UNDERTALE: The Musical (Complete Cast Recording) lyrics
by Man on the Internet
[Part I: Intro]
[Part II: Once Upon a Time]
[Curtain rises. Once Upon a Time starts playing.]
Sit down, child
Do not quail
With peace and love
We will prevail
If you climb
Along this trail
You will hear
The Undertale
Hush now, little ones. I have a story for you. A story about men… and monsters.
Long ago
Men and beasts
Ruled the earth
And lived in peace
Then one day
Came a war
Blood was spilled
As ne'er before
No monster
Will know love
No monster belongs
In the world above
Seal them
Let this barrier
Surround them
[LEADER, spoken]
The humans, filled with Determination, won the war, and sealed the monsters deep beneath Mount Ebott, creating a barrier only a human soul could pass.
Many years
Many tears
We live on
Despite our fears
There's no chance
We could have won
Now we'll never
See the sun
Stones instead
Of stars above
We've lost hopes
And dreams and love
Angels cry
From on high
Will they free us?
Or will we die?
No new friends
Come around
That's our life
Here underground
While on high
Sits our king
Listen, you might
Hear him sing
So much blood
So much pain
Just to see
The sun again
One day soon
Freedom shall ring
So proclaims
The mountain king
Now the years have flown by
A child climbs up high
Will they return from the mountain?
Or will they surely die?
The tale of the underground
Tonight we sing
A tale of fallen children
And mountain kings
[ENSEMBLE 1 & 2]
Sit down, children (Fall...)
Do not quail (...en)
Hopes and dreams (Child)
Will sure prevail (And)
If you climb (Moun...)
Along this trail (...tain)
You will hear (Ki...)
The Undertale (...ng)
Sit down, children
Do not quail
Hopes and dreams
Will sure prevail
If you climb
Along this trail
You will hear
The Undertale
[Music ends.]
[Part III: Your Best Friend]
[The human child wakes up in a bed of golden flowers. They look around, lost and confused. Picking up a nearby stick and putting a bandage over a bruise on their face, they move on. One of the golden flowers shuffles, and the human turns around. Seeing nothing, they turn back to see Flowey in front of them.]
[Your Best Friend starts playing.]
Hi, my name's Flowey!
I'm your new best friend!
Welcome underground!
Looks like you're new
Well, lucky for you, kid
I can show you around!
Lots to do, so much to see
Spread the LOVE, be friends with me!
Friends are made with love
Love's spread through pellets
Here, I've got a few!
Catch them, why don'tcha?
Catch all that you can!
Run into them, YOU FOOL
Feeling woozy? Good! You're dumb!
You fell down, now I'll have fun!
Down here, there's one rule
Kill or you'll be killed
A lesson you'll soon learn
Levels of Violence
That's my kind of LOVE!
Spread when I slash and burn
Take heart, kid, you met your end
Falling to your true best friend
I will not bow down
I will not suffer
I will not ever cry!
This is the end of
Your very short path
Toodle-oo, kiddo! DIE!
[Music ends.]
[Friendliness pellets appear and slowly circle the human, only to vanish as a bolt of fire blasts Flowey.]
[Flowey is blown offstage as Toriel enters.]
[Part IV: Fallen Down]
[Fallen Down starts playing.]
[TORIEL, spoken]
What a miserable creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth… Do not be afraid, my child. It is I, Toriel, guardian of the ruins.
Oh dear child
You've fallen down
It's dark, and there's no one
Around to guide
You through the dark
But please don't you worry
Your little head
I'll be here
To guide you along
Right here, by your side
Through the maze
And teach you the way
Just take my hand
Don't be afraid
It has been so long
Since a human has
Come by here
You remind me of love
I'd once known
Listen well
My dear child
You're going to grow up
And learn all that
Life will teach you
Your mother is always
So proud
And you will never leave me
Here will you stay
Never will
You be afraid
Here with me
You've fallen down, now get up
The underground isn't such
An awful place to live
Peacefully together, and who
Would need to see light of day?
Oh my child
Bathed in light
I know that you're scared
That you've fallen down
But Toriel
Will spare your life
Come, my child
Let's move on
And live in my world
And just maybe you
Could teach me
How you stayed determined
And strong
[Music ends.]
[Part V: Ruins]
[TORIEL, spoken]
Take my hand, dear child. And stay close, alright? The ruins are full of traps and puzzles, and you’re not ready to face them yet
[Ruins starts playing.]
But don’t worry. I’ll be here if anything happens.
[Toriel leads the human child by the hand as they walk through the Ruins. Monsters, mostly insects, frogs, and other small creatures, crawl out to observe them and start to sing]
This is how the story begins
Will this fallen child make us friends
Or will they give in, kill us all?
Who knows when an angel will fall?
We want to fly
Out from the ruins where we lie
But someday soon
We'll see the sky
I stay underground (This is how the story begins)
Garbage all around (Will this fallen child make us friends)
Cry and mope, oh wow! (Or will they give in, kill us all?)
This is my life now (Who knows when an angel will fall?)
I spent all these years (We want to fly)
Just me and my tears (Out from the ruins where we lie)
My cousin is gone (But someday soon)
I'll lay on the lawn (We'll see the sky)
Never seen the dawn (This is how the story begins)
Pretty sure it's gone (Will this fallen child make us friends)
Cry and mope, oh wow! (Or will they give in, kill us all?)
This is my life now (Who knows when an angel will fall?)
Screw up everything (We want to fly)
Barely can even sing (Out from the ruins where we lie)
But someday soon
We'll see the sky
The morning sun
Will shine down from on high
And the stars
Will shine down and show
Their love
[Music ends.]
[Part VI: Ghost Fight]
[Napstablook’s phone rings with Spooktune. He picks it up as the monsters stare.]
Hey… Sorry, this is a bad time… Yeah, I can still make the mix tape… I just didn’t want you to think I hate you… Do you hate me? Sorry… I should hang up… Bye...
[Napstablook hangs up, hears Toriel and the human child coming, and lies down on a bed of roses, pretending to sleep. The monsters crawl away as Toriel and the human come to the roses.]
[TORIEL, spoken]
You’re doing quite well, my child! I’d say that was a real walk in the park! *Giggle* Now, if you’re going to stay down here with me, there are a few things you will have to learn. Luckily, I shall be more than happy to guide you! Teaching is a sort of a hobby of mine, you see. Now perhaps I can give you a… tu-TORIEL! *Laughter* You see? Because... Because it’s my name and… *Ahem*
My child, many monsters you meet in the underground may wish to harm you, or block your way. But if you merely talk to them, you will find there is no conflict you cannot escape. Go ahead! Try it out on this ghost!
Zzzzzz… zzzzzz…
[TORIEL, spoken]
You're… not much of a talker, are you?
[Ghost Fight starts playing.]
That's alright, I'm sure you— My child? What are you— No! Put down the stick! Ghosts are not for hitting! MY CHILD!
Oh… Ah geez, a-am I in your way? I'm— A-Ah— Hey, hey, I'm sorry— O-Oh goodness...
Guess I look funny
I'm not real sunny, though
No, no no, nngh
Just pluggin' along
Listenin' to the radio
I'm fine, excuse me, I'm sorry
Do what you gotta do
Don't mind me
I'm not a barrel of sunshine
Even my tears are crying
Guess I'm in for a beating
Don't mind my frown
I'd just weigh you down
I'd just waste your time
Sorry, Toriel
I can barely rhyme
Don't waste your life
Your pain and strife
On a guy like me
Please stop it, slick
Put down that stick
Don't lower my HP
You know, I'm only sitting here watching you try to hit me to be polite… You can't kill a ghost… We're kinda incorporeal...
I'm real sorry
I don't feel starry, though
No, no no, nngh
Makin' mixtapes
Are they okay?
I don't know
Long ago, I forgot how to laugh
I know how to say, "heh!"
That's just half of it
Not even sure if I'm real
I'm just not really feeling up to it
I made a hat
How about that?
Oh, oh, oh
I made it out of tears
That I shed during this spat
Just another day
In my little life
Full of melancholy
Gloom and strife
I'm sick in the head
Don't wanna leave my bed
I didn't want this afterlife
Sometimes it's cool
I feel like such a fool
Feelin' like I have been schooled
A lonely piece of trash
Man, I want to crash
Be a weepin' ghoul
Yeah, my life is pain
Yeah, I'm quite insane
Even with this hat
Yeah, am I sayin'
"Yeah" too much?
Sorry about that!
I just now realized I... probably could have left at any point… But then, you'd be unhappy too… So… sorry? W-What? W-What are you— Are you… hugging me? That's nice, but… I-I can't really hug back… It would be weird… First of all, I don't have arms...
Are we friends now?
Don't even know
How this happened
Guess I'll live with it
Guess this is my life now
I can't believe
We stopped the fight
Is this your way
Of trying to make it right?
This is the longest
Anyone's listened to me
And the record won't break
After tonight
I'm full of cheer
And can't you hear
In the way I sing?
Well you should go
Before I go
And ruin everything
Pretend you beat me down
That would stop my frown
Give me a little glee
Meanwhile, I am
Just going to jam
To this melody
I'm fine, excuse me, I'm sorry
Do what you gotta do
Don't mind me
I'm not a barrel of sunshine
Even my tears are crying
Thanks for stopping the beating
Just another day
In my little life
Full of melancholy
Gloom and strife
I'm sick in the head
Don't wanna leave my bed
I didn't want this afterlife
[Music ends.]
Well… This has been an experience… I've... I've wasted enough of your time… Bye, I guess… Um, ah. *ahem* Ooooooooo-oOOOooo-ooohh… Hrmm...
[Napstablook awkwardly floats away.]
[Part VII: Home]
[TORIEL, spoken]
I… suppose… that worked? Still, there was an important reason for this exercise — to test your independence. If ever I need to attend to business and you must be left alone, I would hate for you to not know how to carry yourself.
[The human stares awkwardly at Toriel.]
I have an idea! I’ll give you this cell phone. If you have a need for anything, and just in case we get separated, just call! Not… not that you’re going to leave. It’s just… just in case.
[The human child takes the cell phone.]
Oh dear, this trip is taking longer than I thought it would. It was irresponsible to try and surprise you like this.
[Home starts playing.]
Err… Well, I suppose I cannot hide it any longer. Come, my child! Welcome home!
Come, my child
Stay with me
I'll protect you
And your dreams
Rest, my child
'Neath the tree
Like its branches
Reach for me
So, let me keep you safe and warm
Here in my arms
Think of the life
That we could live
The joy that it could give
Even if we're worlds apart
Stay in my heart
Someday when you've
A choice to make
I hope you'll think of me
Think of me
Think of me
[A music box starts playing, and a voice echoes in the background.]
Maybe we'll
Meet again
And you'll have made
Many friends
But if you
Find you've strayed
I'll forgive you
So stay determined as you grow
Love as you go
Think of the kindness
That I've shared
And cherish those who care
Even when we're worlds apart
Stay in my heart
Someday you'll have
A choice to make
I hope that you'll be good
Please be good
Please be good
[Music ends.]
[Toriel tucks the human child in, kisses them goodnight, and leaves a slice of butterscotch-cinnamon pie down on the floor before leaving the room. The child gets up almost immediately. They thoughtfully look at the pie, then put it up on a shelf before heading out of their room and into the living room. Toriel is sitting on a rocking chair, reading a book.]
Up already, I see? Um, I want you to know how glad I am to have someone here. (Opens a book) There are so many old books I want to share. I want to show you my favorite bug-hunting spot. (Flipping pages) I’ve also prepared a curriculum for your education. This might come as a surprise, but... I have always wanted to be a teacher! Actually, perhaps that isn’t very surprising. STILL. I am glad to have you living here.
[Toriel notices the child's silence.]
Oh, did you want something?
[The child points towards a set of stairs leading down.]
G-go home? (Nervously flipping) What? Eh— Th-Th-This is your home now. Um… would you like to hear about this book I am reading? It is called "72 Uses for Snails."
[They tug on Toriel’s robe. She sets aside her book and reaches for another.]
Um… (Desperately) How about an exciting snail fact? Did you know that snails… (Finds something) Make terrible shoelaces? (Unconvinced) Interesting.
[The child starts off towards the downstairs area by themselves.]
(Serious) I have to do something. Stay here
[Toriel closes the book. She gets up, putting her reading glasses away, and heads downstairs. The child follows.]
[Part VIII: Heartache]
[TORIEL, spoken]
You wish to know how to return "home", do you not? Ahead of us lies the end of the Ruins. A one-way exit to the rest of the underground. I am going to destroy it. No one will ever be able to leave again. Now be a good child and go upstairs.
[The child does not.]
Every human that falls down here meets the same fate. I have seen it again and again. They come. They leave. They die. You naive child… If you leave the Ruins… They… Asgore… will kill you. I am only protecting you, do you understand? (Pause) Go to your room.
Do not try to stop me. This is your final warning.
You want to leave so badly? Hmph… You are just like the others.
[Heartache starts playing.]
There's only one solution to this. Prove yourself... Prove to me you are strong enough to survive.
Oh my child
Didn't you listen to me?
Well, you could still turn back
And we could go and finish that pie
Why can't you just be happy?
I don't want you to leave
This happy home
It's not safe
For a child out there alone
Didn't you listen to me?
If you go
I just want you to know
You can't come back
I know what's best
You'll be hurt
Don't be a fool
And please understand
I'm doing this for you
Think what you're doing
I love you too
If you will not fight back
The world will attack
You will not survive
You can't come back home
Can't come back alive
If this is what you decide
Then know I did what I could
If I did what I should
Oh my child, please be good
[Music ends.]
[Part IX: Fallen Down Reprise]
[TORIEL, spoken]
I know… I know you want to go home, but… but please… go upstairs now. (Pause) I promise I will take care of you here. I know we do not have much, but… We can have a good life here. (Pause) Why are you making this so difficult? Please, go upstairs!
[The orchestra swells dramatically, then stops abruptly.]
No, I understand. If you truly wish to leave… I will not stop you. However, when you leave… please, do not come back.
[Fallen Down starts playing.]
Ha ha... pathetic, is it not? I could not save a single child...
Couldn't save a child
Who's fallen down
But the ruins get very
Small around, you'd be
Unhappy here
Expectations, loneliness
And fear
I'll put them aside
For you, I cannot
Still be by your side
I wish I could
My child, please be good
Please… be good. I love you... And I'll miss you, my child…
[Music fades.]
[Toriel hugs the human child and goes to leave, the two turning for one last look goodbye, before the child passes through the one-way door.]
[Part X: Your Best Friend Reprise]
[A spotlight from the darkness illuminates Flowey, standing before them.]
[Your Best Friend starts playing.]
[FLOWEY, spoken]
Howdy. You didn’t forget your best friend Flowey, did ya? *Giggles*
I bet you feel great
You're not a killer
You think that you're so smart?
It's kill or be killed
You'll play by my rules
This is barely the start
I wonder, what will you do?
Meeting one as bold as you?
Will you tire of trying?
Kill in frustration?
Live in the world I run?
I am the prince
Don't worry, little monarch
This is going to be fun!
Not killing anybody? That's a WONDERFUL idea! Good luck with that.
[Music ends abruptly.]
[Flowey sinks beneath the ground. The human child pauses, looks back at the first door, and tries to call Toriel. There is no response. They put the phone away and step through the second door into Snowdin.]
[Part XI: Turn Around and Shake My Hand]
[They walk onward, unaware of Sans stealthily moving in behind them.]
[Music starts.]
Stepping out into the darkness
In a world far below
Hold fast your determination
Through the ice and the snow
Someone creeping up behind you
Wonder where did he go?
Hold fast your determination
Is he friend, is he foe?
Hold fast your determination (Hold fast your determination)
Hold fast your determination (Hold fast your determination)
Hold fast your determination
Through the ice and the snow
Hold fast your determination (Hold fast your determination)
Hold fast your determination (Hold fast your determination)
Hold fast your determination
Is he friend, is he foe?
[Music ends.]
[SANS, spoken]
Human. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand
[The human shakes his hand. Loud whoopee cushion noises echo through the forest. Sans grins with glee.]
Hehehe, the ol' whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny.
[sans. starts playing.]
Hey, anyway, never thought that today
A little human in a striped shirt would come my way
What a gaffe, that's a laugh, when you shook my hand
'Spose I should go 'head, say "Hi." Hi, my name is Sans
I'm s'posed to be lookin' out for humans
But I just don't feel like capturin' you, man
There's lots to do, there's so much to see
Here in the underground, if you just stick with me
But watch out for my brother, if you do not mind
He's dedicated to capturin' one of your kind
I think that's him over there, so hide behind the light
Come on and trust me, kid, you're gonna be alright, uh hu-uh
[The two of them pass through a pair of rickety, wooden pillars and approach centre-stage. They find a lamp conveniently-shaped like a human child.]
And don't worry about the gate, it's not gonna stop anyone.
[Music stops.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[SANS, spoken]
Don't feel bad, bro. It might stop any "two". 'Sup?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
You know what "SUP", Brother! It's been eight days and you still haven't recalibrated the traps! You just stay outside your station! What are you even doing?
[Nyeh! Heh! Heh! starts playing.]
[SANS, spoken]
Staring at this lamp. It's really cool. Do you wanna look?
I don't have time, Sans! What if a human comes through?
I must be ready, get them before they're gone!
That way people will love and respect me
More than they do already! I will be THE ONE!
[SANS, spoken]
(That doesn't rhyme…)
They won't believe, I've captured a human
And The Great Papyrus will get all that he deserves!
Like a hedge carved in the shape of my head
People will ask to be my friend and I will accept with verve!
Can't you see it, brother? I will bathe in a shower of kisses every morning!
[SANS, spoken]
Well, maybe the lamp could help those kisses light up your life?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[SANS, spoken]
Take it easy. I've gotten a ton of work done today
[Music stops.]
A SKELE-ton. (*ba-dum-pish*) *Laughs*
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[SANS, spoken]
Come on, you're smiling.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I AM AND I HATE IT! Your rimshot interrupted my music! Why does someone so great as me have to work so hard to get some recognition?
[SANS, spoken]
Sounds like you're really working yourself… down to the bone. (*ba-dum-pish*)
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Ugh… I must get back to work! As for YOUR work… put a little more… hmm "BACKBONE" into it! (*ba-dum-pish*) Nyeh heh heh heh heh heh heh!
[Papyrus strides offstage, pleased with himself. Then, from offstage...]
[The child emerges from the lamp.]
[Snowy starts playing.]
Come on out, it'll be okay
Better go, he might come this way
Or, if you want, you could stay
And listen to some jokes
[The child tries to leave, but Sans carries on anyway.]
One quick favor, if I may
My brother's been kind of down
And it would just make his day
If a human came to town
Hey (Hey)
You're not in danger, don't fuss (Don't fuss)
He won't hurt you, Papyrus
If you keep going this way
[SANS, spoken]
See you around, kid. (Exits offstage)
Oh (oh)
Moving through the ice and snow
On this lovely winter day
As along the trail you go
Hold fast your determination
Hold as 'long the trail you go
Hold fast your determination
Going through the ice and snow
Please be good, as on you go
[Music ends.]
[The child continues on, seeing Sans has already caught up to Papyrus somehow.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
So, as I was saying about Undyne…
[Papyrus attempts to make a dramatic gesture, then sees the human. He looks over at Sans, who looks at the human. Sans looks back at Papyrus, who looks back at the human. This continues for some time.]
[Nyeh! Heh! Heh! starts playing.]
Sans! Oh my god! Is that… a human!?
[SANS, spoken]
Uh… actually, I think that’s a rock.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[SANS, spoken]
Hey… what’s that in front of the rock?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
OH MY GOD! (Whispering) Is... is that a human?
[SANS, spoken]
(Whispering) Yes.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
OH MY GOD! Sans! I finally did it! Undyne will… I-I’m gonna… Oh oh, I’ll be so… popular! Popular! POPULAR! *Ahem* Human! You shall not pass this area! I, The Great Papyrus, will stop you! I will then capture you! You will be delivered to the capital! Then… uh, THEN! Uh, we— I’m not sure what’s next. IN ANY CASE! Continue… only if you dare! Nyeh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!
[Papyrus walks dramatically away.]
[SANS, spoken]
Well, that went well
[Snowy starts playing.]
Don’t sweat it, kid. I’ll keep an eyesocket out for ya.
(Seeing their face) Hey, don’t sweat it, kid, I know a shortcut.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Wowie! You actually did continue! I thought you would be afraid, but apparently I was wrong! You overcame my powers of intimidation so easily… too easily! Hmm... However! The next devious puzzle will not be so easy! It is designed by my brother, so you will surely be confounded! I know I am!
[SANS, spoken]
Hey, thanks. Both of you. You seem like you’re having fun. (Aside, to human) Hey, kid, by the way, see this outfit he has on? We made it for a costume party. He hasn’t taken it off since. Isn’t my brother the coolest?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
(Quietly) Sans… that’s your cue to bring out the puzzle…
[Music stops.]
