All I see (2019)

Cartoon network (2016)

next chapter (2015)

Hustling (2014)

better or worse


more money

New money

now and later

Other Songs

A clean verse
A daughter
A few girls
A human being
A little about my life
A professional
A story of my life
About it yeah I know
About My Girl
About success
About the album
About this one girl
About you
Act Like a B***CH
Act like that
Acting like
Acting like they scared
Acting like you doing me a favor
Acting rich
After the war
Ain’t from here
Ain’t got time for stress
Ain’t nothing funny when
Ain’t searching for fame
Ain’t searching for Fame (next version)
All about the money
All eyes on me
All i do is cash out
All I do is me
All I do is me (2nd mix)
All I do is Sing about my life story
All kinds of problems
All my n*ggas got Expelled (next version)
All right
All they do is watch me
All types of girls
Always a problem
Always saw the picture
Amazing Grace
An artist
Apologize say sorry
Are you a Criminal
Are you helping them
Around the World
As a superstar
As they become single
At list you have a job
At my chilling spot
At war
Attention (2nd mix)
Avoiding stress
Back and Fourth
Back in the days
Back to the beginning
Bad a than a song
Ball all the time
Be Watching me
Because I’m a Foreigner
Because I’m famous
Because of this
Because of what I say
Because of what I say (next version)
Been fighting the battle
Been hustling
Been there done that
Being a celebrity
Being a superstar
Being held back
Being here and there
Being in the spotlight
Being me
Being ready for war
Being silent
Being told I’m blessed
Being told to stay
Being told to Work on my flow
Best rap
Bill collector
b*tch I get paid
b*tch I made it
b*tch I’m getting Paid for all of it
b*tch mad at me because
Blew their chance
Blow up
Born pretty
Bro and his girl
Broke or rich
Business class
Business deals
Business over all
Busy chasing money
But I still do me
Call it whatever
Camera’s all over
Cartoon network
Cash out
Catch up (2nd mix)
Cause I’m from the Caribbean
Cause you know I do me
Certified me
Challenge this
Champion boy
Chances gain
Changed man
Cheques and cash out
Chilling life style
Clean song
Climbing to the top
Climbing to the top (2nd mix)
Co workers
Come with something new
Cops arriving
Cops at my door
Cops knocking
Cystal ball
Deal or no deal
Defeating levels
Defense mechanism
Different faces
Different faces (2nd)
Different places
Different places (second version)
Different times
Dissing song
Do You Know Me
Doing Chemistry
Doing my do
Doing my do (2nd mix)
Dollar Bills
Don’t be asking me questions
Don’t blame me
Don’t blame me (next version)
Don’t know about me
Don’t know my life
Don’t let me tell the world your business
Don’t like
Don’t stop for them
Don’t Underestimate me
Don’t want your apology
Drugs on the table
During love making
Enjoy my self
Every day is a Struggle
Every girl want me
Everybody Wanna use me
Everybody want a story
Everyday I’m Educating my self
Everything is going to be ok
Expect the unexpected
Explaining the business
Expressing myself
Expression of love
F**k your feelings
F*ck you remix
Failure expectations
Fake n*ggas
Father figure
Father figure (2nd mix)
Feel like
First session
First Sss
For the best plan (next version)
From Birth
From birth (2nd mix)
From cheques to paycheck
From Me Sing Song
f*ck a record label
f*ck everything
f*ck the n*ggas hating on me
f*ck your feelings
Full caps
Full payment
Fundamentals (2nd mix)
Game on lock
Get her wet
Get off me
Get out of my way b*tch
Getting mine
Getting money up
Getting money up (2nd mix)
Getting paid
Getting riches
Getting the cheques
Getting to old for this
Getting up
Ghetto play
Ghetto yutes
Girl i ain’t mad at you
Girl i apologize
Girl i know
Girl I’m trying to make you love me forever
Girls say they love my songs
Gonna be the same
Goods for my money is my only Transaction
Got bigger problems
Got class
Got no money still flexing
Got them mad
Got them Responsibilities
Gotta keep moving
Gotta make the money
Gotta pay me
Gotta stick to the hustle
Gradually improving
Guidance to riches
Hate to see me rise
Have you ever witnessed this
He say any time he see me
He start it
He think he is a boss
He told me all of that
Her feelings
Her way
Here and there
Here goes the rapper
Here is a new song (next version)
Hip Hop Song
Hip Hop Song (2nd mix)
Holding on to me
Homie i know you are scared
How are you gonna care for me
How come you ain’t rich
