Parody of "Shooting Star" Bad Company
(John 1:26-27; Malachi 3:1)
Johnny was a little boy
When he heard 'em say Jesus would come
In the womb, I think he was
And from there he started kickin' his mom
Wound up in the desert
Used to stay there every night
Now he's known as Johnny the Baptist
And everyone knows why
Don't you know?
Johnny told his followers
Hey - Messiah is on the way
I'm gonna get you baptized
So we need to get started today
Many came to the Jordan to hear 'bout the Messiah
Johnny said, I'm not worthy - Messiah's shoes to tie
Don't you know?
Don't you know that I'm not His shoestring tie-er
Don't you know?
Don't you know that I'm not His shoestring tie-er
And I with water wash you - but there's one
That's gonna use fire
Johnny waded in the river
And made 'em go underwater
Suddenly everyone loved to hear the things he taught there
One day the Lord dropped by
And tried to get baptized too
Johnny looked astounded and said
Well, I need to be baptized by you
Don't Ya know?
Don't you know that I'm not Your shoestring tie-er
Don't you know?
Don't you know that I'm not Your shoestring tie-er
And I with water wash You - but there's one
That's gonna use fire ... that's You, Messiah!
Johnny died one night - died a prison death
Daughter of the queen - she demanded Johnny's head
Jesus Christ said that John was the world's greatest man
But the least one in the kingdom is still greater than - John
John 1:27
"He is the one who comes after me, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie."