[Verse 1: Nick Vig - Talking]
You know for me
My life changed for me in that moment
You know when I found out about my mom
I was hurt man I didn't know what to do
You know what I mean, and
We were all so close as a family, so you know
I was real hurt my family was hurt we all dealt with it in our different ways, you know
At the time I was in college I was playing baseball
I was the number one pitcher on the team
And you know, I was just dealing with life at such a young age
Something real tragic in my family happened, so
How I reacted was to-
I'm the type of person when I feel like I got something I gotta do, I have do it
And I'll sacrifice that time in order to get it done
I've always been like that
So, when I found out I was sick I quit the team, walked out of class, you know, I went to the gym
And upon this happening I was writing but it was nothing serious
It was serious, but it wasn't-
I had no story you know what I mean?
I was just writing
And I wasn't really realizing what I was doing
But as time went on and in that in that day when I found out that it was cancer
I wrote the song, Promises, man and my whole life just changed forever
And at such a young age that change weighed me down, but
I wrote my whole way through it
So with this tape man, this new tape
After Promises, I took a year, year and a half, to really polish my craft, if you will, and really hone my skill
And that's why the tape is called Young & Refined, because
I just feel like that's where I am at this moment in time
I'm 23, I have all the talent in the world
I have such a, big heart man
I really do this sh*t
This is not something to make me look cool
For me, as an artist it's all about the intention, why are you doing it
I wanna help that young kid go through what I was going through
Or even something different if he was going through a loss in the family, or
Whatever it may be
I wanna do what music did to me
In that time music was everything to me
Like, like, the words and just the instrumental, it got me, it got me through
And I really-
Now that I'm older I learn I wanna give that, to that young kid though something, you know what I mean?
So, Young & Refined is so, so, so important
Cause that's just
And it's just a relatable title as a whole, you know
I hope when people follow my story, they will want to be like me, like I'm the bigger brother, you know
It's always been my dream