How could
How He Do That
How i did it
How i’ll be
How many
How me go survive without working
How she know me so
How the table turned around
How these n*ggas move
How they acting
How they wanna see me
How we do
How you make it look so easy
Hustle everyday
I ain’t finish until
I ain’t gonna waste my time on you
I ain’t got time for this
I already have a million songs
I always Catch up
I always do it so good
I am ok
I am the man
I am the party
I been living happy
I Been making money
I bet she trying to get me jealous
I Bought it in cash
I Build you
I built it on my own
I can sing about anything I want
I change for the better
I could Do it two times
I created many hit songs
I Did it all on my own
I do different sh*t
I do it for my future
I do this for me
I don’t chase
I don’t do it for free
I don’t give a f*ck if you don’t like my song
I don’t give a f*ck what you think about me
I don’t impress man
I don’t know about your stuff
I Don’t Know Why I Let Them Feel Them Self
I Don’t need a b*tch
I Don’t need to sing songs to be rich
I don’t need yours
I don’t really care
I don’t really wanna
I don’t want a memory of you
I Don’t write song
I get beautiful dreams
I get beautiful girls
I get paid for my talents
I get to know why
I Go hard
I got Connection’s
I got Drugs in my system
I got it on my own
I got My own
I got no choice but to go with the flow
I got rich friends
I got the crowd listening and looking
I got the media trying and screw me
I got them listening
I got to construct a proper album
I gotta do Action
I gotta get my own
I gotta go to work
I gotta keep getting the money
I Gotta make it
I gotta Record this song before I forget
I grew up
I grew up that’s what’s up
I guess I got fear
I guess that I’m scared
I have been on this road
I have been through this
I have been through this stage
I have never been a snitch
I just do it
I just don’t know
I just gotta make money
I just had to make it be known
I just keep Partying
I just sing any song
I keep doing me
I keep it clean
I keep it moving
I Keep knocking
I keep moving forward
I keep processing
I know you are scared
I let them take it
I made a million already
I make different moves
I Make her fall in love with me
I make it and I spend it
I need 400 thousand dollars today
I need a new career
I need fast money
I need new things
I need to have confidence
I need to make a million songs
I never gave a f*ck
I no longer want to be famous
I play fair
I Pursue it
I run this game
I see her with her man everywhere I go
I Sing for the future
I Sing song
I sing songs for everybody
I sing songs for everybody (next version)
I spent it all
I still do it
I still do it (next version)
I still got my memories
I think I have said it all
I thought you would be rich by now
I told you when I get my Money right
I turned my dreams into reality
I use to be scared
I wanna know
I wanna know how you got rich
I Wanted to be a billionaire
I will sing no matter where I’m at
I Won’t back down
I Won’t let them bring me down
I work hard so I can relax later
I work hard so I can relax later (2)
If I could of take it back I would of taken it
If I put my songs on Streaming services
If I tell them my life story
If it’s not you it’s someone else
In one year I gotta do a billion songs
In reality
In the industry
In the moment
In the Office
In this life
In this third world country
Investing my money
Is it because of music
Is it because of the music
Is that life?
Is your mom still mad at me
Island roam
It is my turn
Its been so long since
Its my life
Its not world news
It’s been 7 years already
It’s just not my fault
It’s like I’m trapped
It’s totally not my fault
It’s up to me
I’ll be grindin
I’ll be like you the reason
I’ll Be making moves
I’ll be swagging
I’m a boss they just trying to turn me to a buster
I’m a do me
I’m a explain myself
I’m A have some Fun With Music
I’m a international star
I’m A Keep Stacking
I’m a make your mom angry
I’m a say a prayer
I’m a sing about everything
I’m a sing about my whole life story
I’m a still be me
I’m a superstar
I’m always moving on
I’m always strategizing on gaining
I’m back to the beginning
I’m balling on those haters
I’m better
I’m doing what you can’t do
I’m Flexing
I’m giving n*ggas flash backs
I’m gradually developing
I’m Hot You Not
I’m in charge I’m the Boss
I’m in control of all of my content
I’m just a cool guy
I’m just a Young boy from the island