[SANS, spoken]
Oh, yeah, uhhh, sure.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Human! I hope you’re ready for…
[Sans pulls out a newspaper and hands it to the human child.]
[sans. starts playing.]
SANS! Where’s the puzzle?
[SANS, spoken]
It’s right there. Trust me. There’s no way they can solve it.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Sans, that’s a junior jumble! It’s not going to do anything!
[SANS, spoken]
Whoops. I knew I should have used today’s crossword instead.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
What? Crossword? I can’t believe you said that! In my opinion, junior jumble is easily the hardest.
[SANS, spoken]
What? Really, dude? That easy-peasy word scramble? That’s for baby bones.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Un. Believable. You are being SO unprofessional! Right! That’s it! I’m getting the rest of the Snowdin Royal Guard!
[Music stops.]
[Part XII: Dogs Approaching]
[Papyrus whistles, as if for dogs. Awkward silence. Sans points out a nearby table, upon which the Royal Guard Dogs are playing poker. All of them are losing.]
[Dogsong plays in the background.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Hey, guys! Guys! Guys! You'll never guess what I found! I thought it was a rock, but it was a human!
[SANS, spoken]
I don't think they heard you.
[DOGGO, spoken]
Heard what?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Would you dogs stop playing poker for one second and listen? I, The Great Papyrus, detected that a human has entered Snowdin!
[DOGAMY, spoken]
Oh, just that?
[DOGARESSA, spoken]
Well, that's no big deal, is it, sweetie?
[DOGAMY, spoken]
Not at all, sugar-lumps.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Then why does Undyne want us to capture the humans?
[Music stops.]
[DOGS, spoken]
[DOGAMY, spoken]
Come on, then! Let's find that human!
[Dogbass starts playing.]
Finding that human won't be hard, no no
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh
Find that human, get the goal, oh oh
Get that human's human soul, oh oh
[Music ends.]
A HUMAN! In Snowdin!
[Nyeh! Heh! Heh! starts playing.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
See? I told you! I found a human, and now I shall capture it!
I can't believe it, I found a human
When I capture it with puzzles, in the royal guard I'll be
I'll go call Undyne, her jaw will hit the floor
She'll cry tears of joy, she'll be so happy with me!
They won't resist my style and my charm
They will be taken at once, this is going to be great!
Stop right there human, listen to me—
Go dogpile that human! What the— Hey, guys, wait!
[Music stops.]
[DOGS, spoken]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Shouldn't I be the one—
[DOGGO, spoken]
Pfft, no.
[LESSER DOG, spoken]
This is royal guard business!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I'm with the royal guard!
[GREATER DOG, spoken]
You're in training!
[DOGARESSA, spoken]
Sorry, Papyrus, but you did your part wonderfully!
[DOGAMY, spoken]
Dearest, where'd the human go?
[DOGARESSA, spoken]
I thought Doggo was watching him!
[DOGGO, spoken]
I didn't see anything.
[DOGS, spoken]
[Dogbass starts playing.]
Finding that human won't be hard, no no
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh
[SANS, spoken]
It's right there.
[Music ends.]
[DOGS, spoken]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
They're even waving! How do you miss that?
[DOGGO, spoken]
Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to...
[DOGS, spoken]
Dogpile attempt number two! GO!
[Enemy Approaching starts playing.]
No more games, human
Don't run away
We'll get you, human
Then we get paid!
We're the greatest guardsmen ever
Nothing gets past us
Except for you that one time
But let's not raise a fuss!
With our obedience training
We'll grab you, we bet!
Hey, is that a stick I see?
HEY! HEY! HEY! Gimme a pet!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Guys! Really? I thought you were better than that!
[LESSER DOG, spoken]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I thought we were gonna capture th—
[GREATER DOG, spoken]
Yeah! But first, belly rubs!
[SANS, spoken]
How you gonna get pet by a kid who's not there?
[Music stops.]
[DOGS, spoken]
[Dogbass starts playing.]
Finding that human won't be hard, no no
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh
[Music ends.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[DOGS, spoken]
[DOGGO, spoken]
I didn't see that coming.
[SANS, spoken]
So, uh… get the human?
[DOGS, spoken]
[SANS, spoken]
Okay, cool, have at it.
[Enemy Approaching resumes.]
We're the greatest guardsmen ever
Nothing gets past us
Except for you once again
But let's not raise a fuss!
With our skill and fitness
We will win the day!
Tackle them into the snow!
Then we roll around and play!
Sit, stay, fetch, shake hands, roll over
We know all the tricks!
Let's keep playing — wait, we're fighting?
Dang it, we got mixed up again!
We're the greatest guardsmen ever
Nothing gets past us
Except for you once again
But let's not raise a fuss!
With our skill and fitness (Come on then, human, much more to do)
We will win the day! (I've prepared all sorts of jumbles, puzzles, traps, and you'll see—)
Tackle them into the snow! (Here on this table, ready to be microwaved)
Then roll around and play! (A frozen plate of my own homemade spaghetti!)
Sit, stay, fetch, shake hands, roll over (If you feel hungry, go ahead and take a bite)
We know all the tricks! (It will distract you, and there you will want to stay!)
Let's keep playing — wait, we're fighting? (Okay, maybe it is stuck to the table–)
Dang it, we got mixed up again! (Hey, human, where are you going? Please do not run away!)
Where'd the human run off to?
Weren't you keeping watch? (What happened to third time's the charm?)
No, this snow is freakin' awesome (What happened to the Royal Guard helping me ou— )
Can I sniff your— (GUYS!)
[Music stops.]
[DOGS, spoken]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
The human's gone!
[DOGS, spoken]
GONE? Find the human!
[Dogbass starts playing.]
Finding that human won't be hard, no no (Urgh...)
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh (...This is why...)
Finding that human won't be hard, no no (...I don't work with amateurs.)
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh (Would you say...)
Finding that human won't be hard, no no (...you had a bone...)
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh (...to pick with them? SANS!)
Finding that human won't be hard, no no (Hey, it's all in...)
Not for the great royal guard, oh oh (...a dog-day's work.)
[Music ends.]
[sans. starts playing]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
OH MY GOD! Sans! Do you really think an audience would come from far and wide just to watch an overweight skeleton tell bad jokes?
[SANS, spoken]
Hey, I’m not fat. I’m big boned!
[Music slows.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
This is exactly what I’m talking about! While you’re standing here making dog and bone puns, the human’s been long gone! Why, I bet they’re almost at… at…
[Bonetrousle plays, faster and faster.]
*Gasps* ...at Snowdin Town! Oh dear! I-I have to go — I-I have to defend the town! Um, I SHALL BE BACK!
[Papyrus runs off]
[SANS, spoken]
Hey, uh, guys, can we get a little transition here?
[Part XIII: Snowdin Carol]
[A stage transition happens as the child approaches Snowdin Town, and Sans remains onstage. Papyrus runs back on.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I’M BACK! Human! This is your final and most dangerous challenge! Behold! The gauntlet of deadly terror!
[Spears, a flamethrower, a cannon, a spiked ball, and an annoying dog appear, pointed at the human child.]
When I say the word, it will fully activate! Cannons will fire! Spikes will swing! Blades will slice! Each part will swing violently up and down! Only the tiniest chance of victory will remain!
[Bonetrousle starts playing.]
Are you ready!? Because! I! Am! About! To do it!
[He doesn’t do it.]
[SANS, spoken]
Well? What’s the holdup?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Holdup!? W-What holdup? (Music slows) I’m… Uh... I’m about to activate it now!
[He doesn’t.]
[SANS, spoken]
That, uh, doesn’t look very activated.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Well! Th-This challenge! It seems… maybe… too easy to defeat the human with... Y-Yeah! We can’t use this one! I am a skeleton with standards! My puzzles are very fair! And my traps are expertly cooked! But this method is too direct! No class at all! Away it goes!
[Away it goes. So too does the music.]
Phew! Uh… What are you looking at? Th-This was another decisive victory for Papyrus! Nyeh! HEH! … Heh??? Hmm...
[Papyrus leaves. sans. starts playing.]
Gee, nice to see, you came out of the cold
Honestly, the dogs singin' was getting old
And Papyrus didn't get ya, though he thinks he can
He's gonna try even harder, take it from old Sans
But for now let's relax, enjoy the many
Food, drinks, and laughs of Snowdin town, and any—
[Sans and the human start walking towards the Town. Music transitions to Snowy.]
Like I said, kid, you're okay
Wipe out that look of dismay
It's a lovely winter day
So, if you'd just come this way...
[They both arrive in Snowdin Town. It is bustling with monsters. Shop starts playing.]
Feel all the crunchy winter snow
On the ground
That's the kind of life you live
In Snowdin Town
We've got trees and lights
And wreaths and everything
So, let's just step outside
And go caroling
[They walk further down the main street. Snowdin Town starts playing.]
La la la la laa
La la la la la laaa la laa
La la la la laa
La la la la la laaa la laa
La la la la laa
La la la la la laaa la laa
La la la la laa
La la la la la laaaa
[Sans leads the human child upstage, showing them around the town. Monster Kid and the others enter the limelight downstage.]
Living here in Snowdin Town
It’s the only life we’ve known
Since we’re trapped underground
We’re denied the sun and moon
But we do not have to fear
We have each other now
I see the snow down here
And wonder why
Does weather happen here?
If so, can I see?
But when the snow falls
I know we can smile
And open presents
Under the Christmas tree!
La la la la laa
La la la la la laaa la laa
La la la la laa
La la la la la laaaa
We will never be alone
As long as this carol rings
And tells us that we’re home
When we see the sky above
It’s the thing we’re dreaming of
When from this world we’ve flown
The royal guard
Are such a funny bunch
It’s fun to watch 'em go
But why are they here?
I guess it’s politics
I’m happy, though
And I’ll stay happy
Just as long as you’re near
La la la la laa
La la la la la laaa la laa
La la la la laa
La la la la la laaa la laa
[Music ends. Sans and the human child emerge from the crowd. He is still showing the human around.]
[SANS, spoken]
Yeah, I have a guard post here, too. And over in Waterfall. And Hotland. What? Ain’t you heard of a guy with more than one job before? Fortunately, three jobs means three times as many legally-required breaks. I guess I could pry myself away from my work and have some Grillby’s. Wanna come?
[Sans takes the human child over to Grillby’s. sans. plays in the background.]
Hey, everyone.
[DOGS, spoken]
Hey, Sans. (Hi, Sans.)
[ENSEMBLE, spoken]
Hi, Sans
[LEADER, spoken]
Sans, weren’t you in here for breakfast a few minutes ago?
[SANS, spoken]
Nah, I haven’t had breakfast in at least half an hour. You must be thinking of brunch.
[The ensemble laughs.]
Here, get comfy.
[The child ends up sitting on a whoopee cushion.]
Whoops, watch where you sit down. Sometimes, weirdos put whoopee cushions on the seats. Anyway, let’s eat. Grillby, we’ll have a double order of burg.
[Grillby goes to get burgs.]
So… my brother’s cool, right? Of course he’s cool. You’d be cool too if you wore that outfit every day. He’d only take that thing off if he absolutely had to. Oh well. At least he washes it. And by that I mean he wears it in the shower.
[Grillby comes out with burgs.]
Here comes the grub. Bone appetit.
[Sans hands a bottle of ketchup to the human child, who pours it out. The cap falls off and ketchup covers the burger.]
Whoops, uh... Eh, forgeddaboudit. You can have mine. I’m not hungry anyway. Anyway, cool or not, you have to agree Papyrus tries real hard. Like, how he keeps trying to be part of the royal guard. One day he went to the house of the head of the Royal Guard and begged her to let him be in it. Of course, she shut the door on him because it was midnight. But the next day, she woke up and saw him still waiting there. Seeing his dedication, she decided to give him warrior training. It’s, uh, still a work in progress. Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something.
[A spotlight shines down on Sans and the human. Premonition plays in the background.]
Have you ever heard of a talking flower?
[Awkward, almost intimidating silence.]
You know, the echo flower. They’re all over the marsh. Say something to them, and they’ll repeat it over and over. What about it? Well, Papyrus told me something interesting the other day. Sometimes, when no one else is around, a flower appears and whispers things to him. Flattery… advice… encouragement… Predictions. Weird, huh? Someone must be using an echo flower to play a trick on him. Keep an eye out, okay? Thanks.
[The child nods, then steps up and out of Grillby’s.]
[Part XIV: Bonetrousle]
[SANS, spoken]
Yeah, I’m right there with you, kid. That was a long break. I can’t believe you pulled me away from work for so long. Just watch out. Papyrus is lookin’ for ya—
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[SANS, spoken]
See? What’d I tell ya?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Human. Allow me to tell you about some complex feelings. Feelings like… the joy of finding another pasta lover. The admiration of another’s puzzle-solving skills. The desire to have a cool, smart person think you're cool. These feelings… they must be what you are feeling right now! I can hardly imagine what it must be like to feel that way. After all, I am very great. I don’t ever wonder what having lots of friends is like. I pity you… lonely human… Worry not! You shall be lonely no longer! I, The Great Papyrus, will go on a date with you and be your… N-No… No, this is all wrong! I can’t be your friend! You're human! I must capture you! Then, I can fulfill my lifelong dream! Powerful! Popular! Prestigious! That’s Papyrus! The newest member… of the Royal Guard!
It's time for my big number, Sans! Hit it!
[SANS, spoken]
Okay. *Punch sound*
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Sans! I meant play the music!
[SANS, spoken]
Okay. *Sans plays trombone notes*
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[SANS, spoken]
Okay. Now, let’s see here… ah, here’s the play button.
[Bonetrousle starts playing]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Ready for this, brother?
[SANS, spoken]
I don't think anyone could be prepared for this.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Shut up, Sans! You just don't understand perfection!
En Garde now, human, now you face Papyrus!
Though the guards failed to stop you, I can do it alone!
So be prepared for the ultimate tussle
As you try to show your muscle in this battle of bones!
I see your face, you run all over the place
Wait a sec — I know that look! Are you flirting with me?
Please understand, I am in such high demand
I’m a skeleton with standards, mostly for spaghetti!
Please don’t feel blue, even though I’ll capture you
'Cause you can do anything, All I have to do is try!
Undyne will see I can be a guard indeed!
Yeah, there’s just that kid you need— I just hate to say goodbye!
Maybe one day we all can be friends
And when that day arrives, I know we’ll have lots of fun!
But until then I’ve got to capture you
Since you’re a human— But you’re trying to make friends with one
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[SANS, spoken]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Stop plaguing my number with incidental lyrics!
[SANS, spoken]
I thought they sounded pretty good.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Well, I thought they sounded like "Not Papyrus!" Which is the worst kind of sound to be!
[SANS, spoken]
Oh. Sorry, then.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
It's okay, Sans. I already forgave you. Come on! Let's go enjoy some Grillby’s!
[SANS, spoken]
Uh, Papyrus?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[SANS, spoken]
The kid’s still here. And the music’s still playing. I’m pretty sure that means the song’s not over.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Whoopsie doopsie! I completely forgot! HUMAN! Prepare for my second verse attack!
You can do anything if you want it hard enough
Undyne says that, and she’s tough, so I emulate her style!
And that's why I'm the greatest royal guardsman
Or at least one that's in training— though it's taking quite a while
But when that’s over, we can be friends
And you will see how a guard has immense amounts of fun!
Where are you going, human? We're supposed to be fighting!
Why do you think this song is done?
[Music ends.]
Oh, I knew it, Sans… not even the human respects me!
[SANS, spoken]
Hey, bro, bro, that's not true… A lot of people like you.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
How do you know?
[SANS, spoken]
The undernet has, like, a million renditions of this song. Here's one now. Hit it, boys!
[Bonetrousle 2.0 starts playing.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Sans, this is…
[SANS, spoken]
Yep. Knock 'em dead, bro. Prove you're bad to the bone.
[PAPYRUS, sung]
Come on then, human, let's see if you can keep up
With The Great Papyrus in this moment of truth!
It won't be easy, you'll have to do actual work
Unlike my lazybones brother in his booth!
[SANS, spoken]
You're doing great so far, little human
But since I'm a skeleton, I'm not getting tired at all!
Okay, maybe, I'm losing some breath
But not quite as much as you— Wait! Be careful! Do not fall!
This is the longest any human's lasted to me—
That's because you haven't met one yet
So maybe we can tTake a little break
And lie down for a bit— NO! Papyrus never rests!
[PAPYRUS & SANS, spoken]
I fooled you, human! Papyrus does not do things with his "eyes closed" and "snoring!" (Bro, that's called sleep...) BRING OUT THE BACKUP DANCERS!
Stop right there human, listen to me
I am The Great Papyrus, and you will never be free!
I'll keep you here, enraptured by puzzles
Unless you want to leave, and ask me really nicely!
You can do anything, if you want it hard enough
And we know we’ve got the stuff, we’ve got heart, we’ve got pride!
Undyne might be mad, but I don't care
Because I made a new friend, or at least I really tried!
So if you want to make a new pal
Then be prepared to have a blast, ‘cause I know we’ll have some fun!
Just like it seems you were prepared for this battle
'Cause I'm nearly out of lyrics and I'm almost done!
What did you say? You want to be friends?
Pal-lease, I knew it'd happen, SANS, JUST STOP IT WITH THE PUNS!
This day is great, I've got a new friend
And it's a human! I knew that you'd make friends with one
[Music ends.]
[SANS, spoken]
Aaaand that’s all I could afford the orchestra for. Thanks, fellas. Put it on my tab.
[Snowy plays in the background.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Well then… I guess… I guess I can make an allowance for you, new friend! Wowie! We haven’t even had our first date, and already I’ve managed to hit the friend zone! Who knew that all I had to do to make friends was give people awful puzzles and then fight them? You taught me an awful lot, human. I hereby give you permission to pass through! And, I’ll give you directions to the surface! Continue forward until you reach the end of the cavern. Then… when you reach the capital, cross the barrier.
[SANS, spoken]
That’s the magical seal trapping us all underground.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Anything can pass through it, but nothing can exit, except someone with a powerful soul.
[SANS, spoken]
Like you.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
That’s why the king wants to acquire a human. He wants to open the barrier with soul power.
[SANS, spoken]
Then us monsters can return to the surface.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Oh, I almost forgot! To reach the surface, you’ll have to pass through the king’s castle.
[SANS, spoken]
The king of all monsters. He is… well…
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Oh, he’s a big fluffy pushover! Everyone loves that guy! I’m sure if you just walked right up and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Dreemurr, can I please go home?" He’ll guide you right to the barrier himself! Anyway! That’s enough talking! I’ll be at home being a cool friend! Feel free to come by and have a date! Nyeh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!
[Papyrus walks off.]
[SANS, spoken]
Well, you heard the man. No time like the present.
[Part XV: Let's Dating Love]
[Sans leads the human back to the skeleton brothers’ house. The human waves at Papyrus, who waves back excitedly.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Wow! I can’t believe you agreed to go on a date with me! This is the most exciting date I’ve had since… Well, this is the only date I’ve had!
[SANS, spoken]
First time for everything.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
You must be really serious… I’ll have to take you someplace really special… A place I like to spend a lot of my time!
[Papyrus leads the child in a loop around.]
My house!
[SANS, spoken]
I’ll be upstairs. Have fun, you two.
[Dating Start! starts playing.]
Hi! Little human!
Welcome to my abode!
Make yourself comfy
Come on in from the cold!
Thank you for dating me
Coming to my home
Oh! You know what would be great?
A present bone!
I made several of these
For all my friends!
Though I don't give out that many
Guess that just depends
On whether or not you feel like I do—
Why is there a dog in my house?
There it goes
With the bone
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[Music dies a pathetic death. *Trombone*]
[SANS, spoken]
[PAPYRUS & SANS, spoken]
Stop plaguing my life with incidental music! (You gonna tell that to the orchestra?) I know there's an orchestra. (Are you calling them incidental?) It's not incidental… WILL YOU JUST GET OUT OF HERE!
[SANS, spoken]
Alright, fine, geez, bye.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
*Ahem* Where was I? OH YES! Second verse, if you please!
[Dating Start! resumes]
Well! That went badly
So sorry about that
Now! If we're going to date
Let's get it down pat!
I've actually
Never done this before
But I have a manual
So let's read this some more!
Step one: Be sure you want to
Go on a date!
Well, I'm pretty sure you do
So that works out great!
Step two: Ask the other person on a date—
"Papyrus will go on this date!"
That went well!
I can tell!
Step three: Make up your
Clothes and hair!
With that, you'll show them
That you care!
Wait, are you wearing clothes
Right now?
Not only that, but earlier—
You've wanted this date
For a while!
You chose to wear clothing… Today, of all days… Was your interest in me… predestined?
No, this cannot be!
