)

STEVEN: Lapis! sees Amethyst giggling Amethyst? Hey, what are you laughing at?

(Amethyst laughs and points up at a projection emitted from Pearl's, who is fast asleep, gem. In the dreamlike projection, Pearl is laughing and holding onto Rose, as the two ride a large slice of pizza on a wave like a surfboard. A childlike drawing of a smiling sun and crescent moon are seen in the background, along with the soundscape like an old phonograph.)

PEARL (DREAM): laughing heartily* Oh, Rose, this is wonderful! I'm just having so much fun spending time with you, Rose! *blushes* Forget about Greg! *leans on Rose's stars in her eyes Let's go travel the galaxy!

ROSE (DREAM): in a deep voice* Pearl, thank you so much... *turn around, revealing Greg's face For fixing my van!

(Dream Pearl screams in horror as Greg gags with a slice of pizza sliding out of his mouth. Pearl then wakes up, abruptly ending the dream projection, and sits up in exacerbation and disgust. Amethyst continues giggling.)

STEVEN: Pearl!

PEARL: turns at Steven Uh... yes, Steven?

STEVEN: I had... another dream about Lapis.

PEARL: Oh, that's okay! throws her arms in the air Dreams aren't real! They're just "mixed up movies"!

STEVEN: But I-I think I was talking to her.

PEARL: Wait. How do you know?

STEVEN: I don't, but... I could just feel it. She was yelling, and... she was really freaked out.

PEARL: What did she say? Is she still in control?

STEVEN: I... I don't know.

[Time Skip - Later That Night]

PEARL: Steven, you could be using your dreams to connect with her mentally.

AMETHYST: Can you do it again? Maybe Lapis can just tell you where they are.

STEVEN: I guess I have to go back to sleep! lies down Quick! Pearl, tell me about your dream so I can fall asleep!

PEARL: M-my dream?!

AMETHYST: Come on, Pearl! It's for the greater good! Heh hah!

PEARL: Ugh! If I must... closes her eyes and breathes in So, in my dream, I was... wha?

(Steven quickly falls asleep and starts snoring, before Pearl can even begin.)

AMETHYST: chuckles Wow. He been sleep.

[Trans. Int. Steven's Dreamscape]

(Gray wavy lines wipe the screen again and fade to Steven floating in the sky.)

STEVEN: Oh! I know this is a dream now!

(Elements from Steven's previous dreams and real life, such as Dogcopter, the sitcom stage and stairs, and pillows float past. Steven then floats off.)

STEVEN: So I can imagine anything I want. Uh... reaches into his pocket* Mashed potato! *pulls out a small grey fish Hmm...

(Steven floats into the darkness again and begins doggy-paddling.)

STEVEN: Now, how do I find Lapis?

(Sitcom Amethyst floats by.)

STEVEN: Not Lapis.

(A whale floats by.)

STEVEN: Not Lapis.

(Sitcom Garnet and a frustrated Pearl float by.)

STEVEN: Not Lapis.

(Steven then bumps into a mass of white fluff, tinted green.)

STEVEN: Lion! Wait. You're not Lion! Woah!

(Steven falls through the white fluff and lands on his back in a wet area bathed in green light.)

STEVEN: Ow. rubs his head What is this place?

(Steven then sees Lapis in a distance, grunting with effort and struggling to pull on a pair of water chains.)

STEVEN: Lapis!

LAPIS: Steven! Why do you keep coming back?! I can't get distracted, I've got to hold us down with the weight of your planet's ocean! struggling to speak* I've got to keep her—! *grunts

STEVEN: Wait! Lapis, tell me where you are! We can help you!

(Lapis stops struggling for a second to look at Steven. In that brief moment, the force she is struggling against doubles down and Lapis has to refocus her energy.)

LAPIS: I told you! No!

(Lapis shrieks as she is then pulled under the surface. Behind Steven, Jasper erupts on the surface, gasping for air, with water shackles around her wrists and ankles. She falls on all fours, panting, then looks up to Steven.)

JASPER: panting... You!

STEVEN: Jasper!

JASPER: crawls towards Steven You! YOU! YOU!! Gaahhhh- Guh!

(Jasper struggles against her restraints to reach Steven. She however loses her traction just in front of Steven, and gets dragged back to where she came from.)

JASPER: Noooooooo-! dunked under the surface

(Lapis then thrusts back out of the water surface, this time with her water wings outstretched and her clothes tattered. She collapses on the ground, grunting and gasping.)

STEVEN: Lapis!

LAPIS: voice cracking Can't you see? I can't stop, not for a second. Don't look for me. I don't want your help!


LAPIS: Just let me do this for you!

STEVEN: Lapis...

LAPIS: No! I'm not Lapis anymore... wraps her water wings around her upper body We're Malachite now.

STEVEN: Lapis, no!

(Lapis slides under the water with a whirlpool, and emerges from another whirlpool behind Steven as Malachite. The water starts to rise and submerges Steven underwater. Malachite opens her eyes and turns to stare at Steven, her upper pair of eyes narrowing in anger.)


[Trans. Int. Steven's room]

(Malachite forces Steven out of his dream, and Steven wakes up sweating.)

STEVEN: Lapis! panting heavily, and hugs Pearl

PEARL: Steven, it's okay, we're here.

AMETHYST: Did you see her?

STEVEN: Yeah, she's still fused, and she's still in control, but I don't know for how long, and—

(Garnet then appears and enters Steven's bedroom.)

GARNET: This... is a weird party.

STEVEN: Garnet! runs up to her and hugs her legs

GARNET: Steven, you're still awake!

STEVEN: starts speaking frantically* Amethyst was on a skateboard, and then Dogcopter meowed at me and was just not interested in what I had to say at all. *looks away and mutters And I might have some issues I need to work out, but - Lapis! She's out there and she's still—

GARNET: shushes Steven and puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder* I know you're worried, but there's nothing we can do right now. *picks up Steven and drops him near the other Gems* So let's take it easy. *cracks her knuckles I'll show you how it's done.

(Garnet steps backwards and flops face-first onto the ground.)

PEARL: That's pretty convincing.

STEVEN: Garnet?

(The star iris closes in on Garnet, snoring and fast asleep, ending the episode.)

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