Cry for Help lyrics


Steven Universe

[Open Int. Steven's Room]

(Steven and Amethyst are watching an episode of Crying Breakfast Friends! in his bedroom. In the cartoon, Crying Pear accidentally dropped his ice cream on the floor, and he and Sad Spoon start crying. Bawling Bacon then arrives, looks at the mishaps for a while and starts crying as well.)

AMETHYST: I don't get this cartoon, man, why don't they just eat that ice cream off the floor? They don't have to cry about it.

(Crying Pear continues to cry, when the TV's signal suddenly starts glitching up.)

STEVEN: Aw, not again. It was doing this yesterday too.

AMETHYST: Hang on, I got it. gets up and starts kicking the TV set on its side a few timеs How about now? Gah!

(The TV set starts shaking and rumbling, to Amethyst's surprisе.)

STEVEN: surprised It's never done that before.

(A flickering video of Peridot speaking gibberish then appears, before stabilizing and her dialogue becoming audible.)

PERIDOT: This is Peridot transmitting on all frequencies from abandoned crystal system colony planet Earth, to Yellow Diamond. My mission has been compromised, my escort and informant raises two fingers to indicate number* are gone and I am now stranded! *yells desperately Please send help!

(The transmission continues to repeat itself on the TV, as the Crystal Gems gather around and watch it together TV. Steven is then seen calling someone on his phone.)

STEVEN: Okay, thanks. hangs up Connie says it's on her TV too.

PEARL: But where could Peridot be broadcasting a signal that strong?
GARNET: There's only one place.

[Trans. Ext. Communication Hub]

(Lion emerges out of a portal with Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst riding on his back. He then collapses off his feet from the weight of the Gems, and Steven pops out of his mane, gasping for air.)

STEVEN: Lion, are you okay? pets him on the head

GARNET: It's as I feared.

(The Crystal Gems look at the Communication Hub, crudely reconstructed back together, glowing and shooting a beam of light towards the sky.)

PEARL: It looks like Peridot somehow repaired the Communication Hub. Well, at least some of it.

STEVEN: So... we just gotta wreck it up again, right? turns to Amethyst You guys should form Sugilite!

AMETHYST: Yeah... Well, it's up to Garnet, I guess. smiles a bit and turns to Garnet What do you say? Shall we mash it up?... (Pearl looks scared in the background.)


AMETHYST: shocked But, don't we need to be huge like last time?

GARNET: Last time was a disaster. Last time we fused, Sugilite went berserk. It's because of her that we can't even warp here anymore.

(Garnet points towards the broken warp pad, smashed by a huge rock.)
GARNET: takes off her visor* I can be brash, you can be reckless. And we can both get carried away. *puts her visor back on, reflecting Amethyst off of it* So, for the time being, Sugilite is benched. What we need now is to be careful. *turns to Pearl, and Steven gasps It's you and me, Pearl. Let's fuse. (Pearl looks astonished as she begins to tear up.) Don't cry, Pearl. (Pearl tries to not cry and quivers as she strongly breathes in through her nose, sniffling thickly.) Come on, let's do this.

PEARL: I'm right behind you. sniffling

STEVEN: running towards them* Woo-hoo! Fusion! Fusion! Fusion! Fusion! *sits down besides Lion

GARNET: (Her gemstones start glowing.) Ready.

PEARL: grunts and stretches Hang on, it's been such a long time...!

(Pearl's gemstone starts glowing too, as Amethyst walks next to Steven. Garnet and Pearl then begin to dance as "Enticement" plays in the background. Garnet throws Pearl into the air, and she spins mid-air before falling back down into Garnet's arms. Garnet catches her and they begin fusing together. A pillar of orange light begins to emanate from the Gems' prior position, and a fusion Gem emerges from the light pillar, pulling it apart like curtains, and dissipating it into small lightning dragonflies.)

SARDONYX: Gooooood evening, everybody! struts over to Lion, Steven, and Amethyst and does a twirl This is the lovely Sardonyx, coming to you a-live from the soon-to-be-former Communication Hub! How are y'all doin' tonight?

AMETHYST: sarcastically Great...

STEVEN: gasps Giant woman!

SARDONYX: brings two hands down in front of Steven* Oh my stars! (Steven jumps into Sardonyx's hands as she lifts him up to her face.) If it isn't Steven Universe! We finally meet. So, what do you think? *spins her torso a full 360°* Was I worth the wait? *looks confused, followed by ecstatic* What am I saying? Of course I was! *hollers

STEVEN: stands up with starry eyes Wow, you're so articulated!

SARDONYX: Well, aren't you the sweetest little charmer! brings her other pair of hands to Steven and starts squeezing him lightly I could literally squish you right now! It would not be hard.

STEVEN: No... laughs while being squished Ha-ha!
SARDONYX: brings Steven closer to her face* Sorry, I'm just so excited to be here. You see, I haven't exactly been myself lately. *starts laughing

STEVEN: laughs along with Sardonyx and looks down at Amethyst and Lion Fusion joke!