I can't handle your dating power!
Human, can't you see?
You're blossoming on me just like a flower!
But you won't best me!
Nyeh heh heh, heh! No, not Papyrus!
Very soon you'll see
My love spread on you like a virus!
[Music stops.]
The Great Papyrus has never been beaten at dating, and never will be!
[Dating Tense! starts playing.]
You see... I, too, can wear clothing! In fact, I always wear my special clothes under my regular clothes! Just in case I get asked on a date! BEHOLD! What do you think of THIS?
AH! The silence! The humility! I CAN'T TAKE IT! But…
[Music stops.]
You do not comprehend the true power of these clothes! Therefore, your silence is invalid!
[Dating Fight! starts playing.]
This date will never go
Any further, you see!
Unless you come on over
And inspect me!
For within these cool clothes
Lies a great surprise!
You might find it
But you won't believe your eyes!
Wow, you immediately went
For my hat!
And there's a present for you —
Well, how about that?
Behold, a plate of artisan
Meant to be shared between
Friends like you and me!
Let this test
The bonds of our friendship
Let us see how strong
Our friendship be!
You and me!
[Music ends. The human takes a bite of spaghetti. They make a face - the taste is indescribable.]
Oh, ho! What a passionate expression! You must really love my spaghetti! And by extension… me! Maybe even more than I do! Augh! Urgh! Your dating power — it’s — it’s through the roof! Noooooo-ooooo!
[Papyrus dramatically flops on the ground, carefully setting down the spaghetti.]
Human. It’s clear now. You’re madly in love with me. Everything you do… Everything you say… It’s all been for my sake. Human. I want you to be happy too. It’s time for me to express my feelings. It’s time that I told you. I, Papyrus…
I…. um… Boy, is it hot in here, or is it just me? … Oh, shoot. Human, I… I’m sorry. I don’t like you the way you like me. Romantically, I mean. I mean, I tried very hard to! I thought that because you flirted with me, that I was supposed to go on a date with you. Then, on the date, feelings would blossom forth! I would be able to match your passion for me! But alas… I, the great Papyrus, have failed. I feel just the same as before. And instead, by dating you, I have only been drawn deeper into your intense love for me! A dark prison of passion, with no escape. How could I have done this to my dear friend?
No! Wait! that’s wrong! I can’t fail at anything! Human! I’ll help you through these trying times! I’ll keep being your cool friend… and act like this never happened. After all, you are very great. It would be tragic to lose your friendship. So please. Don’t cry because I won’t kiss you, because I don’t even have lips. And hey, someday, you’ll find someone as great as me! Well, no, that’s not true. But I’ll help you settle for second best! Nyeh heh heh heh heh heh heh!
[Papyrus begins to move off, then comes right back.]
Oh, silly me, how could I forget? Your journey isn’t over, human! You need to go through Waterfall first! And who better to serve as your guide and guardian than The Great Papyrus? It will be a magnificent journey! Come on!
[Part XVI: Undyne]
[Papyrus leads the human child to Waterfall. Nyeh! Heh! Heh! starts playing.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Isn't this great, human? We're off on a grand adventure together!
I can't believe it, I made a friend who likes me for me
Even though our date wasn't that great!
My style and charm have won over a human
Who enjoys good spaghetti, I think this must be fate!
When I tell Undyne – wait, I probably shouldn't do that
She'll be mad, she might have, and then throw, a cow!
[Music pauses. *Ring ring*]
Oh, um, er…
[Music resumes, deflated.]
I'm sorry, human, that was my phone ringing…
Uh-oh… that would be her calling right now...
[Music ends.]
I've, er… got to take this! I'm so sorry! I'll be right back! Probably!
[Premonition plays in the background.]
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Hiya, buddy! You ditch your parents, too? Ah, man, I don't blame ya! They say Undyne's in the area, and it would be so COOL to meet up with her! I mean, she's just, like, the most awesome royal guard person ever, and I wanna be like her one day, and… and my parents are such j*rkS for saying I can't leave the house! Oh! Sorry! I didn't introduce myself! I'm Monster Kid! I’m a monster, and a kid! What's your name?
OOH! OOH! Shhh! That's her! That's her right over there!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
He usually picks up on the first or second ring… What’s going on with him?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
H-Hi, Undyne! Uh, sorry I'm late! I had, um... e-errands to run! Yes, uh...
[Danger Mystery plays in the background.]
Anyway, r-regarding that human I called you about earlier…
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Did you fight them?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
W-Well... Y-Yes! Of course I did! I fought them valiantly!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Did you capture them?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Wellll...uuuhhh...mmmm… No.
[Undyne starts playing.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I tried! I-I tried very hard, Undyne! You have to believe me! It's just... Y-Y'know... Th-Things come up... Th-Things change... Y-You know how it is, don't you?
[UNDYNE, spoken]
If you want something done right
You do it on your own
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Or, you know, with the help of the royal guard… in training...
I'll rip out their soul myself
And break their little bones!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I can't help but feel that was a personal attack! A-And you don't need to destroy them! Y-You see… I've been thinking about it, a-and... Well... I... have something to say…
With their soul, we can go home
This battle we'll have won!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I… I understand… It's just…
We shall breach the surface world
Destroy the human sc*m!
And if you have a PROBLEM with that… maybe the Royal Guard isn't for you!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I… I… I'll help, Undyne! Any way I can!
Good! Knew I could count on you! Hop to it! CAN YOU HEAR ME, HUMAN? IT'S HUNTING SEASON! And I do NOT lose my catch!
[The human child tries to move out of the seaweed they’re hiding in, attracting Undyne’s attention. Shortly thereafter, Monster Kid runs out.]
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Hi, Undyne! I love you!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
… *Grumbling, like "oh my god of all the times for a fanboy/girl…"*
[Undyne leaves. Music stops. The human steps out after Monster Kid.]
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Yooo… Did you see the way she was staring at you? That. Was. AWESOME! I’m SOOOO jealous! Whaddya do to get her attention? C’mon! Let’s go watch her beat up some bad guys!
[Monster Kid runs off excitedly, without the human. The human starts to follow, but their cell phone *rings* and they pick up.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
(On the phone) Hello! This is Papyrus! How did I get this number? It was easy! I just dialed every number sequentially until I got yours! Nyeh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!
So… You were wearing that striped shirt, right? I’m… I’m asking for a friend. She thought she saw you wearing a shirt. Are you? Are you wearing it? So you're currently wearing a striped shirt, and totally not going to change it! Got it! Wink wink!
[Papyrus hangs up as Monster Kid comes back.]
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Yo! You aren’t coming? Yo, come on, dude! Undyne is, like… sooooooo cool! She beats up bad guys and never loses! If I was a human, ha! I'd wet the bed every night knowing she was gonna beat me up! Man. Ha ha.
[Awkward silence.]
Oh, I, uh, forgot to ask you earlier… Do you, uh… Do you WANT to go watch her beat up some bad guys? ‘Cause… ‘Cause I’d love to hang with you! Y-Yo! That'd be awesome!
[Quiet Water starts playing.]
Oh wow, this is so cool! I've never had a friend like you before! Come on!
Through the water
Two best friends go in
Through the thick and thin
We'll go arm in not-arm!
You can hold things and I can, uh... I can give a boost! It'll be great! We'll get to Undyne in no time! Just the two of us!
Every monster
Wishes they could be
As great as Undyne
With her power and charm!
Or maybe it's just me… Mom says I have an unhealthy obsession and project a lot! What do you think? Do you think she's cool? Or should I just—
[Undyne plays in the background.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Human? Where!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Seven. Seven human souls. And with yours, we can—
[Run! starts playing.]
H-HEY! GET BACK HERE! Quit running and face your death like a man! … Woman… Child?
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Hey, quit messing with my friend!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
They're a HUMAN! You can't be friends!
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Wait, really? I didn't know that!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Yeah, well, watch and see what happens to humans who—
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
It doesn't look like they're running very far…
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Just… Get out of there, you little brat! Come on and face me like a man-woman-child! Ugh… IF IT WEREN'T FOR THAT GRASS, I'D KICK YOUR— I-I mean... IF IT WEREN'T FOR THAT GROOTY, I'D KICK YOUR BOOTY! (To Monster Kid) DON'T ASK ME WHAT A GROOTY IS!
[Undyne storms off. Music stops.]
[Part XVII: Waterfall]
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Gee… Undyne sure was mad, huh? … Listen, uh… She says... She says we can't be friends… So… I think I have to say something mean… You're… You're ugly! And you stink! Ha! There! It's official! (Sing-song) We're not friends! So, um… As not friends…
[Waterfall starts playing.]
...you wanna hang out some more? Before my parents get mad and call me home, and stuff? Like… Like here! Y'see all these? They're echo flowers! I hear if you be real quiet around 'em, you can hear 'em repeat a song for you!
So be quiet! BE QUIET! Let's listen!
[They wait for the flowers to sing.]
Deep down, whispers
We can hear them all
Your inner voice
What will it tell us?
The deepest abyss of your soul
It can't hide
Conflict, turmoil
Unfaltering kindness
All those feelings mixed up
An array of thoughts
Will you fight or show
True mercy
You have to make the choice
Will you save our friends
Escape then
Show them the world above
Will you set him free
Write your wish in the dust
Two sides are playing
A tough game
An endless tug of war
Which will win?
Savior or murderer?
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Huh. I wonder what that means! Ooh! Ooh! And if you poke 'em, they repeat phrases instead!
[Music ends.]
See? Watch!
[ECHO FLOWER, spoken]
(Whispering) Behind you...
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
I wonder what that mea—
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[Undyne plays.]
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Oh! That's what that means! HI UNDYNE!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Nowhere to run this ti—
[Run! plays instead.]
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
I guess you gotta go now! BYE! I'm waving at you!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
I have had just about ENOUGH… of this running and hiding BULL HUEY! I didn't realize that I was hunting for GARBAGE!
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Wow, Undyne! You just sent 'em flying off! And the bridge they were on… And part of the cliff on that—
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[Undyne resumes.]
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Wow… (Calling out) Hey! You okay down there? Seeing you run from Undyne was pretty cool!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
You and I are gonna have a SERIOUS talk, kid!
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
Bye! Don't die while I'm away!
[Music fades. The human falls into the Trash Zone, lying almost out cold in the dark. Their phone *rings*, but they don’t pick up.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
(Oh phone) Hello! It’s Papyrus! Remember when I was asking about clothes? Well, the friend who wanted to know… Her opinion of you is very… murdery. Well, worry not, dear human! Papyrus would never betray you! I am not a cruel person! I strive to be comforting and pleasant. So, because of my inherent goodness, I told her you were wearing a striped shirt, knowing surely you would change, thanks to my subtle hints! That way, I didn’t have to lie to Undyne, and I wasn’t giving you up!
*Sighs* Dang! I just want to be friends with everyone… Wait, are you listening? Is this a voicemail? I’ll call you back later!
[*Hangs up*]
[Part XVIII: Memory]
[Darkness fills the the stage as the human blacks out. Asriel’s voice echoes through the darkness.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
It sounds like it came from over here… Oh! You’ve fallen down, haven’t you… Are you okay? Here, get up… Chara, huh? That’s a nice name. Hey, come on, Chara, I’m not going to hurt you.
[Memory plays.]
It's not fair to be alone
After what you've been through
So let me be your best friend
Please let me stay with you
I'll keep trying to reach out
I'm never leaving you
Determination fuels me
I want to be with you
I will show my love always
Because it's clear to me
Together we'll do anything
Our life isn't easy
I will stay here by your side (So much blood)
I know it's frightening (So much pain)
To think that you might now leave (Just to see)
But that my friend is why (My son again)
I'll be in your life always (One day soon)
And hold you tight and close (Freedom shall ring)
We will be together here (So proclaims)
Until it's safe to go (The mountain king)
I will show my love always
Because it's clear to me
Together we'll do anything
Our life isn't easy
[Music ends.]
[Part XIX: Pathetic House]
[Napstablook’s cell phone rings, playing *Spookwave*, interrupting the flashback. The child wakes up in a field of golden flowers as the lights go up, revealing they haven’t really moved.]
Sorry… Ah, I interrupted you, didn’t I? Oh no… I just wanted to say hi, and... lie down on the floor and... feel like garbage… Well… I-I’m going to head home now… Oh, um… Feel free to "come with" if you want… But uh, no pressure... I understand if you’re busy, it’s... fine, no worries… just thought I’d offer…
[In the time it takes Napstablook to apologize, the human and Napstablook have already arrived at the house.]
Oh… you really came… Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that… It’s not much, but make yourself at home. Do you want something to eat? Sorry… it’s just a ghost sandwich, ha ha… (Realising) And you can’t eat it... oh...
[Pathetic House plays.]
Looks like I went and screwed up
Once again
Sorry, friend
Why am I here? I can just
Barely sing
Even so
I should go
Thanks for coming to my
Pathetic house
It's okay
You should get going soon
Don't waste your time
On a pathetic ghost
Whose tears are crying
[Chill plays for a bit as Napstablook lays on the ground and feels like garbage. The human awkwardly leaves the house. As they move, echo flowers start talking around them. Waterfall plays in the background.]
[ECHO FLOWERS, spoken]
Why did the humans attack? They had nothing to fear. It would take the soul of nearly every monster just to equal the power of one human soul.
But they have one weakness. The strength of the human soul lets it persist outside the body, even after death. If a monster defeats a human, it can take its soul. A monster with a human soul would have unfathomable power.
The power to take their souls. This is the power the humans feared. When a monster dies, its soul disappears, and an incredible power would be needed to take the soul of a living monster.
But a special monster — a boss monster — their soul persists for a few moments after death. A human could absorb this soul.
But this has never happened. And now it never will.
Hurt, beaten, and fearful for our lives, we surrendered to the humans. Seven of their greatest magicians sealed us underground with a magic spell. Anything can enter through the seal, but only beings with a powerful soul can leave.
There is only one way to reverse this spell. If a huge power, equivalent to seven human souls, attacks the barrier, it will be destroyed.
But this place has no entrances or exits. There is no way a human could come here. We will remain trapped down here forever.
However… there is a prophecy. The Angel… The One Who Has Seen The Surface… They will return. And the underground will go empty.
[MONSTER KID, spoken]
[Monster Kid runs in from offstage.]
Listen, um… Undyne and I have been talking… Yo, I know I’m not supposed to be here, but, um…
[Music ends.]
Undyne told me to "stay away from that human". So, like, um… I guess that makes us enemies or something? But I kinda stink at that... Haha! … I’m… I’m gonna go home now…
[Monster Kid backs away awkwardly, but trips and ends up dangling off the side of a bridge.]
Yo! Wait! I tripped!
[Undyne appears, spear at the ready… then sees Monster Kid. The human child and Undyne go for Monster Kid at the same time, the two working to pull the kid up. With the kid safe, Undyne turns the spear towards the human, but Monster Kid gets in the way.]
Y-Y-Yo… dude… If… If y-you wanna hurt my friend… You’re gonna have to get through me first!
[Undyne backs away.]
She’s gone… Yo, you really saved my skin. Guess being enemies was just a nice thought, haha! We’ll just have to be friends instead! … Man, I should REALLY go home… I bet my parents are worried sick about me!
[Monster Kid starts to leave, then turns back.]
Later, dude!
[Monster Kid leaves. The human child continues on, passing the echo flowers as they get to a clearing.]
[ECHO FLOWERS, spoken]
Every human who falls down here must die.
With enough souls, we can shatter the barrier forever.
It’s not long now.
King Asgore will let us go.
King Asgore will give us hope.
King Asgore will save us all.
You should be smiling, too.
Aren’t you excited?
Aren’t you happy?
You’re going to be free.
[A spotlight illuminates Undyne, standing dramatically atop a platform. Undyne starts playing.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
And the humans won’t stand in our way any longer.
[Part XX: Spear of Justice]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
I knew you'd come here, human. They all did… and they all fell.
With the seventh human soul
Our world will be transformed
Now, you stand, facing me
In the eye of the storm
But first, human, let me tell you the tragic tale of our people. It all started, long ago… No, you know what?
[Spear of Justice! starts playing]
There comes a time when a
Hero must make a choice
Fighting with honor, make
All rivals fear my voice
Tonight this battle will
Make all the monsters say
Undyne has saved us all
Undyne brought back the day!
Real heroes never fear
Real heroes laugh at death
Every soldier must fight
Until their final breath!
I dedicate my life
To upholding what's right
Serving my land and king
(Bring victory tonight!)
(Come on and do what's right!)
(Go, Undyne, fight!)
I forged my destiny
From my blood and my sweat
If there's one who can beat me
I haven't met 'em yet!
You'll never win, little child
This is my destiny
They will sing of my name
In the pages of history!
Fight on, Undyne! (Raise my spear to the sky!)
Fight on, Undyne! (Loyal soldier, keep marching on!)
Fight on, Undyne! (We shout with one voice!)
Fight on, Undyne! (We will carry on!)
You stand in the way
Of all our hopes and dreams
If human history
Has taught me anything
It's that humans will fight
It's that humans are tough
But from what I have seen
You're made of softer stuff!
Fight on, Undyne! (Stand until the end!)
Fight on, Undyne! (Because someone has to die!)
Fight on, Undyne! (Clash as you pretend!)
Fight on, Undyne! (The bloodstains will dry!)
The very fact
You exist is a crime
But you're not going to escape
No, not this time
If your life stands between us
And seeing the sky
Then tough luck for you, human
Tonight you're gonna die!
I feel everyone's hearts
As they're pounding in sync
Pushing Determination
To the very brink!
With our hearts and our souls
We all know we can't fail
So come on, little human
Let's end this sorry tale!
I feel everyone's hearts
As they're pounding in sync
Pushing Determination
To the very brink!
With our hearts and our souls
We all know we can't fail
So come on, little human
Let's end this sorry tale!
(FIGHT!) Is that all you've got?
(FIGHT!) I've nothing to fear!
(FIGHT!) You are a disease!
(FIGHT!) I'm justice's spear!
(FIGHT!) You cannot fool me!
(FIGHT!) You're sick in the head!
(FIGHT!) We'd all be happy
(FIGHT!) If you were dead
(FIGHT!) 'Til your dying breath
(FIGHT!) For the ones who've gone
(FIGHT!) For our noble cause
(FIGHT!) We will carry on
(FIGHT!) We will find a home
(FIGHT!) We'll escape the wild
(FIGHT!) We will see the dawn
(FIGHT!) Farewell, human child!
Real heroes never fear
Real heroes laugh at death
Every soldier must fight
Until their final breath!
I dedicate my life
To upholding what's right
Serving my land and king
(Bring victory tonight!)
(Come on and do what's right!)
(Go, Undyne, fight!)
I know in my heart
There's no path but to fight
I know in my heart
I am doing what's right
It'll be different this time
We will win this war
The humans will know fury
Like never before!
Fight on, Undyne! (Raise my spear to the sky!)
Fight on, Undyne! (Loyal soldier, keep marching on!)
Fight on, Undyne! (We shout with one voice!)
Fight on, Undyne! (We will carry on!)
There were six came before you
Six humans who tried
To get past the royal guard
Every one of them died
I will never accept your mercy
Never be spared
Killing you is my mercy
So stop being scared!
Fight on, Undyne! (Stand until the end!)
Fight on, Undyne! (Because someone has to die!)
Fight on, Undyne! (Clash as you pretend!)
Fight on, Undyne! (The bloodstains will dry!)
We believe, Undyne
That you're doing what's right
Come on, then, Undyne
You must finish the fight!
Your heart, Undyne
Should be telling you what's right
You can't let a human live
You must finish the fight!
Come on, Undyne
Stop the bloodshed tonight
What good is a hero
If they will not fight?
Follow your heart
And you will do what's right
You can't run away this time
Let us finish the fight!
Stop running, human
Now come back and fight
I will rip out your soul
And I'll bring back the light!
You can't give me mercy
Can't handle my might
Though you flee to the heat
You will not leave my sight!
(FIGHT!) 'Til your dying breath
(FIGHT!) For the ones who've gone
(FIGHT!) For our noble cause
(FIGHT!) We will carry on
(FIGHT!) We will find a home
(FIGHT!) We'll escape the wild
(FIGHT!) We will see the dawn
(FIGHT!) Farewell, human child
(FIGHT!) Get back here, you punk!
(FIGHT!) Don't you disappear!
(FIGHT!) This is the last time—
(FIGHT!) Hey, get back here!
(FIGHT!) Ah man, all this heat…
(FIGHT!) I'm just feeling beat…
(FIGHT!) I need a drink…
(FIGHT!) Can't stay on my feet...
Undyne, don't give up the fight!
[Music ends. The human stands awkwardly over Undyne’s passed out body as Sans watches from a nearby stand. The phone *rings*, and the human picks it up.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Hey! What’s up!? I was just thinking… You, me, and Undyne should all hang out sometime! I think you would make great pals! Let’s meet up at her house later!
