J. R. R. Tolkien Lyrics

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2012)

The Minstrel’s Curse (2008)

Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

The Silmarillion (1977)

Poems and Songs of Middle Earth (1967)

A Night in Rivendell

The Hidden Door: Songs in the Key of Enchantment

ЗЕРКАЛО (Mirror)

Other Songs

A Drinking Song
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
A Elbereth Gilthoniel
A Rhyme of Lore – Palantíri
All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter
Andúril - Flame of the West
Aragorn’s Song of Gondor
Arwen’s Fate
Ash Nazg
At Théoden’s Death
Bag End
Bath Song
Battle of the 5 Armies: Trailer Breakdown
Beren and Lúthien
Bilbo’s First Riddle
Bilbo’s Last Song
Bilbo’s Second Riddle
Bilbo’s Song
Blunt the Knives
Boromir’s Riddle
Breath of Life
Bregalad’s Song
Burial Song of Théoden
Caras Galadhon
Down, Down to Goblin Town
Dwimorberg - The Haunted Mountain
Edge of Night
Elven Hymn to Elbereth (The Wandering Elves’ Song)
Elves Beyond the Sea
Elves of Rivendell
Elves Rolling Barrels
Ent and the Ent-Wife
Éomer’s Song
Éowyn’s Funeral Dirge
Excerpt from the Breaking of the Fellowship
Far Over Misty Mountains
Far over the Misty Mountains Cold
Far Over the Misty Mountains Cold (Complete Cover)
Far Over The Misty Mountains Cold (Full Version)
Farewell Song of Merry and Pippin
Foreword to the Second Edition - The Fellowship of the Ring
Forth Eorlingas
Frodo’s Lament For Gandalf
Frodo’s Lament for Gandalf
From Dark Dunharrow (Lament for Théoden)
Funny Little Things
Galadriel’s Lament
Galadriel’s Message to Aragorn
Galadriel’s Message to Legolas
Galadriel’s Messages
Galadriel’s Song
Galadriel’s Song of Eldamar
Galadriel’s Song of Eldamar (I Sang of Leaves)
Gandalf on Journey of Death
Gandalf The White
Gandalf’s Chant at the Doors of Durin
Gandalf’s Riddle
Gandalf’s Song of Lórien
Gilraen’s Memorial
Give Up The Halfling
Gollum’s First Riddle
Gollum’s Riddle
Gollum’s Second Riddle
Gollum’s Song
Hobbit Drinking Medley
Hobbit Riddles
I Sit Beside the Fire
I. Túrin’s Fostering
In the Valley, Ha! Ha!
In the Valley, Ha! Ha! (Reprise)
In the Willow-Meads of Tasarinan
In Western Lands
Inscriptions from “The Lord of the Rings”
Isengard Unleashed
Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
Lament for Boromir
Lament for Boromir
Lament for Boromir
Lament for the Rohirrim
Lay of Gil-Galad
Lay of Nimrodel
Legolas’s Song of the Sea
Legolas’s Song of the Sea
Lost In Emyn Muil
Malbeth the Seer’s Words
Marshalling at Dunharrow
Medley: That’s What Bilbo Baggins Hates/Misty Mountains Cold/Gandalf’s Recitation
Misty Mountains
Misty Mountains
Misty Mountains
Misty Mountains
Misty Mountains
Misty Mountains (Corvus Corvax Remix Instrumental)
Misty Mountains (In Dwarvish/Khuzdul)
Misty Mountains Cold
Misty Mountains Cold
Namárië (Galadriel’s Lament)
Note on the 50th Anniversary Edition - The Fellowship of the Ring
Note on The Text - The Fellowship of the Ring
O Rowan Fair
Oath of Fëanor
Of Amroth and Nimrodel
Of Beren and Lúthien
Old Fat Spider
Old Tom Bombadil
One Of The Dúnedain
One Ring Verse
Parth Galen
Preface to The Silmarillion - A letter to Milton Waldman
Prologue 1 - Concerning Hobbits - The Fellowship of the Ring
Prologue 2 - Concerning Pipe-weed - The Fellowship of the Ring
Prologue 3 - Of the Ordering of the Shire - The Fellowship of the Ring
Prologue 4 - Of the Finding of the Ring - The Fellowship of the Ring