AMETHYST: Ugh... plops her head into her crossed arms and groans

SARDONYX: puts Steven down next to Amethyst and Lion* And jokes aren't the only thing I've got. *summons Pearl's spear, and taps herself on her shoulder, pretending to be distracted* Hm? *throws the spear into the air Oh!

(Sardonyx then summons Garnet's gauntlets and bumps them together, catching the spear in the middle just as it is falling down. The two weapons combine together and transforms into a war hammer, which Sardonyx hoists over her shoulder.)

STEVEN: Are you gonna smash stuff with your war hammer?

SARDONYX: ponders* Hm... 'smash' is the word that one would use to describe what... someone else might do. (Amethyst scowls.) Now... *leaps up and readies her hammer* The proper words used to describe yours truly are... *hits a column of the Hub, sliding it out of the structure* Specific! *swings and hits more columns off the Hub* Intelligent! Accurate! Faultless! *jumps past the moon* Elegant. (More columns are knocked away as Sardonyx continues listing her qualities.) Controlled! Surgical! Graceful! *jumps up and prepares a final hit at top of the Hub* Aaandd... Powerful! *stops just before hitting the Hub But yes, occasionally, I am known... to smash.

(Sardonyx lightly taps the final column with her hammer and it falls through, shutting down the Hub. She jumps down the Hub and lands in front of Steven, Lion and Amethyst. She then spins her hammer away, dissipating it in a cloud of lightning dragonflies, and Lion tries to catch the dragonflies with his maw.)

SARDONYX: Now, just remember everybody. If you ever have need of the lovely Sardonyx, let Pearl and Garnet know, I'll be there in a flash. squats down Literally.

(Sardonyx then poofs away, separating back into Garnet and Pearl in their dance position. The two look at each other and start giggling and spinning together in triumph.)


STEVEN: Wooo! runs over to hug Garnet and Pearl You guys were amazing!

PEARL: blushes We were? Oh, well that's good!

GARNET: We were awesome!

(Garnet, Pearl and Steven keep laughing in joy, while Amethyst is seen crouching down, seemingly disappointed.)

PEARL: Why don't we do that more often?

[Trans. Int. Steven's room]

(Steven is back in his bedroom watching Crying Breakfast Friends!, this time with Garnet.)

SAD SPOON: Why, Pear? Why did you lie to me?

CRYING PEAR: I didn't mean to-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! cries

STEVEN: Aw, Pear. I'd forgive her. Wouldn't you?

(Garnet scowls. The Temple Gate then opens and Amethyst walks outher room.)

STEVEN: Oh, hey, Amethyst! waves to Amethyst You're missing Crying Breakfast Friends!!

AMETHYST: approaches the refrigerator and opens it That's okay, I'm fine.

STEVEN: But it's a really good one so far!

GARNET: Not really.

STEVEN: Don't worry. I'm recording it for later. (The TV then starts glitching and rumbling again.) It's the signal again!

GARNET: Peridot! (Pearl comes in through the front door.) Pearl! The signal is back!

PEARL: Again?

GARNET: We need to get back out there!

PEARL: Right. Steven, where's Lion? Amethyst, get your head out of the fridge!

GARNET: Let's go, guys.

(Amethyst gulps in sadness and closes the fridge.)

[Trans. Ext. Communication Hub]

(The Crystal Gems and Lion arrive back at the Hub, which has been rebuilt and transmitting light again.)

GARNET: beckons to Pearl I hope you're ready.

PEARL: You know I am.

(Pearl and Garnet fuse into Sardonyx again.)

SARDONYX: What's this? An encore performance? leans in to Amethyst and Steven* Just couldn't get enough of me, could you? *laughs* What are we waiting for? Let the show begin! *jumps into the air

(Steven watches in awe at Sardonyx at work. Amethyst sighs and begins singing "Tower of Mistakes".)

AMETHYST: ♫ Maybe you're better off with her.
I think she's better for you.
I forgot how great it felt to be us.
Guess I got carried away. ♫

(Steven quickly notices Amethyst's despair and chases after her, as she walks away and looks at the broken warp pad Sugilite caused.)

AMETHYST: ♫ I had to use you to make me feel strong.
But I don't care about that now.
I see a tower built out of my mistakes.
And it all comes crashing down. ♫

(Amethyst watches in disappointment as Sardonyx once again shuts down the Hub by knocking off the pillars in a controlled and elegant way.)

AMETHYST: ♫ Is there something I can doo-oo?
Is there something I can doo-oo-oo?
Is there something I can doo-oo?
Can I make it up to you? ♫

(Sardonyx then separates back into Garnet and Pearl while Amethyst continues to grieve.)

STEVEN: ponders Hmmm...

[Time Skip - Night-time]

(Lion arrives back at the Hub through a portal, with only Amethyst and Steven riding him.)

STEVEN: Peridot's been back here twice. So the odds are good she'll come back again, right? Bam! slams his fist into his palm That's when we'll get her!

AMETHYST: Yeah, bam! imitates Steven

STEVEN: Garnet will be so impressed!

AMETHYST: And then she'll think I'm cool again!

(Steven, Amethyst and Lion hide behind some rocks to stake-out. Steven sticks a telescope through the hole in his rock and looks around.)