[Papyrus hangs up. Sans walks over to the human, handing them a glass of water.]
[SANS, spoken]
Thirsty, kid? Looks like you need this.
[The human child looks over the cup of water and pours it on Undyne, rehydrating her. She gets up and looks angrily at the child and Sans.]
[Undyne points angrily, but can’t find the words. Instead, she stomps off, making angry, grumbling fish noises.]
Well, that’s one way to do it. Anyways, looks like you and me got some time to kill. I know you might be thirsty, but I’m bone-dry myself. What say we get some dinner? Great, thanks for treating me, kid. Come on. I know a shortcut.
[Part XXI: It's Raining Somewhere]
[Sans somehow leads the child over to the MTT hotel. A swanky concierge stops them.]
[CONCIERGE, spoken]
You’ll need to reserve your table. You’ll also need to reserve your chairs, your food, your silverware, your tablecloth, your romantic candle, your…
[SANS, spoken]
It’s alright. They’re with me.
[CONCIERGE, spoken]
Hmph. If you insist, Sans.
[Hotel starts playing.]
Here we are
We've come so far
All alone
You still want home
Well, I know that feel
But let's be real
See what you have?
Good food, good drinks, good friends, bad laughs, so...
I know you're driven
But look what you've been given
Is what you have to do
Really worth all this to you?
You're not alone
You've got this ol' bag of bones
To help you through
Show you what to do
I'm rootin' for ya, kid
Always will, and always did
[Music stops.]
Hey, kid. Sit down. Let me tell you a story.
[It's Raining Somewhere Else starts playing.]
I sit at my post
Down in the snow
It's raining somewhere
I dunno
I look for humans
It's such a bore
But then one day
I see this door
So I go to this door, practice knock-knock jokes
Just some fun, nothing more, just jokes
Knock 'em dead, knock 'em out, like my life's a joke
Then I hear her voice
"Who's there?"
I reply
"Dishes who?"
"Dishes a very, very bad knock-knock joke"
Then she howls, (*Laughing*) best she's heard in years
I keep goin', she keeps laughin' (*Giggling*) at my jokes
Then I hear her voice
"Knock knock," "Who's there?" "Old lady," "Old lady who?"
"I didn't know you could yodel"
Tellin' jokes, there for hours in the snow
Then I had to go
I came back, the next day, the day after that
It's a thing, like a story for my bro
Tell bad jokes, through a door, laugh your fears away
'Cause it's raining somewhere
Then one day, I told jokes, couldn't hear her laugh
I asked her, what was wrong that day
I heard tears, (*Crying*) weeping coming through the door
Then I heard her voice
"If a human ever comes through the door
Would you promise me just one thing?
Watch over, protect the one who comes through the door
Could you do this for me?"
I hate making promises
And I don't know her name
So I sat
And thought
It was raining somewhere
That's a laugh
But someone who could laugh at an awful joke
You just can't say no, can't laugh it off
Thanks to her, to promises and awful jokes
Here you stand today
Lighten up, I'll be there, I will keep you safe
Look at you, standing strong, attaboy
Guess that's all, so take care of yourself, kiddo
Because someone cares
It's raining somewhere
[Music ends.]
[SANS, spoken]
Do you get what I’m saying? That promise I made to her… You know what would have happened if she hadn’t said anything? … Buddy…
Y o u ’ d b e d e a d w h e r e y o u s t a n d
…Hey, lighten up, bucko! I’m just jokin’ with ya. I joke. That’s what I do. Besides… haven’t I done a good job protecting you? I mean, look at you. You haven’t died a single time. Hey, what’s that look supposed to mean? Am I wrong? … Heh. Come on, let’s get you back to my bro, kid. I know a shortcut.
[Part XXII: Let's Dating Fight]
[Somehow, Sans leads the child back to Undyne’s house in Waterfall. She's Playing Piano plays in the background.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Wow! You actually agreed to come hang out! This is gonna be great! Okay, okay, stand behind me!
[*Knock knock knock* The piano stops.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Hi, Papyrus! Ready for your extra-private, one-on-one training?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
You bet I am! And I brought a friend!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Hi, I don't think weeeeeee…
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
(Through gritted teeth) Why don't. You two. Come in?
[They both enter, Papyrus giddy with joy.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Here, Undyne! My friend brought a gift for you! On their own!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Uhh… Thanks. I'll, uh… put it with the others. So, are we ready to start?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Whoopsy doopsy! I just remembered! I have to go to the bathroom! You two have fun!
[Papyrus dives through the closed window, spraying glass everywhere. Undyne and the human stare at each other for a moment.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
… So why are you here? To rub your victory in my face? To humiliate me even further? IS THAT IT? Wait… You think we're gonna be FRIENDS? HOW DELIGHTFUL! Let's do it! Let's all frolic in the fields of friendship! NOT! Why would I EVER be friends with YOU? If you weren't my houseguest, I'd beat you up right now! You're the enemy of everyone's hopes and dreams! I WILL NEVER BE YOUR FRIEND. Now get out of my house!
[Papyrus pokes his head dramatically through the window.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Dang! What a shame… I thought Undyne could be friends with you. But I guess I overestimated her. She's just not up to the challenge…
[Papyrus disappears once again.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
CHALLENGE? What? PAPYRUS! Wait a second! Dang it… He thinks I can't be friends with YOU? Fuhuhu! What a joke! I could make friends with a wimpy loser like you any day! I'll show him! Listen up, human. We're not just going to be friends. We're going to be BESTIES. I'll make you like me so much, you won't be able to think of anyone else! IT'S THE PERFECT REVENGE! … Why don't you have a seat?
[Dating Start! plays.]
Sit at the table
I'll get something to drink
This is MY HOUSE, ya little fink!
Just point to what you want
I recommend tea
Um… I meant "at a drink"
Are you flirting with me?
Here's your tea, little kid
Careful, it's hot!
Do you like it or not?
It's the best friggin' tea you've ever tasted—
Such flavor you can't comprehend!
For my most
Precious friend!
[Music stops.]
You know… it's kinda strange that you chose golden flower tea. That's Asgore's favorite kind. You remind me a little of him. You're both TOTAL WEENIES! …
[Memory plays in the background.]
You might not believe this, but… I was a pretty hotheaded kid. Once, to prove I was the strongest, I tried to fight Asgore. Emphasis on TRIED. I couldn't land a hit on him! And he refused to fight back! Well, I was so humiliated… Then, he apologized and said, "Excuse me… do you want to know how to beat me?" I said yes, and from then on, he trained me, until I finally managed to knock him down. I felt bad… but he was beaming… I've never seen someone more proud to get their butt kicked, ya know?
Anyway, long story short, he kept training me, and now I'm head of the royal guard! Now I'm the one training dorks to fight! Like, uh, Papyrus. But, to be honest… I don't know if I can ever let Papyrus into the royal guard. Don't tell him I said that! He's just… he's just too innocent and nice! I mean, look, he was supposed to capture you, and ended up being friends with you! I couldn't send him into battle. He'd get ripped into little smiling shreds. That's part of why I started teaching him how to cook, ya know? So he can do something else with his life.
[Music stops.]
Heh, sorry. I was talking so long… You're out of tea, aren't you? I'll get some more… Wait a second… Papyrus… His cooking lesson… HE WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THAT RIGHT NOW! And if HE'S not going to have it… YOU'LL HAVE TO HAVE IT FOR HIM!
[Spear of Justice plays again.]
NOTHING brings friends closer than cooking! Which means that if I give you his lesson... FUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU! Afraid? We're gonna be BESTIES!
Heroes start with the sauce!
Picture your enemy!
Pound veggies into paste!
Heroes do it LIKE THIS
(*Bam!*) Yeah, I'm on a roll!
Don't worry about the mess
I'll put it in a bowl
Now, put the noodles in!
Homemade's better than canned!
But since I'm really cheap
Put them into the pot!
Drop them like they're all crooks!
You're going way too slow!
Hey! Don't give me that look!
(Hey! Don't give me that look!)
(Live by the hero book!)
(Go, Undyne, cook!)
Cook on, Undyne! (Stir as hard as you can!)
Cook on, Undyne! (We will make this pasta spin!)
Cook on, Undyne! (YOU CAN GO HARDER!)
Cook on, Undyne! (It's a war we're going to win!)
Cook on, Undyne! (Just let me stir, then!)
Cook on, Undyne! (WITH THE POWER OF MY SPEAR!)
Cook on, Undyne! (Though the pot gets smashed!)
Cook on, Undyne! (This is how it learns fear!)
Now that's all prepared
We will turn up the heat!
Turn the stove to the max
And let your passion shine!
The dial only goes right
We can't turn all this off!
This is what it is like
When you cook with Undyne!
[Getting faster...]
Come on, bestie
That's just not hot enough!
Let your hopes and your dreams
Turn into burning fire!
Follow your heart
Don't hold anything back
The pasta is your enemy
Light the funeral pyre!
What the heck, human
You call that a fire?
You don't hope and dream hard enough!
Show me your ire!
Let me show you the power
The monsters admire
Look out stove, here comes Undyne
The world I'll inspire!
[Both the house and the music are obliterated in a sea of flames.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
See, human? That's how you — oh. The house is on fire! No wonder Papyrus sucks at cooking! So what's next? Friendship bracelets? Scrapbooking?
Ah, who am I kidding? I really screwed this up… I can’t force you to like me, human. Some people just don’t get along with each other. I understand if you feel that way about me. And if we can’t be friends… That’s okay. Because... if we’re not friends… IT MEANS I CAN DESTROY YOU WITHOUT REGRET!
[Undyne readies her spear.]
I’ve been defeated… my house is in shambles… I even failed to befriend you. That’s it. I don’t care if you’re my guest anymore. One final rematch! All out on both sides! IT’S THE ONLY WAY I CAN REGAIN MY LOST PRIDE! Now come on! Hit me with all you’ve got! NGAAAHHH!
[The child pretends to swing at Undyne with all their might. It’s pretty pathetic.]
… What. That’s the best you can manage? Even attacking at full force, you just can’t muster any intent to hurt me, huh? … Heh, you know what?
[Undyne drops the spear.]
I don’t actually want to hurt you, either. At first, I hated your stupid saccharine shtick, but… the way you hit me right now, it reminded me of someone I used to train with. Now I know you aren’t just some wimpy loser. You’re a wimpy loser with a big heart! Just like him…
Listen, human. It seems that you and Asgore are fated to fight. But knowing him… he probably doesn’t want to. Talk to him. I’m sure you can persuade him to go home. Eventually, some mean human will fall down here and I’ll take THEIR soul instead. That makes sense, right? Fuhuhu… oh, and if you DO hurt Asgore… I’ll take the human souls… cross the barrier… AND BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YOU! That’s what friends are for, right? Now let’s get the hell out of this flaming house!
[They get the hell out of this flaming house.]
Well, that was fun, right? We’ll have to hang out again sometime! But, uh, somewhere else I guess.
[Papyrus pops out of nowhere. Apparently, he never left.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
You can hang out with me!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Papyrus! This is all your fault!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I know! Isn’t it brilliant of me?
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Ya know… it actually kind of is! Good on you, man!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Anyway, you can hang out at my place and practice your amazing monologues in front of the mirror!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
What? I, uh… no! That’s not a thing I do! It’s not like I practice so I don’t forget and just start improvising things, hehe!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Oh, okay! If you say so!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
I just hope you don’t want me to sleep there. The couch is, like, lumpy and jangly. Ooh! But maybe we can do some snow wrestling!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
That’s when she sneaks up on you from behind, and tackles you and yells "SNOW-WRESTLING!" It’s… not the best game.
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Well, you know what I think?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[Undyne tackles Papyrus, easily pinning him.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
You oughta try this sometime, human!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
I’m out of here! I fear for my personal safety!
[Papyrus gets out from the pin and runs off.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
*Laughs* Uh, listen, human… My, uh… my friend Alphys works at the labs over in Hotland. If you see her, could you, uh, tell her h-hi? Then, uh, d-deliver a l-letter for me? O-Or wait, uh, just ask if she still has that nice dress with the uh… uh… Never mind! Just do the "tell her hi" thing!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
(Still there, offstage) You could still do all the rest of that! It would be flattering!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
I’ll show you flattery!
[Undyne runs offstage.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
(Offstage) No! Not the flattery suplex!
[The human awkwardly waves goodbye and continues on.]
[Part XXIII: Alphys]
[They make it into the Hotlands, stepping into the lab. The lights are dim, but they can see a TV monitor — with their face on it. The lights slowly but surely come on as Alphys walks onscreen, writing notes.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Entry number three-eighty-seven-B, progress report — not a lot... Cameras picked up some interesting material, but it doesn’t look like the human will—
[Alphys looks up and sees the human. A long, awkward pause follows. Alphys starts playing.]
Oh my god, a human.
You've come here so soon, and...
Th-This place is such a mess!
I barely got dressed, and oh my god, the cameras are watching!
Oh my god, my hair...
Alphys, stop that staring...
You don't want to scare them!
It's just, I can't even deal, come on, Alphys don't be weird—
So I'm Alphys, hi!
...I'm not a bad guy...
I could be a guide!
'Cause I'm the royal scientist, I know this place!
I've been watching you!
Seeing a human who...
Went through with attitude—
Just fills me with confidence, and not at all at your expense, and—
I'll take you to the castle
It would be no hassle
Know what I mean?
Well, there's a little issue
See, I made an artificial
Killing machine
There's no need to worry, though
You have me right here, so
You'll survive his rage!
Though I'll lead from the rear
I'll still be here
Even when Mettaton steals the stage!
I'll lead the way
Like in anime
You can trust me
Mew Mew Kissy
Cutie's my favorite—
Dangit, Alphys! Quit it!
Um, sorry, hang on…
[The wall explodes and out bursts Mettaton.]
[Part XXIV: Metal Crusher]
[Metal Crusher starts.]
[Alphys, spoken]
Mettaton, no!
[METTATON, spoken]
[METTATON & Alphys]
So welcome back to this metal attack
With a human losing their soul tonight, that's a fact!
They cannot scream, they cannot hope or dream
Tonight's proceedings do not work like that!
I'm so sorry! Good doctor, do not be!
It's the chance of a lifetime to get to see me!
Now sit down, little one, this is going to be fun!
You will be a star, then you'll burn like one!
Now let's see my name in lights, my dear
You'll wish you'd be up there with me
Hope you put up a good fight, my dear
No one's stopped this celebrity!
Please keep calm, there's no cause for alarm
He's a really sweet guy, though he means you harm
I've got style, I've got grace, now get out of my face!
For it won't be long until you buy the farm!
Don't even try, I am such a swell guy
I just don't think it's right to make a little kid cry!
No one asked you, Alphys, we're rolling, quiet please!
It's the role of a lifetime — tonight, they die!
Now please don't be afraid, my dear!
You're swell, you're fab, and I'm beauty!
They'll throw me a huge parade, my dear!
Once machinery kicks your booty!
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Okay, just… just calm down! I made Mettaton, I know how to work around him! All you have to do is—
[METTATON, spoken]
Uh-uh-uh, doctor! No cheating!
No no no, dear doctor, it's my show
And we can't have you interfere!
Stick around, come and watch tonight's show
Same time, same channel, I'll be here!
Come call me when you want actual dramatic tension! Have a nice pilot! Goodbye!
[Mettaton leaves the way he came in. Music ends.]
[Part XXV: CORE]
[ALPHYS, spoke]
Well that was certainly something. … S-So, um… do you like anime? Uh, well… I do… S-Sometimes, when I watch anime, and I feel like I need to do something with my hands, I doodle pictures of Undyne in my notes, and… I mean, uh… I-I can program! Yeah, uh, I got a look at your phone, and it’s SUPER ancient. It doesn’t have texting! Here, give me a second a-and—
[Alphys somehow reprograms the phone in seconds without proper tools.]
Here we go! This phone’s got everything — texting, a cool keychain, access to the underground’s coolest social media network… Now we’re officially friends! Ehehehehe… Heheh… (Awkward silence) I, uh… If there’s a glitch, i-it’s because I might have… renamed a programming variable or two… after Undy— I-I-I MEAN — Uh… You want to see my fanfiction? It stars me in a nice domestic life with Un— Uh! I-I'm... I’m going to the bathroom!
[Alphys runs into the bathroom. The phone rings, and the human picks it up.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Hey there human — uh, whoa! Did you get a new phone? The signal sounds like I’m right there with you!
[The joke is that she probably is, staging-wise.]
Listen, uh, I had an idea! Why don’t we all go over to Alphys’ place and watch anime?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
(Joining the call) Anime? Isn’t that a kind of cartoon for small children?
[UNDYNE, spoken]
OH MY GOD! Anime isn’t just for kids! It’s deep! It’s emotional!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Is *the sound a baby makes* an emotion?
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Yeah because it’s how I’m feeling right now!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Wait… Undyne, do you like anime?
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Uh oh! I mean, I’ve never actually seen any! Maybe I do like anime!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
You don’t have to say that, Papyrus.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Maybe I’m a baby who loves cartoons for children!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[The signal drops as Alphys comes back.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Phew! Sorry, I had to freshen up a little bit. Hehe. Anyway! Uh... um… I-I really shouldn’t… b-b-be going outside, I mean, I don’t… I don’t like it usually… B-But, uh… someone’s got to lead you through Hotland! From a… relatively comfortable distance… Wait… Uh, o-oh gosh, I forgot my hairbrush! I’ll be right back!
[Alphys runs back into the bathroom. The human tries calling Undyne and Papyrus back. Muffet passes through as the child waits for Undyne and Papyrus to pick up, carrying a tray of baked goods.]
[MUFFET, spoken]
Donate to the spider bake sale! All proceeds go to real spiders!
[And, in true big-lipped-alligator-moment-fashion, she is gone. Undyne picks back up.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Anyway! You’re still at Alphys’ place? Tell her I said hi! A-And tell me how she’s doing! And tell me if she needs anything, and… Ooh, wait! No! Heh... Don’t ask any of that! But she’s fine, right!?
[Alphys comes out of the bathroom, hairbrush somehow stuck in her hair.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
I got it! Now I’m all ready to— Oh, silly Alphys! Heh, I need to put on boots! It’s hot out there!
[Alphys goes back into the bathroom.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
So, uh… if Alphys is there… could you ask her how the weather is? W-WHAT? It’s normal to be passionate about meteorology!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Zoinks! I thought that was just an excuse to talk to her. I didn’t know there was weather down here!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
YEAH! THERE IS! And I’m forecasting an incoming front of SHUT UP!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Wowie! Will I need an umbrella?
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Aw, Papyrus. I can’t stay mad at you!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
It’s okay! I forgive you! (Aside, to child) Psst… When was she mad at me?
[The signal drops again as Alphys comes back in boots. They look like they barely do a thing.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
(To herself) There we go! That wasn’t so hard, was it, Alphys? (Normally) Uh… I talk to myself sometimes! It’s normal! So! We should probably go! Yeah! We could look at the Core! It’s really cool!
[Alphys tries to push the child onward but doesn’t have the muscle strength. They oblige by walking out of the lab and towards the Core.]
[CORE starts playing.]
Welcome, human, to the Hotland’s Core!
The source of all our power
Named by our great hunky king Asgore
Fueling us every hour!
We're all living here among the heat
Amongst our blood and sweat
And waiting for the day we'll see the sky
Though it hasn't come yet!
Welcome, human, to the Hotland’s Core!
The source of all our power
Named by our great hunky (mighty) king Asgore
Fueling us every hour!
We're all living here among the heat
Amongst our blood and sweat
And waiting for the day we'll see the sky
Though it hasn't come yet!
Please don't turn back!
Dang it, Alphys!
They barely started!
You screwed it up!
Again, Alphys!
You're garbage!
Keep putting on this show
Please watch your step!
Don't go that way!
There's such danger
All hired by
My robotic
I'm sorry, can't you tell?
Through the fire
And the flames
You will see
Something very strange
The monsters
Gather round
From all across
The underground
They're ready
To run wild
To capture you
Human child
Yet you've ne—
—ver to fear
Your savior
Always stands near
Through the fire
And the flames
You will see
Something very strange
The monsters
Gather round
From all across
The underground
They're ready
To run wild
To capture you
Human child
Yet you've ne—
—ver to fear
Your savior
Always stands near
Go on, human, through the Hotlands Core!
The source of all our power
Named by our great mighty king Asgore
Fueling us every hour!
We're all living here among the heat
Amongst our blood and sweat
And waiting for the day we'll see the sky
Though it hasn't come yet!
Keep on going!
Dodge all those traps!
They won't get you—
Watch out for that!
That almost did!
Did it hit you?
I ruined this, I know
Please watch your step!
Don't go that way!
There's such danger
All hired by
My robotic
I'm sorry, can't you tell?
On tonight's show!
