Leyland James Kirby Lyrics

Other Songs

A brutal bliss beyond this empty defeat [P1]
A confusion so thick you forget forgetting [O1]
A Day Up North
A golden pheasant on a black ground
A handful of stars
A last glimpse of the land being lost forever
A losing battle is raging [C1]
A Perfect Moment
A relationship with the sublime
A Sprig of Holly on the Electric Turbine
A stairway to the stars
A summer romance
Aching cavern without lucidity [F5]
Acid Alan, Haggis & Scott
Advanced plaque camaraderie
Advanced plaque entanglements [K1]
Advanced plaque entanglements [L1]
All eyes bewildered
All Night Long (Butcher All Night)
All that follows is true [B1]
All you’re going to want to do is get back there
An autumnal equinox [B2]
An empty bliss beyond this World
An empty bliss beyond this World (Reprise)
An empty bliss beyond this World [F6]
An empty everywhere
And bliss everywhere bliss
And heart breaks [E2]
And the bands played on
Approaching the outer limits of our solar system
As if one were sinking into sand
Back in the Game
Back there Benjamin [E1]
BBC Snooker Theme
Bedded deep in long term memory
Benjamin beyond bliss
Bewildered in other eyes [E7]
Blue Thighs (Baby’s Got)
Burning despair does ache [F4]
But the Stars had come out
By the seaside
Camaraderie at arms length
Chestnuts Roasting
Childishly fresh eyes [A4]
Christmas Fractions and Brandy Snaps
Cloudy, since you went away
Consigned to a yesterday
Date with an angel
Day 1
Deleted scenes, forgotten dreams (part four)
Deleted scenes, forgotten dreams (part one)
Deleted scenes, forgotten dreams (part three)
Deleted scenes, forgotten dreams (part two)
Den of iniquity
Denial unravelling [D4]
Did u do or did u don’t (f*ck off MCPS twat mix)
DIrty QUOth (Stvie B mixdowN-rub)
Do You Want To Know A Sick-Rat?
Dream Waltz
Drifting sublime hope
Drifting time misplaced [F2]
Driven beyond the limits
Dusk memory fraction
Each today doesn’t lead to a tomorrow
Elusive Sunshine
Empty beyond beyond beyond
Entanglement synapse ache
Equinox eyes will stop
Everything is on the point of decline
Everything is on the point of decline (again)
Everywhere At The End of Time
Fairytale of New York
Faith in time
False memory syndrome
Feed the World
Fleeting dreams
For Evver and Evva
Friends past re-united (2001)
Friends past reunited (1999)
From out of nowhere
Garden of weeds
Glimpses of hope in trying times [C4]
Glimpses of life denial
Goodiepal’s ....s (Edit)
Gradations of arms length [F1]
Haunting me
Here I am broken hearted
Hidden minimal sea
Hidden sea buried deep [E3]
Hoping for some kind of recognition
How To Play GTA Play
How Ya Gonna Keep ’em Down on the Farm?