Prologue: One Ring to Rule Them All
Questo Bilbo lo Detesta
Rhyme of Lore
Ring Poem
Roads Go Ever On
Roads Go Ever On-Hobbit
Rollin’ Down the Hole
Roots and Beginnings
Sam’s Song
Sam’s Song at the Tower of Cirith Ungol
Sam’s Song in the Orc-tower
Sam’s Song of the Troll
Saruman The White
Sellic Spell
Shadow Bride
Shieldmaiden of Rohan
Snowmane’s Epitaph
Song of Beren and Lúthien
Song Of Durin
Song of Durin
Song of Durin
Song Of Durin
Song of Durin (Complete)
Song of Durin’s Awakening
Song of Eärendil
Song of Lebennin
Song of Nimrodel
Song of the Mounds of Mundburg
Song of the Mounds of Mundburg
Song of the Wind
Sons Of The Steward
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
The Banishment Of Éomer
The Bath Song
The Battle of Sauron and Finrod Felagund
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields
The Caverns Of Isengard
The Crack of Doom
The Departure Of Boromir
The Doors Of Durin
The Eagles
The Eagle’s Song
The Edge of Night - Pippin’s Song
The End of All Things
The Ent and the Entwife
The Ents’ Marching Song
The Evening in the Shire Was Grey
The Eyes of the White Tower
The Fall of Gil-galad
The Fall of Gil-Galad
The Fellowship Reunited
The Fighting Uruk-hai
The Hoard
The Hobbit (Bölüm 1: Beklenmedik Bir Parti) [Türkçe]
The Hobbit (Bölüm 2: Kuyu Kebabı) [Türkçe]
The Hobbit (Bölüm 3: Kısa Bir Dinlenme) [Türkçe]
The Hobbit (Chap. 1: An Unexpected Party)
The Hobbit, Chapter 5: Riddles in the Dark
The Hobbits’ Battle Song
The Host Of The Eldar
The Houses of Healing
The King Beneath the Mountains
The Last Debate
The Last Ship
The Lay of Leithian - Canto I
The Lay of Leithian - Canto II
The Lay of Leithian - Canto III
The Lay of Leithian - Canto IV
The Lay of Leithian – Canto V
The Lay of Leithian – Canto VI
The Lay of Leithian – Canto VII
The Lay of Nimrodel
The Lord of The Rings, The Two Towers - Messages from Lady Galadriel
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - There’s Some Good in the World
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Chapter 1
The Lore of Living Creatures
The Man in the Moon Came Down Too Soon
The Man in the Moon Stayed Up Too Late
The Mewlips
The Mewlips
The Mirror Of Galadriel
The Misty Beat
The Nazgûl
The Nazgûl Attack
The Oath of Fëanor
The Old Walking Song, The Road...
The Pass Of Caradhras
The Passing of the Elves
The Passing of the Grey Company
The Passing of Théoden
The Pyre of Denethor
The Riddle of Strider
The Road Goes Ever On
The Road Goes Ever On and On
The Road Goes Ever On-Return of the King
The Road Goes Ever On... (Part 2)
The Sacrifice of Faramir
The Sea-Bell
The Sea-Bell, or, Frodo’s Dreme
The Siege of Gondor
The Silmarillion - Ainulindalë
The Silmarillion - Valaquenta
The Song of Beren and Lúthien
The Song of Earendil (Complete Edition)
The Steward of Gondor
The Story Foretold
The Tomb of the Stewards
The Wight’s Chant
The Wolves Of Isengard
Théoden’s Battle Cry
Three Is Company
To the Sea
Tom Bombadil’s Song
Treebeard’s Song
Treebeard’s Song
Treebeard’s Song
Unto a Long Glory...
Upon The Hearth The Fire Is Red
Wanderers in the Shadowed Land
War Is Upon Us
When Evening in the Shire was Grey
When Evening in the Shire was Grey
When Winter First Begins to Bite
Where Now the Horse and the Rider?
Where the Shadows Lie
“For Frodo”
“Long Ways To Go Yet”
“Where Is The Horse And The Rider?”
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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