There will be
I sure can tell
This human
Burns in hell
We're all living here among the heat
Amongst our blood and sweat
And waiting for the day we'll see the sky
Though it hasn't come yet!
[Music ends.]
[Part XXVI: Spider Dance]
[Alphys and the human pass through Muffet’s bake sale stand.]
[MUFFET, spoken]
Welcome to the parlor, dearie! Interested in some spider pastries? All proceeds go to real spiders~
[ALPHYS, spoken]
N-no, thank you! Y-Y-You’ve got to move past them. Th-These donuts are overpriced, so y-you’ve got to ignore the spiders, e-even when they… s-stare at you in this creepy way and lick their lips…
[Muffet stares at the human child and Alphys in a creepy way and licks her lips.]
Uh-uh… moving on!
[Alphys and the human move on as the bake sale disappears, but come across a large gap in the ground.]
Whoop! Hold on there! Ha... Haha… Lucky I stopped you in time… There’s, uh… Th-There’s a hole… a-and you would have fallen…
[It’s not a particularly deep hole, just wide.]
S-S-See, what you gotta to do i-is, u-uh… j-j-jump across! Like this!
[Alphys tries to jump across. She can barely get off the ground.]
Like… this!
[She tries more and more. It’s honestly a little sad to watch.]
Like… Like... going back… a-a-and hacking the bridges open… *Sighs* B-Be right back! U-U-Unless you can… find a way across!
[Alphys leaves. The child tries to think of a way across, but honestly their jumps aren’t that much better than Alphys’. They call up Papyrus and Undyne for help.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
WHAT’S THIS? A human stuck on a puzzle? This looks like a job for… uh… Whoops, I think it’s Undyne’s turn to talk.
[UNDYNE, spoken]
What? They can’t do the jimpity jumpity joodle? The limpity loppity leap?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
They can’t! It’s a puzzle!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
WHAT? Papyrus, I HATE puzzles! You do it!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Well, Alphys hangs here, right? You should call her up, and say in a hot voice… "Alphys… I need help with a… Wink… puzzle…"
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Oh my GOD! No! Shut up!!!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Fine! Give me her number! I’ll do the hot voice!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
No! That’s even worse!
[A large web is thrown across the gap, providing a makeshift bridge. The child carefully moves across it, getting more stuck and walking more slowly as they go. Spiders scurry around them as Muffet’s voice comes from various places offstage.]
[MUFFET, spoken]
Ahuhuhuhu~ Did you hear what they just said? They said a human wearing a striped shirt will come through… I heard that they hate spiders. I heard that they love to stomp on them. I heard that they like to tear their legs off. I heard…
[A spotlight shines on Muffet.]
That they’re awfully stingy with their money. Ahuhuhu~ What’s wrong dearie? You look a bit tied up!
[The spiders and Muffet laugh, along with Flowey’s familiar laugh in the background.]
Think your taste is too refined for our pastries, dear? Ahuhuhu... I disagree with that notion. I think your taste is exactly what this next batch needs!
[Spider Dance starts playing.]
[FLOWEY, spoken]
Howdy! You didn't forget about your best friend, didja? Well, I certainly didn't forget about you! And lucky you, I brought along some new friends! As you can probably tell, THEY'RE ALL SPIDERS. Have at it, girls! It's dinnertime!
Welcome to your nightmare
Sorry but there's no escape
It's kill or be killed
Then you'll see another day
Well now, just relax
Come closer to me
I'll just dry your veins
And enjoy a cup of tea!
(2, 3, 4!)
Get up and dance to my song
Hear me as I sing along
Let me take a little bite
Until my poison meets your bones
Feel it? It's just a chill
It's just a way to say I'm done
When you can't even stand up
That means you're already gone!
The shivers come again
The spider dance will now begin
It's really nice to play this game
Our victims never are the same!
Looking deep inside your eyes
I get to see your biggest fears
Now that I am satisfied
Instead of tea, I'll drink your tears!
It's only me
Your friend Flowey
Won't you join the dance?
Just give up, man
I know you can
Won't you join the dance?
Nowhere to run (Will you?)
Nowhere to hide (Won't you?)
Won't you join the dance? (Won't you join the dance?)
Give up and free (Will you?)
The beast inside (Won't you?)
Won't you join the dance? (Won't you join the dance?)
The shivers come again (Will you, won't you?)
The spider dance will now begin (Won't you join the dance?)
It's really nice to play this game (Will you, won't you?)
Our victims never are the same! (Won't you join the dance?)
Looking deep inside your eyes (Will you, won't you?)
I get to see your biggest fears (Won't you join the dance?)
Now that I am satisfied (Will you, won't you?)
Instead of tea, I'll drink your tears! (Won't you join the dance?)
[Alphys runs in, alarmed. Flowey sees her and quickly vanishes. Music ends.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Oh my god! Oh my god! G-Get— are you okay? G-G-Get out of here, you stupid spiders!
[Muffet and the other spiders retreat, giggling and waving goodbye. Alphys starts to cut through the webs.]
I-I-I-I mean… I-I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t plan this to happen! I-I am garbage, I am literally garbage...
[Lights start to dim.]
Uh… it’s, uh, i-it’s getting pretty dark, huh? Don’t worry! I’ll hack into the light systems and get this all fixed!
[Part XXVII: Mettaton Medley]
[Alphys exits as It's Showtime! starts to play. Papyrus, Sans, and Undyne watch, as if on a TV.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Oh-ho-ho boy! Mettaton’s show is coming up!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Really? That dude gives me bad vibes.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
W-What? But he’s so popular! He’s got such a sexy rectangle body!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
I don’t care about people just because they’re popular.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Well, you can say that because you’re popular
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Psssh, what? Popular with who?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Popular with me!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Aww… Papyrus, you’re popular with me, too!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Oh-ho-ho, wowie! Wait… Does that mean you don’t care about me?
[SANS, spoken]
It’s the middle of a show, Papyrus. Now’s not the time to worry about it.
[The lights come on, revealing a studio set.]
This is the place where the fame is everything
Everyone wants to touch, everyone want to see
We live in a world where celebrities are kings
Where the more people want, the more given-out things!
Everyone quiet! It's a show from Mettaton!
He's the underground's number one and rising star!
He is simply the most incredible machine
That brings amazing days from our own TV screens!
[METTATON, spoken]
OHHH, YES! Welcome, beauties and gentlebeauties! This is Mettaton, reporting live from MTT news! An interesting situation has arisen in eastern Hotland!
[Music changes to Live Report.]
We now go live to our correspondent in the field – WEIRD CHILD!
Smile for the camera, you are on TV!
So you might as well look the part!
Go out and find me something newsworthy!
In the meantime, I think I'll share an old family recipe!
[Music changes to Hotel.]
Welcome, beauties, to COOKING WITH A KILLER ROBOT!
Don't touch that dial!
Put on a smile!
Tonight we make
A special cake!
Sugar, milk
And precious eggs
Will make our cake
So use them legs!
Looks like they're
On the shelf
Here's to your health!
Oh! Wait a moment!
How could I forget?
There's one ingredient
That we haven't gotten yet!
We merely need
A human soul!
Mix it in the bowl!
Don't try this at home, kiddos!
Luckily we have
A human on hand
Let's go back to that
Report in Hotland
Oh my, human
Please be calm!
You found a bomb!
Or rather, you found A WHOLE BUNCH OF 'EM!
[Music changes to Death Report.]
You get a bomb, you get a bomb, everyone gets a bomb!
Oh, look at all these bombs, hanging everywhere!
It's almost as if they were pre-planted!
Better get rid of them, you don't want to cause a scare!
Meanwhile, I should evacuate this theatre!
Don't worry, folks, this is all part of the show!
You might have gotten some subtle hints beforehand!
If they go off, only the kid's gonna blow!
Call me after my quick-change, beauties and gentlebeauties! GOODBYEEEE!
[ALPHYS, spoken]
So, how's it goin— *Gasps* OH MY GOD BOMBS ARE EVERYWHERE! N-not to worry, human! I-I designed these, I-I-I can turn 'em off! You just gotta grab the wires and… YANK 'EM ALL OUT!
[Music stops.]
Phew! That was close! Good thing I was there to save you, huh? That could've been a disas—
[METTATON, spoken]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Are you wearing a dress? Mettaton, no…
[METTATON, spoken]
METTATON YES! That human… could it be… my one true love?
[Oh! One True Love starts playing.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Oh no, he's in opera mode! Human, you'll be okay as long as he doesn't make for the… stairs…
Oh my love
Please run away
Monster King
Forbids your stay
Humans must
Live far apart
Even if
It breaks my heart
They'll put you
In the dungeon
It'll suck
And then you'll die a lot
Really sad
You're gonna die
Cry cry cry
So sad it's happening
[Music ends.]
So sad. So sad that you are going to the dungeon! Well, toodles!
Oh no! Whatever shall I do! My love has been cast into the dungeon! A dungeon with a puzzle so dastardly, my paramour will surely perish!
Oh, heavens have mercy! The sadistic disco lights floor! Oh, and you'd better hurry – you have 'til the end of the number or you'll be incinerated by jets of fire! Ahahahahahahaha! Ahahaha… ha! Oh, my poor love! I'm so filled with grief, I can't stop laughing! Good luck, darling!
[Oh! Dungeon starts playing.]
Oh, my love
Has fallen down
Now in tears
We all will drown
Colored tiles
Make them a fool
If only they
Still knew the rules
Well that was
A sorry try
Now let's watch
Them fry
[Music ends.]
Watch out for the flames, darling! They're getting closer! Any minute now!
[The flames get relatively close to the human, but not actually close enough to matter. Mettaton awkwardly coughs. Alphys bursts in dramatically with a remote control.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Watch out! I’ll save you! I’m hacking into the firewall right now!
[Alphys presses a button and the flames turn off with little fanfare.]
[METTATON, spoken]
(Mechanically) Oh no! How could this happen! Foiled again by the brilliant Doctor Alphys!
[Awkward pause.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
That’s right! Come on, Mettaton! Give up already! You’ll never be able to defeat us… Not as long as we work together! Now give up and go home!
[METTATON, spoken]
Oh! Ooh! You’ve defeated me! How can this be, you were stronger than I thought, etc. Whatever.
[Mettaton leaves.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
L-Looks like you beat him! Y-You did a really great job out there! I… I mean… I-I just wrote some silly programs, y-you’re the one doing everything cool…
Um, h-hey, th-this might sound strange, but… c-can I tell you something? B-Before I met you I d-didn’t really… I-I didn’t really like myself very much. F-For a long time I f-felt like a total screwup. L-Like I couldn’t do anything without… without ending up letting everyone down. B-But! Guiding you has made me feel a lot better about myself. So… thanks for letting me help you.
Uhhh, anyway, we’re almost to the Core! Go through there and you’ll get right to the palace! Come on!
[Alphys leads the human to the Core, and the two watch as a modular part slides away, moved by two shadowy monsters.]
H-Huh? Who are they? Nobody else is supposed to be here… A-Anyway, let’s j-just take the elevator up!
[The elevator isn’t working.]
What? I-It should be working… I… I-I guess let’s go through here—
[More shadowy monsters rearrange the Core.]
Watch out! Wh-Why are there so many monsters here? I-I mean... it’s no problem, right? We’ve just got to… to move forward! Uh… uh… let’s head right! W-Wait, no! Head up! I-I mean… Sorry, I… I… Right! L-Let’s turn off the lasers, and… And… And I can’t turn them off… D-Damn it… this isn’t supposed to happen, you aren’t supposed to get hurt like this… No, no, we’ve got this… j-just a little further… I-I’ve got everything under control! Everything’s under control! Y-You should… you should… I… I don’t know… th-this doesn’t look like my map at all…
I have to go…
[Alphys leaves, and echoes of the monsters’ Core song ring through the air. The child is carried to and fro in the core via its modular parts, eventually dropping them off on a stage with Mettaton.]
[Part XXVIII: Metal Crusher Reprise]
[METTATON, spoken]
Oh yes. There you are, darling. It’s time to have our little showdown. It’s time to finally stop the “malfunctioning” robot. NOT! Malfunction? Get real. This was all just a big show. An act. Alphys has been playing you for a fool the whole time
As she watched you on the screen, she grew attached to your adventures. She desperately wanted to be a part of it. So she decided to insert herself into the story. She reactivated puzzles. She enlisted me to torment you. All so she could save you from dangers that didn’t exist. All so you would think that she’s the great person that she’s not. And now it’s time for her finest hour. At this very moment, Alphys is waiting outside the room
[A spotlight shines on Alphys.]
During our battle, she will burst into the room and pretend to deactivate me, "saving" you one final time. Finally, she’ll be the heroine of your adventure. You’ll regard her so highly, she’ll even be able to convince you not to leave
Or not. You see, I’ve had enough of this predictable charade. I have no desire to harm humans. Far from it, actually. My only desire is to entertain!
[Metal Crusher starts playing.]
After all, the audience deserves a good show, don’t they?
So now you know, it was all a big show
She played you for a fool, and me as your foe!
And all this danger, it has been arranged
By the dear doctor herself! No, no, no...
But she forgot, there's a twist in the plot!
Oh my god, I'm locked out! The effort's for naught
We'll drive you wild, with the death of this child
Here tonight, on "Attack of the Death Robot!"
Human, please! I didn't mean it! Please
You've run that excuse to the ground!
Stop that drivel, we've already seen it!
Trust me, just turn him around!
Now I will achieve perfection! Save
The monsters, the humans and me!
Take my life into a new direction —
Hang on, is that a mirror I see?
[The human flips Mettaton’s switch. The music ends abruptly.]
[METTATON, spoken]
Did you. Just flip. My switch?
[Mettaton goes haywire as fog machines and spotlights blare, masking his transformation into Mettaton EX.]
[METTATON EX, spoken]
Oh yessss. Ohhhh my. If you flipped my switch, that can only mean one thing. You’re desperate for the premiere of my new body! How rude! Lucky for you, I’ve been aching to show this off for a long time. So, as thanks, I’ll give you a handsome reward. I’ll make your last living moments… ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! HIT IT!
[Part XXIX: Death by Glamour]
[Death by Glamour starts playing.]
[METTATON EX, spoken]
Lights! Camera! Action!
Are you alive, Hotland?
I can't hear you!
*Laughs* Let's dance!
I'm the idol everyone craves!
Rise to the top, and the world I'll save!
Smile for the camera! Come, look sharp!
Take your soul and break your heart!
Drama, romance, bloodshed, these tools to the masses I bring!
We love you, Mettaton! We love you, Mettaton!
I'll cross the barrier, soon my salvation I'll sing!
Come on now Mettaton! Come on now Mettaton!
Come on, keep up the pace
Child of the human race (Mettaton!)
You know you've come so far
Now face my rising star! (Mettaton!)
All 'cross the underground
The monsters gather round (Mettaton!)
They're watching us, you know (Mettaton!)
Let's put on a good show! (Mettaton!)
[METTATON EX, spoken]
Pop quiz, hotshot! How great am I? Put down your pen, I already know I'm amazing!
Hear the people sing to the glamour I bring!
Mettaton! Mettaton! Me-tta-ton!
You must admit, although
I put on a mar-v'lous show (Mettaton!)
Now the games must end
Now, goodbye, my friend! (Notice me, call on me, Mettaton!)
We've grown so distant, true
But the first thing I'll do (I love you Mettaton!)
When out from the ground, I crawl
Is finally CLAIM IT ALL!
You're here to stay! You're our hero, Mettaton!
You're the underground's number one and only star!
The show must go on, so please fight on, Mettaton!
Here in this crowded place, we know that you'll go far!
The cheers of your fans give you power, Mettaton!
As you pose and you boast, we know that you have it all!
We've been with you from the start, sweet Mettaton!
Please, Mettaton, please won't you take my call?
[METTATON EX, spoken]
With legs like these… style like this… There won't be an entertainer who can stand to me! Are you alive, Hotland? Show me!
I'm warming up, see me shine with such thundrous aplomb!
We love it, Mettaton! We love it, Mettaton!
Things blowing up all around, because I've dropped the bomb!
Exploding, Mettaton! Exploding, Mettaton!
There's no more time to waste
Child of the human race (Mettaton!)
I'm going to go far
As humanity's star! (Mettaton!)
I'm going to stop this war
Like no robot before (Mettaton!)
Just one last bit of pain (Mettaton!)
And then I'll ENTERTAIN! (Mettaton!)
It's sad, you're weak
Impossibly meek, (Mettaton!)
Like the six before
You can't stop Asgore! (Notice me, call on me, Mettaton!)
It's been swell, my friend
But these games must end (I love you Mettaton!)
I did my duty
I'll kill with BEAUTY!
This is the place where the fame is everything
Everyone wants to touch, everyone wants to see
We live in a world where celebrities are kings
We all know what we want, so please give it to me!
I (we) can't get enough of the simple little things
And it's great to remember, since it's my (your) last show!
The love of the fans is almost giving me (you) wings
So I'll (you'll) fly to the surface when it's time to go!
[METTATON EX, spoken]
I am… I always have been an incredible machine! Come on, human! They're watching us! Keep showing your best moves! I LOVE YOU, HOTLAND!
[Music ends.]
[Part XXX: For the Fans]
[METTATON EX, spoken]
Ooh! Look at these ratings! This is the most viewers I’ve ever had! We’ve reached the viewer call-in milestone! You lucky viewers will have the chance to talk to me before I leave the underground forever! Let’s see who calls in first!
[Napstablook calls in first.]
Hi, you’re on TV! What do you have to say on this, our last show?
Oh… Um... Hi… Mettaton… I-I really liked watching your show… My life is pretty boring, but, uh… seeing you on the screen… brought excitement to my life… vicariously. I can’t tell, but, uh… I-I guess this is the last episode? I-I’ll miss you...
[For The Fans starts playing.]
I liked watch-
Ing Mettaton
I'm so sad
That you'll be gone
Our lives have
Been such a bore
You've inspired
Us all before
There's a hole
Inside my heart
Knowing we'll
Be far apart
We'll miss you
When you are gone
Don't forget
About us, Mettaton
My life has
Been for my fans
They'll tune in
To always watch me dance
Everyone… Thank you so much. … Darling… Perhaps… it might be better if I stay here a while. Humans already have stars and idols, but monsters… they only have me. If I left… the underground would lose its spark. I’d leave an aching void that could never be filled. So… I think I’ll have to delay my big debut. Besides. You’ve proven to be very strong. Perhaps… even strong enough to get past Asgore. I’m sure you’ll be able to protect humanity. Ha, ha, ha, ha… It’s all for the best, anyway. The truth is, this form’s energy consumption is… inefficient. In a few moments, I’ll run out of battery power, and… Well. I’ll be alright. Knock ‘em dead, darling. And everyone… thank you. You’ve been a great audience!
[Music ends. Mettaton powers down. The door opens and Alphys enters. Alphys starts playing.]
[ALPHYS, speak-sung]
I got past the door!
My god he's on the floor and—
Mettaton, are you—
Oh thank god, he just ran out of batteries, he should be fine, and—
Oh, human, hi!
I suppose that I—
Should explain just why—
I'm sorry, I thought we could be pals if I just put myself into your life!
… Y-You understand, right?
I-If my friend were gone
I'm not sure that I could live without Mettaton
N-No problem, you know?
He's a robot, so
I could build another
If you messed him up, just like I messed things up, I always mess things up, I'm…
[Music ends.]
I'm garbage. I'm a screwup, I've always been a screwup, always will be a screwup. I'll never be able to impress Asgore, or Undyne, or you, or…
[The human leaves Alphys to her wallowing in her self-pity. Eventually, she gets up and follows.]
S-So… you’re about to meet Asgore, huh? You must be… You must be… p-pretty excited about that, huh? You’ll f-f-finally, y-you’ll finally get to go home!
[The human turns to go.]
W-Wait! I-I mean, um… I... I was just going to, um… s-say goodbye, and… and… I-I can’t take this anymore. I… I lied to you. I-I lied about a lot. A… A human soul i-isn’t strong enough to cross the barrier alone. I-I-It takes at least a human soul and a monster soul. If you want to go home… y-you’ll have to take his soul. You’ll have to kill Asgore. I’m sorry. I… I need to think.
[Alphys leaves the human, who takes the long elevator ride up to New Home. Several monsters have gathered around. Once Upon a Time starts to play.]
[Part XXXI: Undertale]
Long ago
Men and beasts
Ruled the earth
And had their feasts
We'll return
To days of yore
So promises
King Asgore
So much blood
So much pain
Now I've lost
My son again
One day soon
Freedom shall ring
So proclaims
The mountain king
This was once my home… Now, there's nothing but tears and memories.
[Undertale starts playing.]
Long ago, there was peace
They all lived happily
Cherishing every breath
In many times well spent
Suddenly, things went wrong
They could not get along
Darker days loomed ahead
Their stomachs filled with dread
Common sense forgotten
It was friend against friend
Civil war ends sadly
Humans showed no mercy
Monsters forced underground
So our tale begins now
Child of the world above
Fell below, was shown love
Where am I?