I am the Future
I feel as if I might be vanishing
I have become almost invisible, to some extent like a dead man
I might be vanishing
I might be vanishing (Track 16)
I Need Lard
I saw your face in a dream
I still feel as though I am me [D1]
In days of old
In the dark
In the deep and dark hours of the night
Increasingly absorbed in his own World
Internal bewildered World [F3]
Internal unravel
Into each others eyes [B5]
Isolated lights (again)
Isolated lights on the abyss of ignorance
It’s all forgotten now
It’s just a burning memory [A1]
I’d Rather Jack Than Fleetwood Mac
Jim Bergerac
Just The Way You Are xx
Lacunar amnesia
Lady in Red, Chris Has Gone
Last moments of pure recall [D3]
Late afternoon drifting [A3]
Libet delay [F7]
Libet’s all joyful camaraderie [E4]
Libet’s delay
Like Out Song
Lonely Pig in a Christmas Shop
Lonely way ahead
Long decline is over [Q1]
Long term (remote)
Long term dusk glimpses [E8]
Losing battle of loss
Losing loss of battle
Loss of want back there
M0nE(y) 4 nOT|-|ING\\\
Machete’s at The Banshee
Malign forces of the occult
Marple Libradome ’91
Masquerade ball
Memory Nine
Memory Seventy One
Memory Sixty Nine
Mental caverns without Sunshine
Mental caverns without Sunshine (Reprise)
Merry Xmas Everybody
Midnight, the stars and you
Minimal all you are
Misplaced in time [C2]
Moggy & Wearden
Moments of sufficient lucidity
Monroes Stockport
Moonlight serenade
Mournful cameraderie [F8]
Mullet of Kin’Tyres
My heart is true
My heart will stop in joy [B6]
No one knows what shadowy memories haunt them to this day
Now the night is over and the dawn is about to break
Of grace and providence
On the edge of breakdown
One thousand memories
Only You Ba Da Da Da
Paparazzi (James Carameta Tabloid Remix)
Pared back to the minimal
Past life regression
Persistent repetition of phrases
Pigs (You Are All)
Pipes of Peace Christmas 2001
Place in the World fades away [R1]
Plaque advanced despair
Poor enunciation
Post awareness confusions [G1]
Post awareness confusions [H1]
Post awareness confusions [J1]
Quiet dusk coming early [D2]
Quiet internal rebellions [B3]
Reckless night
Request dance
Robins and roses
Rock Me (H)amadeus (Edgeley Edit)
Roll up the carpet and dance
Rosy retrospection
Schwarz-gelb Ist Borussia
Schwarz-gelb ist Borussia (Original Version)
September 1939
Sex You Up
She Chokes Her Dying Breath And Does It In My Face
Silent Night - Holy Night
Silent Night I Can’t Go On
Slightly bewildered [A5]
So run down
Spud Girls Two Become 1
Stay Anuvva Day
Sublime beyond loss [E6]
Sudden time regression into isolation [N1]
Surrendering to despair [C5]
Synapse retrogenesis [M1]
Take care. It’s a desert out there...
Take My Beef Away
Temporary bliss state [I1]
That old feeling
The Best Baby
The Birdie Song
The great hidden sea of the unconscious
The Green Door Abduction
The haunted ballroom (Track 1)
The haunted ballroom (Track 24)
The homesickness that was corroding her soul
The Lady In Red (Is Dancing With Meat)
The loves of my entire life [B4]
The memory of a song
The Queen Mother Robot Is Dead Boys and It’s So Lonely on a Mechanical Limb
The Quilter Standard
The revolving bandstand
The sublime is disappointingly elusive
The way ahead feels lonely [D5]
The weeping dancefloor
Their story is lost
Things that are beautiful and transient [A6]
This Ole House
Thronged with ghosts
Tiny Gradations of Loss (Jordan Keuring Cover)
Tiny gradiations of loss
To the minimal great hidden [E5]
Trash PC
Two Can Play That Gammon
Under a warm golden light
Unmasking alzhiemer’s
Unmasking at midnight
Untitled (Imagine)
Von Restorff effect
We cannot escape the past
We don’t have many days [A2]
We have been here before
We’ll all go riding on a rainbow
What does it matter how my heart breaks [C3]
When the dog days were drawing to an end
Xmas Live Show 1997
You and the night
​a[ex quitACIDmi/x
​belt EE
​boots’N’Skirt stockport-beef/style
​bouncing brinnington meat+hag0balls
​bouncing saffron_repris/e-balls/
​coMe^to*big Daddy VS giANt Haystack-tag teamV7.21v
​flim (crap animal acoustic recording)
​henTOLyn goose-fat/rub^scratch/
​hoegaarden slop itch
​if I were a rickyham
​it’s a richJAMs world
​laughing all the way to his TANk
​lonely bank vault_beef wank
​polygon trapezoids windows
​thINk aboUT the Money_ it’s a life of luxury mY soN.....
​this is foR you RICKy xx
​wartHOG pancake
“Excuse me” for ladies
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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