I’m just Chilling
I’m just getting mine
I’m just Listening to my past songs
I’m just Living my life
I’m Just on my grind
I’m just trying to be rich
I’m just trying to buy Properties
I’m just trying to get mine
I’m just trying to keep it one hundred
I’m just trying to survive
I’m just understanding me
I’m not a control freak
I’m on my way to work
I’m picturing
I’m schooling
I’m So famous
I’m so Fly
I’m so fly (2nd mix)
I’m so Me
I’m so me (shorter version)
I’m something
I’m still
I’m the Boss in control of all my content
I’m the business
I’m the party
I’m thinking
I’m up in this third world country
I’m what they talking about
Just Like them
Just pay me
Just sitting down
Keep dreaming
Keep getting
Keep It
Keep it to your self
Keep my name out of it
Keep searching
Keep winning
Killing it
Know about me
Last day of the year
Let it be
Let me in
Let me know how you got rich
Let me tell you about me
Let us chill
Life goes on
Life process
Like a computer
Like a Documentary
Like floyd mayweather
Long Time Man
Love / Hate
Love and worries
Love from all girls
Love making
Love me
Low income
Make up and Break Up
Make up Break up Cycle
Making more money
Making my payments
Making preparation
Man don’t look for Friends
Managing business
Many ask me why
Many trying to hold me Back
Math Song
Me Don’t know where you bad from you are a waste of time
Me love pus*y
Me nah go jail
Me Nah watch man
Meanwhile at the mall
Meanwhile in the mall
Meanwhile I’m a keep stacking
Middle finger to the system
Money are fi come
Money builder
Money go money come (scene)
Money me say
Money plus money
Money spent
Money up
Money up (next version)
More love more hate
More money
Move get out my way
My dilemma
My experiences with this one girl
My Girl
My Girl Do This
My life
My life details starting from 16
My life full of
My life is a documentary
My life keeps moving on
My number one fans
Name on it
Never been a snitch
Never thought I’ll listen to love music
n*gga song
n*ggas always wanna tell me how I do
No Matter Where I Go
Not approved
Not because i don’t
Not happy
Not in the same category
Not knowing what the world want from me
Not my fault
Not my first
Not my first war
Now i have made it
Nuff of them
Nuff of them want to play me
Number one
Number one fan
Oh oh oh
Older me talking to younger me
On going
On restart (next version)
On the battle field
On the hustle
On the move
On the Paper chase
On to the next
One day I’m a reach far
Only me
Only when
Out of juice
Out standing
Out standing (2nd mix)
Party everywhere
People Gossip
People only wanna reinvent the past
People wanna reinvent
Picture (2nd mix)
Playing smart
Playing the game
Pretty Girl
Private number
Problems following me
Process of life
Professionally done
Profit off talent
Proven love
Quality vs quantity
Rap star Vs Trap star
Really sometimes
Reggae song
Relationship (1)
Relationship issues
Revere (2nd mix)
Rich expectation
Rich girl
Right after
Rising (2nd mix)
Rock your world
Save me
Savvy Lover
Say my name
Say what you wanna say
School days
Search the internet to find me
Searching for a better place
Selfish Ways
Settling scores
Seven days a week introduction
Shake her head up and down
Shake that
She Acting up
She came over
She Cares for Me
She f*cking with me
She grew up
She is a fan
She is in love with me
She Is Independent
She isn’t my girl
She know me
She say don’t worry
She say i am the man
She say i am the man (2nd mix)
She say its mine
She say just be cool Take it easy
She say not every girl is a b*tch
She say she could make it better
She say she love me
She say she use to love me
She say she want me so bad
She say that I send chat for her
She say that I’m sending Chat for her
She say why you think I’m talking to you
She so fine
She tell me
She tell me Be a man
She tell me Don’t worry about it
She tell me what you tell her
She told me all of that
She wanna f*ck
She wanna introduce herself
She Want a Real Man
She Want Me Cause I’m Real
Should i
Should i sing
Should i sing about it
Since in secondary
Sitting by the Window
Size up
Small knowledge
So big
So big (next version)
So What
So what about it
Some boy
Some boy are gossip about me
Some boy chat about man and watch man
Some boy don’t want to see me make money
Some boy think
Sound proof
Spending money on music
Spending this money
Splendid (2)
Start my own bank
Started in High school
Stay Fly
Stay fresh all the time
Stick to the program