Did I die?
Looking up
I see the sky
Hey there, guy!
Are you alright?
Come with me
I will not bite
Let's be friends
Until the end
The king and queen
Will be happy
I'll always be determined
Come on, smile!
Second child
We'll be here
For quite a while
I feel ill
Promise me
Just one thing
The golden flowers
In my town
Let me see them
When I fall down
I'm sorry
Please stay with me
The shield above
Won't let me leave
I'll always be determined
I know I failed you
But with both our souls
I'll cross the barrier
And to your town we'll go
Now at your home again
Let you be blessed
Here in the golden flowers
May you rest
That monster
Killed that child
Our war is still
Let them die
Let them fry
They don't know of
Conscience and love
My ears ring
My body stings
That's okay
I will not stay
Oh, Mom, Dad
Howdy, I’m… fine...
I wouldn’t come back
Just to die...
Now it seems that once again
Everything's been taken
By the humans up above
Who have killed my children
No more humans here will fall
For we will kill them all
Then their souls we all shall take
The barrier will break
Asgore, I will not be shy
Asgore, I demand why
You can't see your big mistake
Even through your own heartache
I'll find humans who come through
I'll keep them safe from you
And I will remember well
My sweet lost Asriel
Many years
Many tears
We live on
Despite our fears
Do not cry
Freedom's come
With your death
We'll see the sun
Thanks to our savior, Asgore
We will be trapped no more
Humans pay for their mistakes
When the barrier breaks
All our tears and all our pain
Will not happen again
Now on high sits our king
And we can hear him sing
[The monsters back away from the child, yet keep weather eyes on them.]
[ENSEMBLE, spoken]
Every human who falls down here must die.
With enough souls, we can shatter the barrier forever.
It’s not long now.
King Asgore will let us go.
King Asgore will give us hope.
King Asgore will save us all.
You should be smiling, too.
Aren’t you excited?
Aren’t you happy?
You’re going to be free.
[The child steps through an ominous corridor, coming across Sans standing in their way.]
[SANS, spoken]
So you finally made it. The end of your journey is at hand. In a few moments, you will meet the king. Together... You will determine the future of this world.
That's then. Now. You will be judged. You will be judged for your every action. Not for experience, for execution. Not for love. No. That’s an acronym - for a level of violence. The more you hurt, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. The less you will hurt. The more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others.
I’ve seen a lot, kid, I’ve seen a lot of people get a lot of violence.
[Sans looks up, a smile on his face. The Choice plays in the background.]
But you. You never gained any. ‘Course, that doesn’t mean you're completely innocent or naive. Just that you kept a certain tenderness in your heart. No matter the struggles or hardships you faced... You strived to do the right thing. You refused to hurt anyone. Even when you ran away, you did it with a smile. You never gained LOVE, but you gained love. Does that make sense? Maybe not
Now. You're about to face the greatest challenge of your entire journey. Your actions here will determine the fate of the entire world. If you refuse to fight, Asgore will take your soul and destroy humanity. But if you kill Asgore and go home, monsters will remain trapped underground. What will you do?
[Sans and the human both look down. Sans sighs and shrugs.]
Well, if I were you, I would have thrown in the towel by now. But you didn't get this far by giving up, did you? That's right. You have something called "Determination." So long as you hold on... so long as you do what's in your heart... I believe you can do the right thing.
[Part XXXII: Bergentrücking]
[The human eventually leaves Sans and moves into the throne room. It is covered in grass and golden flowers. Asgore stands in the middle, watering the garden.]
[ASGORE, spoken]
Dum de dum de dum… Oh? Is someone there? Just a minute! I have almost finished watering these flowers.
[Asgore hums, watering the flowers.]
Here we are! Howdy! How can I—
[Asgore turns and sees the human child. Realization dawns.]
[Asgore looks away, a mixture of shame, guilt, and fear.]
I so badly want to say, “would you like a cup of tea?” But… you know how it is. ... Nice day today, huh? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming… Perfect weather for a game of catch
*Sighs* You know what we must do.
[Asgore walks out of his throne room, past a row of seven coffins, each one with a differently-colored heart painted on it.]
So tense. Just think of it like… a visit to the dentist. Are you ready? If you are not, I understand. I am not ready either.
[A strange light fills the room as the coffins are pulled off by a crowd of monsters, who come on to watch the coming fight.]
This is the barrier. This is what keeps us all trapped underground. … If… If by chance you have any unfinished business… Please, do what you must.
[Twilight shines through the barrier. It seems the journey is finally over. The human is filled with Determination.]
I see. This is it, then. Ready?
[The monsters pull captured human souls in jars, represented by multi-colored hearts, out of all of the coffins save for the red one, which contains an empty jar. Asgore pulls out a massive trident.]
[Bergentrücking starts playing.]
So much blood
So much pain
I will lose
A son again
Oh, dear child
I'm sorry
Now you face
The mountain king!
[Music ends.]
Human. It was nice to meet you. Goodbye
[Asgore starts playing.]
This will be (Ha!) the last soul we need
I will not (Ha!) accept your mercy
With your pain, (Ha!) the barrier breaks
And we shall be free!
I'll remember (Ha!) your friendly face
I can't lie, (Ha!) I will miss this place
No more pain! (Ha!) Our savior be
Come on, mountain king!
Bergentrückung (Bergentrückung)
He sits on his throne
He waits for this day (Bergentrückung)
He has waited alone!
Can't hold back (Bergentrückung)
My breath is all gone
My vision is blurred (Bergentrückung)
I'm asking myself, what have I done?
The pain (Ha!) you have caused
The friends (Ha!) you have left
You broke (Ha!) all the laws
No escaping (Ha!) death
Did you (Ha!) change their lives?
Did you (Ha!) make it worth it?
Did you (Ha!) enjoy your time?
Child, we have to go!
We wish (Ha!) you could stay
At least (Ha!) one more day
Would that (Ha!) be okay?
We cannot (Ha!) delay!
It's hard (Ha!) to decide
For after (Ha!) this fight
Someone (Ha!) has to die
And I hate to say goodbye!
Should I embrace this last chance that I have? (Bergentrückung)
Should you erase all the ghosts in your past? (Bergentrückung)
Maybe it was meant to happen
And we should stay around
Could have been a human
And still lived underground
If we could be family
Walk through the town
See my dear Toriel
And head home right now!
Wait… (Ha!) That's just pipe dreaming
And we need (Ha!) to wake up
The people (Ha!) underground are (Ha!) screaming
There is (Ha!) no way (Ha!) up!
And when this fight is over (Bergentrückung)
We will see the sun! (Bergentrückung)
And the (Ha!) memories you have made here
Will (Ha!) all be worthwhile!
They (Ha!) will make us smile!
Farewell (Ha!) fallen child!
For tonight, the monsters
Have won!
[Music ends. The human stands by Asgore, who they have just vanquished in battle through Determination after a long and grueling fight.]
[ASGORE, spoken]
Ah… so that is how it is… … I remember the day after my son died. The entire underground was devoid of hope. The future had once again been taken from us by the humans. In a fit of anger, I declared war. I said that I would destroy any human that came here. I would use their souls to become godlike… and free us from this terrible prison. Then, I would destroy humanity… and let monsters rule the surface, in peace. Soon, the people’s hopes returned. My wife, however, became disgusted with my actions. She left this place, never to return.
I do not want power. I do not want to hurt anyone. I just wanted everyone to have hope… I cannot take this any longer. I just want to see my wife. I just want to see my child. Please… Young one… This war has gone on long enough. You have the power… Take my soul, and leave this cursed place.
[The human stands there for a moment before dropping their weapon and offering a hand to Asgore, a gesture of peace.]
After everything I have done to hurt you… You would rather stay down here and suffer… Than live happily on the surface?
Human… I promise you… For as long as you remain here… My wife and I will take care of you as best we can. We can sit in the living room, telling stories… Eating butterscotch pie… We could be like… Like a family…
[Flowey’s pellets race in, piercing Asgore through. He collapses before fading, his soul remaining floating in the air. Another pellet flies down and destroys that, too. Flowey pops up.]
[FLOWEY, spoken]
You IDIOT. You haven’t learned a thing!
[The human souls, broken free of their containers, fly around Flowey, slowly getting absorbed.]
In this world… IT’S KILL OR BE KILLED!
[Flowey cackles as the lights go haywire before plunging into darkness.]
[Part XXXIII: Your Best Nightmare]
[A few seconds later…]
[LEADER, spoken]
Hush now, little ones. I have a story for you. A story of men.. And monsters. Long ago, two races ruled over Earth — humans and monsters.
[LEADER & FLOWEY, spoken]
One day, they all disappeared without a trace!
[The human wakes up in inky blackness. Flowey’s massive face hovers above them.]
[FLOWEY, spoken]
Howdy! It’s me, Flowey. Flowey the Flower. I owe you a huge thanks! You really did a number on the old fool. *Giggle* Without you, I never would have been able to get past him! But now, with your help… He’s DEAD. And I’ve got the human souls! *Laughs* Boy, I've been empty for so long. It feels great to have a soul inside me again! Mmm, I can feel them wriggling! *Laughs* Aww, you're feeling left out, aren't you? *Giggle* Well, that's just perfect. After all, I only have six souls. I still need one more… before I become GOD. And then, with my newfound powers… Monsters. Humans. EVERYONE. I’ll show them all the TRUE meaning of this world! Golly, if only you had Determination to fall back on… but you were too STUPID to use it! *Giggle* But don’t worry. Your old friend Flowey has worked out a replacement for you! I’ll save and reload your own death. So you can watch me tear you to bloody pieces over, and over, and over! ... What? Do you really think you can stop ME? Hee hee hee… You really ARE an idiot!
[Your Best Nightmare starts playing. The lights flicker from black to red, revealing the silhouette of a terrifying monstrocity, before they finally come back on, revealing Omega Flowey, who laughs maniacally at the human.]
While you had a pow-wow
I was feeling so proud
Finding the means to an end
While you're making your friends
Now their souls are mine, too
And it's all thanks to you
‘Cause you took up his time
Gave me room for my crime!
Snuck right up to the king
Then slaughtered him, cackling!
There’s no more time to cry!
Toodle-oo, kiddo! DIE!
Huh? WHY am I still doing this? Don't you get it? This is all just a SHOW. And we're playing parts!
I will destroy you
Shatter your worldview
Crush your pathetic dreams
'Cause I am smarter
You're just a martyr
Now let me hear you scream!
You’ll die for nothing! Tearing you apart… what fun that’ll be!
Cry all you want, kid!
I'll just enjoy it
Making you twist and squirm
I took your save file
I'll make you watch while
Everything you love BURNS!
Why are you still fighting?
Don't you know I've won?
Come back every time, then
I've only just begun!
I can’t feel anything!
No sense of empathy!
So yell at me, waste your time
Fall before my entropy!
You will never make me whole
You helped me achieve the goal!
Now at last I have the souls!
Now at last I’m in control!
Everyone said I’m insane
Everybody dies in pain
But now I’ve become a god!
In this world, I finally reign!
*Maniacal laughter* You have no idea what this is like! I can feel the human souls wriggling inside me! They're screaming in pain, just like you! Wanna hear? WANNA HEAR!!?
Listen, they're shrieking
What little weaklings!
Dance to my puppet strings!
I'll use their power
This final hour
Service to their new king!
Am I too vicious?
Oh, how delicious!
Let's try another game!
The rules are simple
It's kill or be killed
Fight back or you'll be maimed!
I tried
To warn you
Just a glance
And I knew
You'd be my chance
To change the game
You and me
We are the same!
Your Determination
Meeting my damnation
The power to reset all
Stolen by your stupid fall!
That's okay; was kinda tired
All that death, so uninspired
At least you’re amusing
Even though you’re losing!
What’s the matter? Did you fall dooooown? No no no… DON’T GET UP!
Clipping at the seams
Of your hopes and dreams
Unstitch the tapestry
There's no "bigger story"
Only the glory
Of my calamity
I’ve got the power
The world I’ll devour
Then make it all anew
Endless destruction
That is my function
And it’s all thanks to you!
This game is ending
Timelines I am rending!
Everything that I’ve done
Culminates in this run!
But when everything’s through
I could not predict you!
Time for celebration
Of my Determination!
Ending this oration
With your extermination!
I’ll be filled with such joy
When everything’s destroyed!
Don’t worry, kiddo! This’ll only hurt the first million times! *Laugh*
[Transition to Finale.]
Wait, what’s… what’s going on? S-Stop! Stop calling for help! N-Nobody’s gonna come! I’m the god of this world, you hear me?! How... How are you… W-What’s going on? Where are my powers? The souls… WHAT ARE THEY DOING? N-No! No, you can’t do that!!! You’re supposed to obey ME! STOP! STOP IT! STOOOOOOOOP!
Hear our refrain
As we sing again
We'll write a new symphony
Lost in the silence
Used in his violence
We’ll keep you company
He lost his way long ago
We'll punish him, even so!
What is this?
You broke from my hold!?
I'll gain back control!
I'm your god, your king
You can't do anything
Fight with Determination!
Flowey (You've had your fun)
Stop this (But now we're the ones)
Madness! If you (Who hold the Determination)
Don't, you'll end (We've got the power)
Up falling (Now, little flower)
Down! (Thanks to this human!)
No, this isn't right
Flowey (Freed from that dark cage)
Stop this (We'll stop your rampage)
Rampage! We will (Protect the Underground)
Fight you, we (This is our last chance) (You will all submit)
Swear! Stop this (We'll do one last dance) (I will NEVER QUIT!)
Now! (Now that we are unbound!)
Flowey (Your hold has been snapped)
You can't (Now, we've got YOU trapped)
Win this! Show your (Giving the human an opening)
Courage here (Blow after blow)
And we'll (Your HP will lower)
Forgive! (Now dance to OUR puppet strings!)
[FLOWEY, screamed]
That was (This game is over)
Your last (We can get closure)
Chance to turn your (For our empty deaths at his hands)
Back on this (It will suffice)
Path and (To put you on ice)
Repent! (Before we must all disband)
Aiming (It's up to you now)
At your (Determined human)
Weak spot, they won't (You've got the final blow)
Miss; three, two (Unleash your power)
One, TIME IS (On that flower)
UP! (Three, two, one, LET'S GO!)
[Flowey screams in pain as the souls revolt, flooding the stage with light and blowing Omega Flowey to bits. Music ends. Flowey, now back to his regular form, sits alone in the blackness, the human slowly walking up to him.]
[FLOWEY, spoken]
What are you doing? Do you really think I’ve learned anything from this? No.
[The human holds out a hand.]
Sparing me won’t change anything. Killing me is the only way to end this!
[The human refuses, tossing away their weapon once more.]
If you let me live… I’ll come back. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill everyone. I’ll kill everyone you love.
[The human stands firm.]
… …? … Why? … Why are you being… so nice to me? I can’t understand. I can’t understand!
[The human kneels by Flowey, still offering their hand.]
I just can’t understand...
[Flowey runs away. The human, left alone now onstage, looks to the gateway out, now completely unblocked, and steps through.]
[Part XXXIV: An Ending]
[The stage goes black for several seconds. Then, a phone *rings*. A light pops back up on Sans.]
[SANS, spoken]
Heya. Is anyone there? Well, I’ll just leave a message.
[An Ending starts playing.]
So... it's been a while.
Is this how our story will end?
With the fallen child leaving friends?
What will happen now to us all?
Will another angel ever fall?
We must prevail
Even trapped beneath the veil
And someday soon
Escape this tomb
[The ensemble continues to sing in the background, while each of the main characters speak over the top.]
Is this how our story will end? (The queen returned, and is now ruling over the underground.)
With the fallen child leaving friends? (She's instated a new policy... All the humans who fall here will be treated...)
What will happen now to us all? (...not as enemies but as friends. It's probably for the best, anyway.)
Will another angel ever fall? (The human souls the king gathered... seem to have disappeared.)
And someday soon (So, uh, that plan ain't happening any time soon.)
We’ll see the sky
Once again, our time we'll bide
Our hopes and dreams
Rest on our queen
Can we endure this long wait again?
[SANS, spoken]
But even though people are heartbroken over the king...
[Music pauses.]
And things are looking grim for our freedom... The queen 's trying her best not to let us give up hope. So, uh, hey... if we're not giving up down here... don't give up wherever you are, ok?
[Music resumes.]
Deep down, inside
We've already been resigned
To this endless night
No more light
This human child
Who had us all beguiled
Fled to lands above
[SANS, spoken]
Who knows how long it will take... but we will get out of here. That's a promise.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Sans! Who are you talking to?
[SANS, spoken]
Ah, nobody.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
What!? Nobody!? Can I talk to them too???
[SANS, spoken]
Here, knock yourself out.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Wait a second... *Gasps* I recognize this number!!! *Ahems* Attention, human! I, The Great Papyrus... Am now captain of the royal guard! Oh, it's everything I’ve ever dreamed of…
We are left
To piece together the rest
Left to our despair
And our prayers
What will we do?
Will our dreams ever come true?
Has fate made its call?
Will we fall?
Deep down, inside (Except, instead of fighting, we just...)
We've already been resigned (...water flowers. So that’s...)
To this endless night (...ever-so-slightly different. And, we’re helping Dr. Alphys with her research!)
No more light (She’s gonna find a way to get us out of here.)
This human child (Undyne is helping her too! Though, to be honest...)
Who had us all beguiled (...her method of helping… seems kind of...)
Fled to lands above (...explosion-inducing. But I think Alphys likes...)
Oh (... having her around. Uh oh! Hey! What are you up to...)
We are left (...punk!? Ngahhhh! Please don’t noogie the...)
To piece together the rest (...phone. Hey! Who's in charge here!? Me.)
Left to our despair (Oh... yeah, that's right! I quit my job...)
And our prayers (...as leader of the Royal Guard. Actually, since we won't be...)
What will we do? (...fighting anymore... The Royal Guard totally disbanded.)
Will our dreams ever come true? (There's, uh, only one member...)
Has fate made its call? (...now. But he’s extremely good!Yeah!! He is!!!)
Will we fall? (C'mere!! Please don’t noogie the skeleton.)
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Anyways, now I'm working as Alphys' lab assistant... We’re gonna find a way out of this dump once and for all!! Oh, yeah, and I'm a gym teacher at the queen's new school. Did you know I can bench-press seven children!? Awesome, right? ... Uh, hey. I'm sorry about what happened with Asgore. You were just doing what you had to. It's not your fault he...
[Music pauses]
Ah, darn it. I miss the big guy.
[Music resumes]
Come on, Undyne! Snap out of it!
Once, we rejoiced
Found the power in our voice
Cheered the human on
Now they're gone
And now we sing
A dirge for our lost king
'Neath the mountain he
Will stay
Is this how our story will end? (We are left)
With the fallen child leaving friends? (To piece together the rest)
What will happen now to us all? (Left to our despair)
Will another angel ever fall? (And our prayers)
Is this how our story will end? (What will we do?)
With the fallen child leaving friends? (Will our dreams ever come true?)
What will happen now to us all? (Has fate made its call?)
Will another angel ever fall? (Will we fall?)
Once, we rejoiced (Uh, I guess I'll tell you how Alphys is doing.)
Found the power in our voice (Well, she's the same as ever. Maybe...)
Cheered the human on (...a little more reclusive than normal. Seems like something's really bothering her...)
Now they're gone (But she can get through it! I'm there supporting her!! That's what friends are for...)
And now we sing (...right? ... Hey...)
A dirge for our lost king (...wherever you are... I hope it's better than here.)
'Neath the mountain we (It took a lot of sacrifice for you to get there... So, wherever you are...)
Will stay (You have to try to be happy, okay!? For our sakes!)
Here at the end
Hold to your family and friends
And hold fast to your
We must be strong
Honor those who have gone
Hold on to our hopes
Carry on
Come, let us pray
Underground we're doomed to stay
Pray that soon we'll see
Light of day
In the world of men
Will the child remember then?
Wond'ring if they could
Do it again?
[Music ends.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
We'll feel better knowing our trouble was worth it. We're all with you! Everyone is! Even the queen! ... HEYYY! WAIT a second! TORIEL! TORIEL! Do you wanna...? ... Heh, she says she's busy.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
But if she knew who we were talking to...
[SANS, spoken]
We wouldn't get the phone back for at least a few hours.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
We have the mercy to spare you from her!!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
But call back any time, ok?! She 'd love to talk! … Um, so, I was gonna ask for your help with delivering this letter to Alphys, but now that you’re gone beyond the barrier, I guess it’s too late… ah well. I guess it wasn’t... meant to happen.
[SANS, spoken]
Oh, whoops. This thing's almost outta batteries. So, hate to cut this short, but... be seeing you, okay, buddy?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Bye bye for now!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
See ya, punk!
