Isn’t it odd how we always seem to call
On the memory of what we saw that day
And wonder how it flies in the sky above
A plane to follow, no reason why
Another day that passes, I cry again
Wishing upon the starry sky to empower me
Because the only thing that I seem to lack
Is all the courage to even try
So if one day, on that day
A hollow fate awaits me then
Calling out my name and carving the same
Deep inside a grave that’s set in stone...
But if right now, just right now
I can take a breath again
Everything that comes then, I’ll know that, I’ve got Strength to live on
My heart is shouting out now
“don’t you ever give up”
Louder than those who told me I would fall down
With a voice so passionately unwavering
To the you that shakes with tears
I’ll take away your sorrow
Smiling so you’ll never fear to survive
Being that hero saving everyone with a fight
So I’ll raise my hand with a peace sign
To deliver this story now
No matter how many times I want to say
“I’ll keep you safe forever” I’m not that strong
The one who needed a safe haven from the storm
I couldn’t hide away from your eyes
Even without the power to hold you close
I know you’ll be here standing right by my side
And every time I swear that I’m best alone
It is your laugh that shows my lies
When I’m feeling, lack of breathing
And I know I’ve met my end
Wondering about a life I could’ve had
Instead of this old one I threw away…..
But I know, yes I know, no one else will care about that
All the time I’m yearning, to see you—
And embrace your soul with mine!
So I’ll take my hands and face them toward the horizon
Reaching out til I can feel the light of day
Grabbing ahold of dawn and laughing all through the night
There’s no reason to hide or fear your darkened shadows
When we’re together I know we can fight on
Take my hand—away we go to travel this life!
With the present me, and always you by my side
We will make a new story now!
The days I lay awake, another scar but never dying
The moment whens I will be hurting now and hurting others
It’s only by the way you say the words you say
They always come again—The pain, right now and then
My soul in deep and heavy slumber, Like a butterfly
Waiting to break out into life and live its only dream..
I’ll awake and take it into my hands!
My heart is shouting out now
“don’t you ever give up”
Louder than those who told me I would fall down
With a voice so passionately unwavering
To the you that shakes with tears
I’ll take away your sorrow
Smiling so you’ll never fear to survive
Being that hero saving everyone with a fight
So I’ll raise my hand with a peace sign
To deliver this story now
With the present me, and always you by my side
We will make a new story now!