STEVEN: Nothing, more nothing... seems to spot Peridot on the horizon* Ah! There she is! *zooms in and see a cactus resembling Peridot ...No, wait, that's just a weird cactus.

(Time goes by as the group continues to stake-out. Amethyst grows bored and frustrated, when she spots Steven moving his fingers together, but not touching them.)

AMETHYST: I don't think she's coming. Uh, what are you doing?

STEVEN: If you make your eyes blurry, it looks like there's a little magic sausage in between your fingers.

AMETHYST: attempts the trick This is stupid. It doesn't even work.

STEVEN: Try this! moves Amethyst's hair away from her eyes

AMETHYST: Hey, don't mess with my- sees the "sausage" Ooohh...

STEVEN: laughs Well, even if we didn't catch Peridot, at least I taught you a great way to pass the time!

(Steven does the trick again standing up, when he sees a small green light zooming across the ground.)


STEVEN: I think I saw something! looks into the telescope

(Peridot's escape pod is seen in the telescope.)

STEVEN: It's Peridot's escape pod! She... fixed it somehow?

AMETHYST: But I thought we had it!

STEVEN: Did she steal it from the temple? (The escape pod starts using tractor beams to put the pillars back on the Hub.) Woah, she's lifting the pillar guys, and she's fixing the hub. ("Peridot" gets off at the top of the Hub.) What's she doing up there? Enhance! zooms in with the telescope H-hey, for some reason, Peridot kinda looks like... Pearl?

AMETHYST: What? moves Steven from the telescope Lemme see! (Pearl is seen in the telescope.) Oh no.

[Trans. Int. Steven's room]

(Steven and Amethyst are back in the house, staring at the TV, even though it is not turned on.)

STEVEN: Why would Pearl rebuild the Hub? Maybe she's trying to study how it works?

AMETHYST: No, I don't think that's it.

STEVEN: Maybe she's trying to get us more channels?

(Steven turns on the TV, and it continues to glitch like before. Pearl then walks in behind Steven and Amethyst.)

PEARL: gasps, pretending to be surprised Oh, this is no good!

STEVEN: gets nervous and awkward What's wrong?

PEARL: It's Peridot. She must've fixed the Communication Hub again! (Garnet walks in, as Steven and Amethyst exchange worried glances.) Garnet, it's the Hub again.

GARNET: She's evading my future vision. No matter how many times I try, I can't see us finding Peridot. smacks her lips Come on, team.

(Garnet walks off and Pearl follows. Steven and Amethyst continue looking at each other.)

[Trans. Ext. Communication Hub]

(Pearl approaches the repaired Hub.)

PEARL: I can't believe Peridot is giving us so much trouble! But it hardly matters, right Garnet? We can disable this tower as many times as we need to, together! awkwardly Okay? Okay. I'm ready. Are you ready?

AMETHYST: I know what she's doing.

STEVEN: You do?

(Garnet and Pearl are about to fuse again until Amethyst interrupts them.)


PEARL: gasps I-Is something the matter, Amethyst?

AMETHYST: You-you shouldn't...

STEVEN: Pearl... looks away We saw you.

PEARL: What?

STEVEN: You need to tell Garnet it was you!

GARNET: I don't understand.

PEARL: I'm sorry... I-It's just... so much fun being Sardonyx with you.

(Garnet drops Pearl in shock.)

GARNET: That's why I couldn't see us finding Peridot.

PEARL: Wait! Let me explain!

GARNET: You've been fixing the Hub! walks towards Pearl intimidatingly, who backs away in fear

PEARL: It really was Peridot! T-The first time...

GARNET: You tricked me!

PEARL: No! No, no, no, no! We just needed a reason to fuse! I just wanted to share a few more victories with you!

GARNET: Those weren't victories!

AMETHYST: Wait, Garnet! rushes in You know, we're so much weaker than you! Fusing with you is like our one chance to feel... stronger!

GARNET: Don't defend her! Peridot is out there somewhere and Pearl's been distracting us with... NOTHING!

(Steven can just only watch the commotion, not knowing what to do.)

PEARL: Garnet...

GARNET: THAT'S ENOUGH!! Amethyst, fuse with me!


GARNET: clenches her fist Let's just get this over with.

(Garnet and Amethyst proceed to fuse Sugilite bitterly. Sugilite winds up her fists and punches the bottom pillars at great force. The Hub then comes crashing down, enveloping the place in dust clouds. The dust clouds roll in on Steven and Pearl, as Pearl continues staring at the destruction, mortified.)

[Trans. Int. Steven's room]

(Steven and Amethyst are watching Crying Breakfast Friends! on TV again.)

CRYING PEAR: Please, forgive me!

SAD SPOON: Of course I forgive you! hugs Sad Pear, and both start crying

(Pearl walks into the Beach house from the front door, and Garnet warps in. The two walk by each other without making eye contact or saying a word.)

AMETHYST: Man, it sure would be nice if things worked out the way they do in cartoons.

STEVEN: Yeah. It would.

(Steven points the remote at the screen and turns off the TV, and the episode.)

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