Benjamin Britten Lyrics

The Poet’s Echo, Op. 76 (1965)

Variations on an Elizabethan Theme (1953)

Peter Grimes (1945)

Serenade for Tenor, Horn, and Strings, Op. 31 (1943)

Les Illuminations, Op. 18 (1940)

Other Songs

A Charm
A Cradle Song
A Poison Tree
Agnus Dei
Ah! Sun-flower!
As dew in Aprille
Being Beauteous
Below the thunders of the upper deep
But That Night When on My Bed I Lay
Cantata misericordium, Op. 69
Cello Symphony
Corpus Christi Carol
Corpus Christi Carol
Corpus Christi Carol
Cuckoo Song
Deo Gracias
Dies irae
Embroidery Aria
Encinctured with a twine of leaves
Epilogue and Funeral March
Every Night and Every Morn
Fair and fair
For H is a spirit and therefore he is God
For I am under the same accusation with my Saviour
For I will consider my Cat Jeoffrey
For the flowers are great blessings
For the instruments are by their rhimes
For the Mouse is a creature of great personal valour
Four Sea Interludes from Peter Grimes
Funeral Blues
Hallelujah from the heart of God
Hymn to St. Cecilia, Op. 27
Hymn To The Virgin
I: “Thou hast made me, and shall thy work decay?”
III: “Oh might those sighes and teares return againe”
In freezing winter night
Interlude (Harp Solo)
IV: “Oh my blacke Soule! now thou art summoned”
Libera me
Marsh Flowers
My Heart
Now the Great Bear and Pleiades
O beauty, O handsomeness, goodness
O Waly Waly
On a poet’s lips I slept
Prologue (Our Hunting Fathers)
Prologue (Peter Grimes)
Prologue (The Turn of the Screw)
Proverb I
Proverb II
Proverb III
Proverb IV
Proverb V
Proverb VI
Proverb VII
Rats Away!
Rejoice in God, O ye Tongues
Requiem aeternam
Rosa Mystica
Sephestia’s Lullaby
Sinfonia da Requiem
Sonetto LV
Sonetto XVI
Sonetto XXIV
Sonetto XXX
Sonetto XXXI
Sonetto XXXII
Spring carol
Spring, the sweet spring
St. Godric’s Hymn
Sweet Polly Oliver
Tell Me the Truth About Love
That yongë child
The Ballad of Green Broom
The Children and Sir Nameless
The Chimney-Sweeper
The Evening Primrose
The Fly
The Highland Balou
The Journey
The Little Old Table
The Merry Cuckoo
The Miller of Dee
The Morning Star
The Nurse’s Song
The Salley Gardens
The Star Room (OG Version)
The Succession of the Four Sweet Months
The Tower
The Tyger
The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra
There is no rose
This Little Babe
To Daffodils
Variation 4: Quick and Gay
Variations and Fugue on a Theme of Purcell
Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge
VII: “At the round earth’s imagined corners”
War Requiem, Op. 66: i. Requiem Aeternam - Requiem aeternam
War Requiem, Op. 66: ii. Requiem Aeternam - Te decet hymnus
War Requiem, Op. 66: iv. Requiem Aeternam - Kyrie eleison
War Requiem, Op. 66: ix. Dies Irae - Recordare Iesu pie
War Requiem, Op. 66: v. Dies Irae - Dies irae
War Requiem, Op. 66: vi. Dies Irae - “Bugles sang, saddening the evening air”
War Requiem, Op. 66: vii. Dies Irae - Liber scriptus
War Requiem, Op. 66: viii. Dies Irae - “Out there, we’ve walked quite friendly up to Death”
War Requiem, Op. 66: x. Dies Irae - Confutatis maledictis
War Requiem, Op. 66: xi. Dies Irae - “Be slowly lifted up, thou long black arm”
War Requiem, Op. 66: xii. Dies Irae - Dies irae
War Requiem, Op. 66: xiii. Dies Irae - “Move him into the sun”
War Requiem, Op. 66: xiv. Dies Irae - Pie Iesu Domine
War Requiem, Op. 66: xix. Sanctus - Sanctus
War Requiem, Op. 66: xv. Offertorium - Domine Jesu Christe
War Requiem, Op. 66: xvi. Offertorium - Sed signifer Sanctus
War Requiem, Op. 66: xvii. Offertorium - “So Abram rose, and clave the wood”
War Requiem, Op. 66: xviii. Offertorium - Hostias et preces tibi
War Requiem, Op. 66: xx. Sanctus - “After the blast of lightning from the East”
War Requiem, Op. 66: xxi. Agnus Dei - “One ever hangs where shelled roads part” Agnus Dei
War Requiem, Op. 66: xxii. Libera Me - Libera me
War Requiem, Op. 66: xxiii. Libera Me - “It seemed that out of battle I escaped”
War Requiem, Op. 66: xxiv. Libera Me - “‘None’, said the other”
War Requiem, Op. 66: xxvi. Libera Me - Requiescant in pace
War Requiemm Op. 66: iii. Requiem Aeternam - “What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?”
What is more gentle than a wind in summer?
Winter Words, Op. 52: 1. At Day-close in November
Winter Words, Op. 52: 2. Midnight on the Great Western (The Journeying Boy)
Winter Words, Op. 52: 3. Wagtail and Baby (A Satire)
Wolcum Yole!
X: “Death be not proud”
XIII: “What if this present were the world’s last night?”
XIV: “Batter my heart, three person’d God”
XIX: “Oh, to vex me, contraryes meet in one”
XVII: “Since she whom I lov’d hath pay’d her last debt”
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