01/02/18 - 1.Flashpoint 2.Paradox
03/02/18 - 3.Magenta 4.The New Rogues
04/02/18 - 5.Monster 6.Shade 7.Killer Frost 8.Invasion!
05/02/18 - 9.Arrow:Invasion! 10.Legends Of Tomorrow:Invasion!
06/02/18 - 11.The Present 12.Borrowing Problems From The Future
07/02/18 - 13.Dead Or Alive
08/02/18 - 14.Untouchable
10/02/18 - 15.Attack On Gorilla City 16.Attack On Central City
11/02/18 - 17.The Wrath Of Savitar 18.Into The Speed Force 19.Duet 20.Abra Kadabra
12/02/18 - 21.The Once And Future Flash 22.I Know Who You Are 23.Cause And Effect
13/02/18 - 24.Infantino Street 25.Finish Line