[The phone *hangs up*. The light now focuses on the human and Flowey.]
[FLOWEY, spoken]
Why…? Why did you let me go? Don’t you realize that being nice just makes you get hurt? Look at yourself. You made all these great friends… but now, you’ll probably never see them again. Not to mention how much they’ve been set back by you. Hurts, doesn’t it? If you had just gone through without caring about anyone you wouldn’t have to feel bad now. So I don’t get it. If you really did everything the right way… why did things still end up like this? Why? Is life really that unfair?
Say. What if I told you… I knew some way to get you a better ending?
See, humans have this thing called Determination. It’s a power that allows your soul to persist after death. And you’ve got the most Determination I’ve seen in a long time! *Giggle* But see, if you have more Determination than anyone else… you can keep going after death… You can change fate. Like saving and loading a file in a videogame! Golly, how cliche! But I guess you're fortunate that so far, you haven't needed to use this power— that you've avoided being killed for so long. What a waste! I bet you coulda had some fun, seeing different outcomes! ....I wonder if you weren't already aware of this power, and you've been deliberately NOT using it. But hey! Here's your opportunity to see just how powerful your Determination is, to see if you can't change everyone's fates for the better!
So here's the idea, buddy. You use that Determination, start over, and… well... In the meantime… Well, Undyne had that letter to Dr. Alphys, right? Why not go see what that was all about? Who knows… maybe she’s the key to your happiness?
See you soon.
[The flow of time itself seems to change — first reversing rapidly, then fast-forwarding through time, the human going on their adventures again in fast motion, but with one major difference — Undyne hands them a letter after the cooking lesson, which they hold onto.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Um, so, I have a favor to ask you. Uuuuh, I… I need you to deliver this letter to Dr. Alphys. Papyrus suggested that I ask you, but he told me when I still hated you, so… Uh, w-why don’t I deliver it myself? … Um. Well… It's... It’s kinda personal, but we’re friends… so… I’ll tell you... Hotland SUUUUUCKS! I don’t wanna have to go over there! So, here you go. Oh, and if you read it… I’LL KILL YOU. Thanks so much! You’re the best!!
[The flow of time once again fast forwards, then resumes after the Mettaton battle — this time around, stopping in front of Alphys’ lab.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
...if you messed him up, just like I messed things up, I always mess things up, I'm… I'm garbage. I'm a screwup, I've always been a screwup, always will be a screwup. I'll never be able to impress Asgore, or Undyne, or you, or…
[The human hands Alphys the letter.]
Oh… a-another letter? Can’t I just… hand it back or… N… No… I can’t keep doing this. I’ll read this one.
[She walks offstage.]
It’s shut k-kind of strongly, isn’t it?
[The sound of a chainsaw is heard.]
Wait a second…
[She heads back onstage, smutty opened letter in hand.]
Hey, if this is a joke, it’s… Oh my god?! Did YOU write this letter? It wasn’t signed, so, I had no idea who could have… Oh my god. Oh no. That’s adorable… And I h-had no idea you, um, wrote that way! It’s surprising, too… After all the gross stuff I did… I don’t really deserve to be forgiven. Much less, um… This? And so passionately, too. You know what, okay! I’ll do it!
[Alphys heads offstage.]
It’s the least I can do to make it up to you! Y-Yeah! Let’s go on a date!
[Part XXXV: Let's Dating Nerd]
[Dating Start! starts to play.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Uhhh, sorry! I’m still getting dressed!
[Alphys comes out in a polka-dot dress.]
H-How do I look? My friend helped me pick out this dress. She’s got a great sense of… Um, anyway! L-Let’s do this thing! Uh… do you… like… Anime? And… spears? … Okay, I guess it’s obvious, huh? I… uh… I really like Undyne. I mean, more than I like other people! I-I’m sorry! I j-just figured, y-you know… i-it’d be fun to go on like, a cute, kind of… pretend date with you? T-To make you feel better? Well, it sounds even worse when I put it like that. I’m sorry. I messed up again. Undyne’s the person I really want to go on a date with. But, I mean… she’s way out of my league. N-Not that you aren’t, um, cool! B-But… Undyne… She’s so confident… and strong… and funny… A-And I’m just a nobody. A fraud. I’m the royal scientist, but all I’ve ever done is hurt people. I’ve told her so many lies, she thinks I’m… she thinks I’m a lot cooler than I actually am. If she gets close to me, she’ll… she’ll find out the truth about me. Isn’t it better this way? To live a lie where both people are happy… Or a truth where neither of us are? They say "be yourself." But I don’t really like who "myself" is. I’d just rather be whatever makes people like me. Eheheh…
[The human just stares at Alphys.]
No, you’re right
[Music ends.]
Every day I’m scared. Scared what will happen if people learn the truth on their own. Th-They’ll all get h-hurt because of me… But how can I tell UNDYNE the truth? I-I d-d-don’t have the confiden-nce… I-I-I’m going to mess it up! H-H-How can I p-practice!? OH WAIT! I know! Roleplay! That’ll be fun, right?
[Alphys clears her throat and starts pacing back and forth on stage, acting as both herself and Undyne. Her Undyne voice is… not very good.]
(As Undyne) Hey, Alphys! You look cute today! Which I say often! But platonically because I would NEVER like you! (As Alphys) H-Hi Undyne! How are you doing today? (As Undyne) You’re cute! (As Alphys) Th… Thanks! Y-You say that to me a lot, and I n-never know what to say!! But I know, you just, mean it platonically, because we’re just friends! Ehehehe!!! Uh… you’re one hot… hot baby? (As Undyne) WHAT? A-Alphys! What’s gotten into you? H-Hot baby? How dare you call me that! First off, I’m a baby KNIGHT! Captain of the babies! Treat my position with respect, or I will strike you down! Uh, now, pretend I’m suplexing a boulder for no reason.
(As Alphys) U-Uh, anyway! Good to see you looking fit as always! Uh, c-can we talk? (As Undyne) Talk to you? Hmm… I guess so! I often seem excited to listen to you for some reason. I will make intent eye contact with you so you sweat while you talk. So, what is it? (As Alphys) Umm, y-you see, I… I… I… I h-haven’t been exactly truthful w-w-with you… (As Undyne) What!? So you’ve been lying to me this whole time… Alphys! I can’t believe you! You w-worthless s-slime! How could you betray our friendship!? After how much I trusted you!!! (As Alphys) W-Well, uh… uh… uh… th-then I kiss her! (As Undyne) Alphys! What are you doing? You sh-shouldn’t k-kiss me… b-but y-you’re so good at it… B-b-b-because of what you learned from those d-d-dating video games… (As Alphys) UNDYNE!!! I-I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANY LONGER! I’M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU! (As Undyne) NGAAAH! I’m Undyne and I’m piling on the smooches! (As Alphys) HOLD ME, UNDYNE! HOLD ME!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
U-Undyne! Hi!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Whoa! Were you on a date?
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Uh, well, y-yes — I mean, n-no, I mean… I was… picturing a date… with you… romantically in my head…
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
I MEAN! I mean… Undyne, I… I've been lying to you.—
[Dating Start! starts playing.]
I have been lying
About everything
Seaweed's not important
I just put it in ice cream!
And the books I said
Were human history
They are just comic books
For big nerds like me!
The history movies
You based your whole way
Of living and fighting on
They're just anime
They're not real, and I want to say I
Just slack off and eat yogurt!
Sitting in
My PJs
[Music stops.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
I just wanted to impress you! I just wanted you to think I was cool! That I wasn't some… nerdy loser…
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
I just… I think you're really great, okay?
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Alphys. Shhh. Shhhh
[Dating Fight! starts playing.]
Stop saying all that junk
I do think you're neat!
Most of what you said
Doesn't matter to me!
All of the things you watch
Are just nerdy crap
But you have PASSION
And I care about that!
It doesn't matter what
Oh my god, my hair
You do not have to lie
To me anymore!
I'll help you be happy
With the person you are!
Do you really mean it?
You bet I do
Now don't be scared!
Be prepared!
[Music ends.]
For your training regimen!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Get those bones shaking! Let's jog 100 laps around the theatre, hooting about how great we are!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Ready? I'm about to start the timer!
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Undyne, I… thank you…
[PAPYRUS & ALPHYS, spoken]
Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup!
[Once Papyrus and Alphys are out of earshot, Undyne loses her cool.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
OH MY GOD! She was kidding, right? Those cartoons... those comics… those are still real, right? Anime's real, right? Anime's real, right? ANIME'S REAL, RIGHT?
[PAPYRUS & ALPHYS, spoken]
Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Ninety-nine more to go!
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Can we… take a break… maybe?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Sure! As long as you're the one taking breaks and I'm not!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
You take real good care of Alphys, human! She deserves it!
[Undyne and Papyrus exit.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Phew… I… I haven't had… that much exercise… ever… H-Human. T-There's something I need you to see.
[Part XXXVI: Here We Are]
[Alphys starts playing.]
I know you heard Undyne said
I do not need to lie
So I won't today
I've done more than enough lying
I'm tired of trying
It anyway
Undyne showed lots of concern
Telling me I deserved
A happy life!
If she knew the things I did
She wouldn't like me, kid
Not my fish wife!
Don't tell her I said that!
So step this way
Like in anime
'Cause I trust you
Do what you need to
Do with my secret
Dangit, Alphys, quit it!
Stop that dismay
Come on, this way
[Music ends. Alphys solemnly steps into an elevator, the human following slowly, going to the True Lab.]
Hey. Thanks for your help back there. You guys… your support means a lot to me. But… as difficult as it is to say this… You guys alone can’t make my problems magically go away. I want to be a better person. I don’t want to be afraid anymore. And for that to happen I have to be able to face my own mistakes. I’m going to start doing that now. I want to be clear. This isn’t anyone else’s problem but mine. But if you don’t hear from me again… if you want to know the truth…
[The elevator door opens.]
Then come on. You all at least deserve to know what I did.
[The lights flicker; during one of the flashes, Alphys vanishes.]
[VOICE, spoken]
[With a crash, the stage blacks out. A light slowly opens, like an opening elevator door, as tapes start playing, filled with static and skipping.]
[TORIEL, spoken]
Pssst. Gorey, wake up.
[ASGORE, spoken]
Mmm? What is it, dear? *yawn* And why do you have that video camera?
[TORIEL, spoken]
Shush! I want to get your reaction! Gorey, dearest. What is my favorite vegetable?
[ASGORE, spoken]
Hmm… Carrots, right?
[TORIEL, spoken]
No, no, no! My favorite vegetable is eda-MOM-e! Get it?
[ASGORE, spoken]
… Go back to bed, dear.
[TORIEL, spoken]
No, no, not yet! Heeheehee. Now, if I were a dog, what breed of dog would I be?
[ASGORE, spoken]
Hmm… I don’t know, honey. What kind of dog would you be?
[TORIEL, spoken]
I would be… a MOMeranian! *Giggles*
[ASGORE, spoken]
Hohoho! You sure are excited to have this child. You know, if you keep making jokes like this, one day, you could be a famous MOMedian.
[TORIEL, spoken]
… Well, I am going to bed.
[ASGORE, spoken]
Hey! Come on, Tori! That one was funny!
[TORIEL, spoken]
Hahaha, I know. I am just teasing you. Goodnight, dear.
[ASGORE, spoken]
Goodnight, honey.
[The next tape plays.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Okay, Chara, are you ready? Do your creepy face!
[CHARA, spoken]
AAAAH! (A spooky-"boo" kind of Aaah, not an "I’ve-just-been-scared" kind of Aaah)
[ASRIEL, spoken]
[CHARA, spoken]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Oh! Wait! I had the lens cap on… What!? You’re not gonna do it again? Come on, quit tricking me!
[A moment's silence, then a third tape plays.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Howdy, Chara! Smile for the camera! Ha! This time, I got YOU! I left the cap on… on purpose! Now you’re smiling for nooo reason! Hehehe!
[CHARA, spoken]
Hehehe! Do you remember? When we tried to make butterscotch pie for dad? The recipe asked for cups of butter… But we accidentally put in buttercups instead!
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Yeah! Those flowers got him really sick! I felt so bad… We made Mom really upset. I should have laughed it off, like you did… Where are you going with this?
[CHARA, spoken]
Turn off the camera.
[After a very pregnant pause, the fourth tape begins.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
I… I don’t like this idea, Chara.
[CHARA, spoken]
You’re scared. You’re crying.
[ASRIEL, spoken]
B-Big kids don’t cry…
[CHARA, spoken]
Are you calling me a liar? Are you doubting me?
[ASRIEL, spoken]
N-No! We’ll be strong! We’ll free everyone! I’ll go get the flowers…
[The final tape reveals its secrets.]
[TORIEL, spoken]
Chara? Can you hear me? We want you to wake up...
[ASGORE, spoken]
Chara! You have to stay determined! You can’t give up… You are the future of humans and monsters!
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Psst… Chara… please… wake up… I don’t like this plan anymore… I… I… No, I said… I said I’d never doubt you. Six, right? We just have to get six… And... And we’ll do it together, right?
But nobody came.
[More flickering lights, scurrying in the dark, and Alphys appears under a spotlight.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Well, human… here we are. My lab. My real lab. Where I experimented with the soul.
[Here We Are starts playing.]
Souls can't be made artificially
So monster souls are what we need
But monster souls disappear fast
I found a way to make them last
I found Determination
The power to change fate, and
Asgore went through town
Looking for monsters who've fallen down
Then, a vessel found
A flower on the ground
That flower I did give
No soul, but the will to live
Experiments failed
This is a sorry tale
Then to my surprise
They opened their eyes
Everyone who fell just woke up. Like nothing happened. At least there's a happy ending? I sent the souls and the vessel back to Asgore. I told the families everyone was alive, and I'd send them back…
[Horrifying Amalgamates crawl from every nook and cranny, shifting to and fro, madly moving about the lab and surrounding Alphys and the human.]
No… no no no no no no no no no no no! You see now? This…
[Amalgam starts playing.]
...is what experimenting with souls gets you.
Breaking bodies
Melting bodies
What have I done?
The flower's gone!
They keep calling
"Where's my family?"
"Will they come home?"
Don't look at the phone
If I die here
Leave all my friends
I die content
Among my sins
Asgore calling
Everyone hates me
Found a teacup
It looks like me
Spend my time
At the dump alone
It's my element
It's my home
If I die here
Leave all my friends
I die content
Among my sins
[Music ends. The Amalgamates approach Alphys and the human, menacingly… then sniff at the human. A few of them drool and snarl hungrily. Alphys snaps to her senses.]
H-hey! I-If it’s food you want, I… I got you some! I-In the kitchen!
[The Amalgamates seem to understand, and obediently move off.]
S-Sorry about that… Th-They get kind of sassy when they don’t get fed on time. Um… anyway… The power went out, but… I think it’s fixed... So… this was probably a big inconvenience for you, but… but I appreciate you coming to back me up! As I said, I was afraid I might… not come back… But that’s not because of these guys or anything. I was just worried I would be too afraid… to tell the truth. That I might run away, or do something… something cowardly… I was… I was afraid to keep working, knowing everything I’d done so far had been such a horrific failure. But now… Now, I’ve changed my mind about all this. I’m going to tell everyone what I’ve done.
[Alphys opens up the elevator and steps in, the human following. It slowly raises back up towards New Home.]
It’s going to be hard, being honest, believing in myself. I’m sure there will be times where I struggle. I’m sure there will be times when I screw up again. But knowing, deep down, that I have friends to fall back on… I know it’ll be a lot easier to stand on my own. Thank you.
[The child hugs Alphys, then goes into the elevator to New Home. An unfamiliar voice echoes.]
Chara… Are you there? It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? But you’ve done well. Thanks to you, everything has fallen into place. Chara… See you soon.
[The door behind the child gets sealed shut with vines. Music starts to play.]
[Part XXXVII: Fallen Down Reprise 2]
["The Choice" plays in the background as the human goes to the judgment hall.]
[SANS, spoken]
Huh? You look like you’ve seen this all before. I get the feeling you aren’t gonna learn anything from this. Well, guess I gotta judge you then. Your actions here will determine the fate of the entire world. If you refuse to fight, Asgore will take your soul and destroy humanity. But if you kill Asgore and go home, monsters will remain trapped underground. What will you do?
[Sans and the human both look down. Sans sighs and shrugs.]
Well, if I were you, I would have thrown in the towel by now. But you didn't get this far by giving up, did you? That's right, you have something called "Determination." So long as you hold on... So long as you do what's in your heart... I believe that you can do the right thing.
[Sans hugs the child, wiping away a tear.]
Alright. We're all counting on you, kid. Good luck.
[Music ends. The human moves onto Asgore’s chambers.]
[ASGORE, spoken]
Oh? Is someone there? Just a minute! I have almost finished watering these flowers. ... Here we are! Howdy! How can I—
[Asgore turns and sees the human child. Realization dawns. Small Shock plays.]
[Asgore looks away, a mixture of shame, guilt, and fear.]
… I so badly want to say, "Would you like a cup of tea?" But… you know how it is. ... Nice day today, huh? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming… Perfect weather for a game of catch. … Ah, you know what we must do.
[Asgore walks out of his throne room, past a row of seven coffins, each one with a differently-colored heart painted on it.]
… So tense. Just think of it like… a visit to the dentist. Are you ready? If you are not, I understand. I am not ready either.
[A strange light fills the room as the coffins are pulled off by a crowd of monsters, who come on to watch the coming fight.]
This is the barrier. This is what keeps us all trapped underground. … If… If by chance you have any unfinished business… Please do what you must.
[Twilight shines through the barrier. It seems the journey is finally over. The human is filled with Determination.]
I see. This is it, then. Ready?
[The monsters pull captured human souls in jars, represented by multi-colored hearts, out of all of the coffins save for the red one, which contains an empty jar. Asgore pulls out a massive trident. Bergentrückung starts playing.]
So much blood
So much pain
I will lose
A son again
Oh, dear child
I'm sorry
Now you face
The mountain king!
[Before the song can continue, a blast of fire knocks Asgore away, as he falls with a grunt of pain. Fallen Down Reprise starts playing instead.]
[TORIEL, spoken]
What a miserable creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth… Do not be afraid, my child. It is I, Toriel, your friend and guardian.
Oh dear child
Do not fear
You're never alone
I worried you'd fall
Or surely fail
On your great adventure
You'd make a choice
Too terrible
For any child to bear
But I'm by your side
You won't take a life
And I'm here to save you
There will be no sacrifice
There's only life
And the love
That you can bring
Oh my child
I know you'll save everything
Even monsters get Mercy
Through all our faults
And our sins
We are but men
Thanks to him
We lived so long in despair
[TORIEL, spoken]
Yet, even as terrible as Asgore is… even he deserves mercy.
[ASGORE, spoken]
Tori… you came back!
[TORIEL, spoken]
Do not "Tori" me, Dreemurr! You pathetic whelp. If you really wanted to free our kind… you could have gone through the barrier after you got one soul, taken six from the humans, then come back and freed everyone peacefully.
[ASGORE, spoken]
Tori.... You’re right… I am a miserable creature… But… do you think we can at least be friends again?
[TORIEL, spoken]
*Sigh* NO, Asgore.
[SANS, spoken]
Hey, don’t sweat it, big guy. You’re not a terrible person. You just made some baaa-aad decisions.
[TORIEL, spoken]
Oh… are you the one who made all those jokes with me?
[SANS, spoken]
Yep. Didn’t want to sit this one out. And neither did they.
[Undyne rushes on, carrying Alphys.]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
NGAAAAH! Asgore! Human! Nobody fight each other! Everyone’s gonna make friends, or else I’ll… I’ll… Asgore, is that your ex? Geez, that’s rough, buddy.
[ALPHYS, spoken]
H-Hey! Nobody hurt each other! … … Oh my.
[TORIEL, spoken]
Oh! Are you two the human’s friends? Hello! I am Toriel!
[ALPHYS, spoken]
[Papyrus comes on.]
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Hey! If anyone fights anyone, then I'll! Be forced! To ask Undyne for help!
[SANS, spoken]
Oh no. Please spare us.
[TORIEL, spoken]
Hello there!
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Hello, your majesty! (Aside, to child) Psst, human… did Asgore shave? And clone himself?
[TORIEL, spoken]
Don’t be silly, young skeleton…
[SANS, spoken]
Yeah, Papyrus. That’s my job. You know… your voice does sound familiar. The name’s Sans. And, uh… nice to meet you.
[TORIEL, spoken]
Oh! Then this must be your brother, Papyrus! Hey, Papyrus… what does a skeleton tile his roof with?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Hmm… snow-proof roof tiles?
[TORIEL, spoken]
No, silly! A skeleton tiles his roof with SHIN-gles! *Giggles*
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Come on, Asgore, it’s gonna be okay. There are plenty of fish in the sea!
