An older Cooper is sat in a room with chairs. A little man (The Man from Another Place) in a red suit, stands with his back to Cooper, shaking violently. A beautiful who looks exactly like Laura Palmer sits across from Cooper. Cooper and the beautiful woman stare at each other. He turns to look at the The Man from Another Place, who stops shaking, turns to Cooper and claps his hands.
The Man from Another Place: Let's rock!
The Man from Another Place sits next to the beautiful woman. The Man from Another Place closes his eyes and rubs his hands slowly together; a ringing sound is produced.
Cooper looks at the beautiful woman, who is still staring at him and smiles enigmatically. She slowly puts a finger to the side of her nose and then slowly lowers her hand, almost pointing at him as it drops. As The Man from Another Place rubs his hands, a shadow of a bird passes in the background behind the red drapes.
The Man from Another Place and the beautiful woman have oddly stilted speech, while Cooper's speech is normal. The Man from Another Place stops rubbing his hands, opens his eyes and turns to Cooper.
The Man from Another Place: I've got good news! That gum you like is going to...come back in style.
Cooper sits listening to him before turning to the beautiful woman. The Man from Another Place turns to look at the woman and then back to Cooper.
The Man from Another Place: She's my cousin...but doesn't she look...almost exactly like Laura Palmer?
Cooper: But it is Laura Palmer. Are you Laura Palmer?
Beautiful woman: I feel like I know her, but sometimes my arms bend back.
The Man from Another Place: She's filled with secrets. Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song...and there's always music in the air.
Saxophone music filters into the air. The Man from Another Place hops off the chair and begins to dance. A light flashes on and off. The beautiful woman stands, goes over, and gently kisses Cooper on the mouth. She then softly whispers something in his ear.