Still at war
Still doing me
Still fighting
Strip clubs
Take a little time
Talk without action
Tell me about girls
Tell me how
Tell me how come
Tell me if i should sing about it
Tell me what do you really want from me
Tell me why you mad
Tell me why you wanna tell me
Tell me why you want me back girl
Tell the world
Test real or fake
That’s all you care about
That’s fine
That’s just how the table turn
That’s just who i am
That’s my life style
That’s my occupation
That’s what I do (2nd mix)
That’s what i do (previous)
That’s what you do
The books
The Carribbean
The conversation with girls
The devil follows me
The feeling
The fight
The grow up
The interview
The latest
The moves I made
The music
The narrator
The next side of me
The past tense
The plot
The point
The pressure
The pressure of being famous
The real me
The reason why I sing songs
The recordings
The relationship
The shows goes on
The struggle
The Table Turn
The Third world
The way the game goes
Them are sh*t talker
Them hate because
Them say I’m a liar
Them say that me Serious
Them Talking about me
Them team up
Them trying to screw me over
Them use to laugh at me
Them want to stop me Hustle
Them Want to understand me
They destroy me
They don’t know my struggle
They f*ck it up
They have me on the same page
They just wanna take from me
They just wanna take me down
They know the vibe
They take it all
They Think they know
They wanna repeat me
They want their money On time
They Want to stop my cash flow
They will be like
Things foreign
Think about it
Think is them alone
Thinking back
Thinking of how to get more money
This is bigger than the music
This is how i came
This is how I make it happen
This is how I recorded my songs
This is life making
This is my life
This is my life story
This is my new song
This is My play
This is song number one
This is this
This is where the money at
Those n*ggas
Thought I Figured it out
Thought I had it map out
Thought you love me
Thoughts of being rich
Through me sing song
To each his own
To in a rush
Told I’m moving to fast
Told me I get smarter
Top of my game
Top one
Trending topic
Truth or dare
Trying and get hundred thousands
Trying to find my way
Trying to make it
Trying to stand out
Trying to Write a Song
Type of hating
Type of n’s
Uncle young diamond
Until it’s over
Up in the city
Upgrade and code
Uplifting business
Use to rap in class
Wait to see the real me
Watch and learn
Watch what i do
Watching life pass by
We just chase money
We on top
Welcome to my school
What do you really want from me
What i don’t like
What I Gotta Do
What is the point
What more can they do to me
What she told me
What success brings
What the f*ck is a drivers license
What the f*ck is wrong with some boy
What up with this world
What We Do
What you care about
What you say
What you want a trophy
What you want a Trophy (next version)
What you want me to do
Whats up young diamond
What’s next
What’s the definition
What’s the Point
When are you going to grow up
When you on
Where are you from
Where are you from (2nd mix)
Where the money at
Where them at
Where You Get the Money
While I’m moving forward
While you are in the Studio
Who am i
Who is young diamond
Who They Love
Who’s side you on
Why are you mad
Why are you trying to be me
Why are you trying to stop this
Why I say it’s the last song
Why you ask me that
Why you wanna change me
Why you wanna tell me
Will i make it back
With all those Competition
Without Me
Won’t stop
Won’t Stop (Next Version)
Won’t stop for them
Word play
Working in the warehouse
Working in the warehouse (2)
Would I Benefit
Would you buy or listen to my songs
Yeah Business over all
Yeah huh huh
Yeah I don’t know why
Yeah i know
Yeah I know about it
Yeah I still ball
Yeah I still do it
Yeah I’m still here
Yeah my life is a circle
Yeah she say it belong to me
Yeah she say it’s mine
Yeah they hate me
Yeah yeah yeah
You ain’t got none
You Ain’t got to tell me what i have
You Ain’t sh*t
You could of been a boss
You Could of been rich
You created the problem
You does just blah blah blah
You gonna make it
You know what it is
You made me do it
You not nobody
You should of known better
You so crazy
You Suck a lot
Young boy
Young d
Young diamond is my name
Young diamond keep getting the money
Younger days
Your music
Your stress
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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