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Y-Yeah, Asgore! Undyne’s totally right about that fish thing! S-Sometimes you’ve just got to, uh… Stop going after fuzzy boss monsters and j-just get to know a really cute fish? I-It’s a metaphor…
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Well, I think it’s a good analogy.
[Mettaton pokes his leg in.]
[METTATON, spoken]
OH MY GOD! Will you two just smooch already? The audience is dying for some romantic action!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
HEY, SHUT UP! Man, the nerve of that guy! Right, Alphys? … Uh, Alphys?
[ALPHYS, spoken]
N-No… he’s right! Let’s do it!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
[TORIEL, spoken]
W-Wait! Not in front of the human!
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Uhh, right! S-Sorry, I got a little carried away there.
[TORIEL, spoken]
Hee hee
Oh dear child
When you fell down
Who ever would guess
That you'd make your friends
Out of those
Who wanted to kill you
It's so nice to meet you all
And now that we're
Gathered here
Then maybe we
Could be friends
Living as one family
Sorry that you're forced to stay
Here underground
But if we
Could help you out
Like you helped us
We'd all be happy
Now come my child
Rest with me
'Neath the branches
Of the tree
Though I am (We will make a new home)
No monster's queen (We're no longer alone)
I'll protect them
And their dreams
Fallen child
Our best friend
We'll be here
Until the end
Of this tale
We will sing
The fallen child
And the monster king
[TORIEL, spoken]
My child, it seems as though you must stay here for a while. But looking at all the great friends you have made, I think… I think you will be happy here.
[ALPHYS, spoken]
H-Hey that reminds me, Papyrus. YOU called everyone here, right? Well, besides, uh, her. Uh, anyway… if I got here before you… how did you know how to call everybody?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
Let’s just say a tiny flower helped me!
[Music grinds to a halt.]
[ALPHYS, spoken]
A tiny… flower?
[Part XXXVIII: Don't Give Up]
[Vines burst from the floors and walls, grabbing the six monsters, as Flowey pops up from the ground.]
[FLOWEY, spoken]
You IDIOTS! While you guys were having your little pow-wow... I took the human souls! And now, not only are THOSE under my power... But all of your FRIENDS' souls are gonna be mine, too! Hee hee hee. And you know what the best part is? It's all your fault. It's all because you MADE THEM love you. All the time you spent listening to them... encouraging them... caring about them... Without that, they wouldn't have come here. And now, with their souls and the humans' together... I will achieve my REAL FORM. Hee hee…
Huh? WHY am I still doing this? Don't you get it? This is all just a GAME. If you leave the underground satisfied, you'll "win" the game. If you "win", you won't want to "play" with me anymore. And what would I do then? But this game between us will NEVER end. I'll hold victory in front of you, just within your reach... and then tear it away just before you grasp it. Over, and over, and over... Hee hee hee!
Listen. If you DO defeat me, I'll give you your "happy ending". I'll bring your friends back. I'll destroy the barrier. Everyone will finally be satisfied. But that WON'T happen. You...! I'll keep you here no matter what! Even if it means killing you a million times!!!
[Flowey’s attack is parried by Toriel, once again.]
[Don't Give Up starts playing.]
[TORIEL, spoken]
Do not be afraid, my child… No matter what happens… we will always be there to protect you.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
THAT'S RIGHT, HUMAN! We know that you can win! Just do what I would do! Believe in you!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Hey! Human! If you got past ME, you can do anything! So don't worry! We're with you all the way!
[SANS, spoken]
Huh? You haven't beaten this guy yet? Come on, this weirdo's got nothing on you.
[ALPHYS, spoken]
Technically, it's impossible for you to beat him, b-but… somehow, I know you can do it!
[ASGORE, spoken]
Human… for the future of humans and monsters, you have to stay determined!
[The Monster Kid, Napstablook, Muffet, and the Royal Guard dogs enter, leading other monsters with them.]
(We're with you too!) Come on, you got this! (Yeah!)
You've got to win! (You can do it!) Yeah…
[FLOWEY, spoken]
N-No… unbelievable! This can't be happening! You… You…
[Music stops.]
I can't believe you're all so STUPID! *Laughs* All of your souls ARE MINE!!!!! *Maniacal laughter*
[Flowey laughs as he absorbs the souls of the monsters. The stage gets dark. Silence. A spotlight comes up on Asriel.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Finally… I was getting so tired of being a flower… Chara? Are you there? It's me… your best friend… Asriel Dreemurr.
[Part XXXIX: Hopes and Dreams]
[Hopes and Dreams starts playing.]
Now hold on
To the dreams
You created
For a happy life
It's alright
All the things
We sought for
So long will all be worth this fight
I will not
Destroy this world
I control time
Chara, you'll be mine!
Your progress, your memories
Will be reset
We'll do it all over
Chara, you won't forget!
The best part? I know you'll do it
Then you'll lose to me again
Lose again, over and over
That's what you'll do for your best friend
'Cause you want a happy ending
You love your friends, who could blame you?
You're filled with Determination
Chara— That is not my name!
We'll be here fighting together
Playing for eternity
The strength that let you get this far
It's nothing compared to me!
I feel your determination
I feel all their hopes and dreams
They give me the strength to be here
Fighting for eternity!
I've messed around with
You for far too long
Let's purge this time again!
Come with me, Chara
Come with your best friend—
That is not my name!
Stop trying to live!
Stop all the dodging!
Stop standing in my way!
Please let me win
For once in your life—
Chara is not my name!
You think you are something special
You're just a kid playing pretend!
Don't get c*cky, little Chara
Soon enough, you'll meet your end!
You think you are something special
You're just a kid playing pretend!
Don't get c*cky now, Asriel
Soon enough, you'll meet your end!
You think that you could ever
Defeat me?
No, my friend, we'll be fighting
For eternity!
You have lost everything
Your hopes and dreams
Are sure to fail you
Here at eternity
We'll never let go of
Our hopes and dreams
We will never give up
For all eternity!
But I've been holding back on you 'til now
Let's see if you can survive this!
Die for me!
[Burn in Despair plays in the background.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Don't you understand, Chara? I am the god of hyperdeath! IT'S KILL OR BE KILLED, AND EVERYONE WILL DIE AT MY HAND! Why are you still standing?! WHY ARE YOU STILL TRYING TO STOP ME, CHARA?!?!
[Save The World starts playing.]
[FRISK, spoken]
My name… is FRISK!
In my heart
There's something strong
That will keep me
Moving on!
In my hopes
Proof that my
Happy days will
Never be gone!
Here we are
Here we stand
Fight together again
Our hopes and dreams
Will not fail
We will find our happy end
We've come far
Here we are
To reach what we idealize
It has been tough
But we won't give up
For a new day is on the rise
Asriel, please do not quail
You have walked a lonesome trail
Peace and love will sure prevail
Help me end this sorry tale
Deep inside, I feel a fire
Burns within me ever higher
Knowing I will soon prevail
Knowing I can end this tale
In every dream, there is a chance
We grabbed at it at our first glance
Life plays the song, we make the dance
It's been like this forever!
Following our hopes and dreams
When nothing is quite what it seams
But life keeps flowing like a stream
So let's stay together!
Time to open up our eyes
Time to see who we really are
I won't give up the chance to save you
And we know we can go far
I heard the tales they told to me
"This happy ending cannot be"
Let's go together, we shall see
Together for eternity!
[Music and Asriel’s power fades as he starts to connect back with Frisk. They stand alone in a black void. Asriel is crying.]
[Part XL: His Theme]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Chara… I’m so alone... Chara, I’m so afraid… I… I… I’m so sorry. I... I always was a crybaby, wasn’t I, Chara?
[FRISK, spoken]
I'm… I'm not Chara. Chara’s been gone for a long time.
[ASRIEL, spoken]
… Y-You’re… Frisk, aren’t you?
[Frisk nods.]
That’s… That’s a nice name. Frisk, I… I haven’t felt like this for a long time. As a flower, I was soulless. I lacked the power to love other people. I couldn’t feel anything about anyone. It was horrible. I tried to kill myself. I succeeded.
[FRISK, spoken]
But you’re still here, aren’t you? If you don’t have a soul, what happens when you die?
[ASRIEL, spoken]
I don’t know. I felt apprehensive. I woke up, like it was all a bad dream, right back where we started. I did this again and again, doing everything I could, being good… being bad… but I still couldn’t feel.
[FRISK, spoken]
But then… I came along.
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Someone more determined than me… I could predict everyone, but I could never predict someone like you. Now... with everyone’s souls inside me… I... I not only have my compassion back…
[FRISK, spoken]
Every other monster’s compassion is in there as well. They all care about each other so much.
[ASRIEL, spoken]
And they care about you too, Frisk. … I wish I could tell you how everyone feels about you. Papyrus… Sans… Undyne… Alphys… Toriel...
[FRISK, spoken]
Monsters are weird. Even though they barely know me…
[Memory fades in.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
They all love you. … Frisk, I… I understand if you can’t forgive me. I understand if you hate me. I acted so strange and horrible. I hurt you.
[FRISK, spoken]
You hurt a lot of people. Friends, family, bystanders…
[ASRIEL, spoken]
There’s no excuse for what I’ve done.
There's a world out up above
It would not show me love
I thought I could stop the end
Be here with you, my friend
Somewhere deep down, I believed
I'd bring you back to me
I thought we could have some fun
Can my damage be undone?
I'd forgotten how to feel
Not sure if I was real
If I am no longer me
Then what can I still be?
By your side, until the end
I thought I'd be your friend
I still hold onto that hope
No matter what I am then
So please just leave me behind
I couldn't win this time
I don't want to let you go
I'll be okay alone
You deserve far better friends
Now you're here at the end
I can let all of them go
I'll be okay alone
[Transition to His Theme.]
Leave me be
Say goodbye
You can't help
Why must you try?
Why must you
Stay with me?
Your battle's won
Go with your family!
I don't deserve your Mercy (It's not fair to be alone)
If you won't Fight, please just leave (After what you've been through)
No one came or heard my call (So let me just ease your pain)
I'm so glad you took your fall (Please let me stay with you)
Leave me be (I'll continue to reach out)
Say goodbye (I won't abandon you)
You can't help (Determination fuels me)
Why must you try? (To keep trying to save you)
Why must you (I will give you my Mercy)
Stay with me? (Because it's clear to me)
Your battle's won (Fighting won't solve anything)
Go with your family! (Forgiveness isn't easy)
I don't deserve your Mercy (I will stay here by your side)
If you won't Fight, please just leave (I know it's frightening)
No one came or heard my call (To think that you might now leave)
I'm so glad you took your fall (But that my friend is why)
Leave me be (I will Spare your life always)
Say goodbye (And hold you tight and close)
You can't help (We will be together here)
Why must you try? (Until it's safe to go)
Why must you (I will stay here by your side)
Stay with me? (I know it's frightening)
Your battle's won (To think that you might now leave)
Go with your family! (But that my friend is why)
Forgive me (I will Spare your life always)
Stay with me (And hold you tight and close)
You're the last (We will be together here)
Light I'll see (Until it's safe to go)
[Frisk hugs Asriel. Memory plays in the background.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Frisk, come on. Y-You’re gonna make me cry again. Besides… even if you do forgive me… I can’t keep these souls inside of me. The least I can do is return them.
[FRISK, spoken]
But… But there’s something else you can do. You feel it, don’t you? Everyone’s hearts, beating as one… They’re all burning with the same desire.
[ASRIEL, spoken]
With everyone’s power…
[FRISK, spoken]
With everyone’s Determination… It’s time the monsters were set free.
[Final Power plays. Asriel starts floating in the air, spreading his arms wide, and letting out a release of glowing power. The souls of the monsters fly back to their bodies as the barrier shatters in a flash of light. The monsters look around, confused, as Frisk and Asriel sit in their own corner, the light on the monsters fading until it just focuses on them. Silence.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
… I have to go now, Frisk.
[FRISK, spoken]
You don’t have to. Stay with me.
[ASRIEL, spoken]
I can’t go back with them, I just can’t, okay? I don’t want to break their hearts again!
[FRISK, spoken]
They’ll forgive you!
[ASRIEL, spoken]
… Why did you even come here? You know the legend, right? Travellers who climb Mt. Ebott are said to disappear.
[FRISK, spoken]
I don’t know. Foolishness? Fate? Or maybe it was because I… well… I’ll find my answer. Why did Chara climb the mountain?
[ASRIEL, spoken]
It wasn’t for a very happy reason. I’ll be honest with you. They hated humanity. Why they did, they never talked about it.
[FRISK, spoken]
And why did you think I was like them?
[ASRIEL, spoken]
They weren’t really the greatest person, but, I guess… you’re the type of friend I wish I always had. Maybe I was projecting a bit.
[FRISK, spoken]
Let’s be honest, you did some weird stuff as a flower.
[ASRIEL, spoken]
When the humans killed me, that’s when I became that flower. That’s when I was filled up with determination. That’s when I thought the world was kill or be killed.
[FRISK, spoken]
But it’s okay. You did the right thing. There’s no more war. Everyone’s free. It’s just… it took longer than you might have wanted. But you can’t regret hard choices your whole life, right?
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Not that I have much of a life left… Without the power of everyone’s souls, I can’t maintain this form for long. In a while, I’ll turn back into a flower. I’ll stop being myself. I’ll stop being able to feel love again. So… it’s best if you just forget about me, okay? Just… go with the people who love you.
[Frisk hugs Asriel again, holding him tight and close.]
[FRISK, spoken]
There’s a lot of Floweys out there. But I’m glad of all the ones I met… it was you. Ha… ha… I don’t want to let go…
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Frisk, you’re… you’re going to do a great job, okay? No matter what you do, everyone will be there for you, okay? Well… Well... my time’s running out. Goodbye. Take care of mom and dad for me, okay?
[The light on Frisk and Asriel fades.]
[Part XLI: Reunited]
[TORIEL, spoken]
Frisk! This is all just a bad dream! Please wake up!
[Frisk wakes up, surrounded by the six monsters, but not Asriel. Respite plays in the background.]
Oh! You are awake! Thank goodness!
[ALPHYS, spoken]
W-We were so worried! I-It felt like you were out forever!
[UNDYNE, spoken]
Yeah! Any longer and I would have freaked out! Tell us next time you decide to take a nap, okay?
[FRISK, spoken]
Err… Okay, Undyne...
[SANS, spoken]
Yeah. You made Papyrus cry like a baby.
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
WHAT!? I didn’t cry! I don’t cry! I just caught something in my eye!
[SANS, spoken]
What did you catch?
[PAPYRUS, spoken]
[Frisk laughs.]
[ASGORE, spoken]
Now, now. The important thing is that Frisk is all right. Here, Frisk. Why not drink some tea?
[Frisk drinks the tea.]
[FRISK, spoken]
Oh, it’s… a little cold…
[ASGORE, spoken]
Oh… I’m sorry, I had it prepared since before we started fighting…
[FRISK, spoken]
Still, I feel better…
[ASGORE, spoken]
Good! Excellent! All is forgiven, then?
[FRISK, spoken]
Mhm. Sure. All’s forgiven.
[TORIEL, spoken]
Frisk… we do not remember exactly what happened. There was a flower, and then, everything went white. But now the barrier is gone. Shall we?
[Frisk, the six monsters and the others step out into the sunlight, admiring the sunset for the first time. Reunited starts playing.]
As the sunlight
Is coming down
As monsters leave
The underground
With the human
Hand in hand
We all go out
Across the land
There's a whole world
Up above
We once did fear
Now we love
Our life below
Is at an end
We all go out
Making friends
Come, my child (Come, my child)
Be with me (Be with me)
I'll protect
You and your dreams
Rest, my child (Rest, my child)
'Neath the tree ('Neath the tree)
Like its branches
Wait for me
So much blood (So much blood)
So much pain (So much pain)
Now we see
The sun again
Go, then, child (Go, then, child)
Freedom bring (Freedom bring)
From the mountain
And its king
Now, let us go off safe and warm
Here, arm in arm
With this new life that we can live
The joy that we can give
Even if you choose a new start
Stay in my heart
Through the choices that you make
I hope you'll think of me
I'll stay determined as I grow
Love as I go
Think of the kindness that I've shared
I'll cherish those who care
Even when we're worlds apart
Stay in my heart
And when you will have found your way
I hope that you'll be good
Sit down, children
Do not quail
Peace and love
Always prevail
Follow me
Along this trail
Let me tell
The Undertale
Sit down, children
Do not quail
Peace and love
Always prevail
Follow us
Along this trail
Let us tell
The Undertale
It's a tale
Of many things
Fallen children
And mountain kings
Let us not
Forget to say
All the friends they made
On their way
Up Mount Ebott
The child climbed
Humans and monsters
They did find
Life is lived
Through being kind
That's the way
The tale's designed
[LEADER, spoken]
And that is the story of how one fallen child saved another, and through their mercy, saved the underground, and gave the monsters the life they sought for generations. The Undertale ends there, children… but your own tale is yet to be determined.
On the journey that you take
Through the choices that you make
We hope you'll be good
Please be good
[Part XLII: Bring It In Guys]
[The monsters gather for their curtain call. Bring It In, Guys! starts playing.]
That's our show, goodbye then, humans!
We sure had some fun!
We have one more encore, humans
Before the curtain drops and we're done!
It's the Undertale's finale
Curtain call begins!
Let's give everyone a hand
Come on, guys, bring it in!
Thank you for coming
Hope that you had a great show!
Give a big hand, for your pal Sans
We had some laughs, but I think our time was grand
Sans, this is my part!
And it's over, we gotta go!
For we're going to live in peace
Sing a carol as we ride
And wipe our cares away
We've achieved our hopes and dreams
Now together we are here
And happy every day
Look at the sky and watch
The snow fall down
And then the sun, then rain
Guys, weather is great!
Sitting here on the beach
With my most precious peach!
Undyne, could you maybe—
Alphys, I am singing!
This has been quite a ride
Though I like to stay inside
Alphys, live a little!
Guess I'm going out tonight
Having a wondrous time
Here, with this love of mine
Watching our anime
Letting our passion shine!
Bring it on, humans!
Our love will never die!
Give me a kiss, big girl!
O-oh my…
This is how
Our story ends
The fallen child
And their friends
They stayed determined
Saved us all
An angel from
Heaven did call
Gave us wings
So we could fly
Out from the ruins
Where we lie
Lying down
In the morning sun
We laugh as we
See the sky
Yeah… it's pretty great, I guess…
[METTATON, spoken]
Only PRETTY great? Someone needs a pick me up!
Mettaton, yes…
[METTATON, spoken]
Come on, keep up the pace
Those of the human race
I'm going to go far
Now watch my rising star
Audience, gather round
Come in from every town
Come on, Blooky, let's go
Let's put on a great show!
Let's go start up the band
And go across the land
Our glamour we will share
We'll spread it everywhere
Together, it is plain
We're made to entertain
Let's make the humans see
Your (My) music, my (your) beauty!
Never thought I
Would see the day
Never ever
Humans and monsters
Living in peace
Living together
This has been a great show
Long live the king!
Long live the queen!
Long live us!
Seems that our fears
Have been proven
We're happy, we can tell
We live in peace
Will increase
I have seen
My son again
Oh dear child
Fallen down
Come to me
There's a world
Up above
Show them the child
That learned to love
So concludes the Under…
[Part XLIII: Last Goodbye]
[Lights flash dramatically and Asriel rushes menacingly to the front of the ensemble.]
[ASRIEL, spoken]
Hahahaha... Did you REALLY think it was OVER!?!?
[Lights return to normal and Asriel drops the bad-guy act.]
I mean, we haven't even done the Special Thanks yet... Ready? Let's end all of this for good!
[Last Goodbye starts playing.]
So it's been fun
But now it's time to go
I hope that everyone
Could learn and grow
Thanks everybody
Who could come on by
Time to say au revoir
Our last goodbye
And I know
In our hearts
Our memories
Will never die
Here we are, here we stand
As the best of friends
You had my back
Through all the attacks
And now it's time
For a happy end
So stay determined as you grow
Put on the show
I'll be in your heart
No matter how far you go
The tale of the underground
Ends for tonight
So I'll put my all
Into this last goodbye!
When you go, we'll sing again
We both will have made many friends
And when our show will finally end
Our song will still ring true
You hear the songs that we shall sing
Of children and the mountain king
Now we're here, despite everything
It was nice meeting you
Even though we're out of time
That's just the way our tale's designed
But feel the harmony, sing the rhyme
Believe — it's the least you can do
So I sing this
Last goodbye and
It goes out to
[Music ends. The cast take their final bows. Afterwards, the lights dim and they leave the stage, except for Asriel. He stands upstage, framed in silhouette, singing Good Night to the audience.]
It's alright
To say goodnight
Venture now
Into the light
[The curtain descends. The house lights turn on. And the show is over...]