Percy Bysshe Shelley Lyrics

Belovèd, thou hast brought me many flowers (1994)

The Aviary (1966)

Eight Shelley Fragments (1951)

Three Songs With Viola (1907)

Six Modern Lyrics (1897)

British Literature II

English Lyrics, First Set

Masterworks of Brit Lit

The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 1

The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 2

The Complete Poetical Works Of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 3

Three Nocturnes

Other Songs

A Bridal Song
A Defence of Poetry
A Dialogue
A Dirge
A Dirge
A Fragment: To Music
A Hate-Song
A Lament
A Song
A song of courage
A Song of healing
A Summer Evening Churchyard
A Tale Of Society As It Is: From Facts, 1811
A Widow Bird
A Widow Bird
A widow bird sate mourning
Adonais (Preface)
Alastor; or, the Spirit of Solitude
Annotated Ozymandias
Another Fragment: To Music
Arab Love Song
Arabian Love Song
Bigotry’s Victim
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Frankenstein
Cancelled Passage
Cancelled Stanza
Canto funebre
Canto I (The Revolt Of Islam)
Canto II (The Revolt Of Islam)
Canto III (The Revolt Of Islam)
Canto IV (The Revolt Of Islam)
Canto V (The Revolt Of Islam)
Canto VI (The Revolt Of Islam)
Charles The First (Dramatis Personae)
Déclaration (Imité de Shelly)
Dedication (The Revolt Of Islam)
Die Flüchtlinge
Dreams of Thee
England in 1819
Eyes: A Fragment
Falsehood And Vice
Feelings of a Republican on the Fall of Bonaparte
Fix You - Frankenstein
Fragment (“What Mary is…”)
Fragment (”Yes! all is past...”)
Fragment From The Wandering Jew
Fragment of The Elegy On The Death Of Adonis
Fragment Of The Elegy On The Death Of Bion
Fragment On Keats
Fragment: A Serpent-Face
Fragment: A Wanderer
Fragment: Apostrophe To Silence
Fragment: Beauty’s Halo
Fragment: Death In Life
Fragment: Home
Fragment: Life Rounded With Sleep
Fragment: Love The Universe To-Day
Fragment: Love’s Tender Atmosphere
Fragment: May The Limner
Fragment: Milton’s Spirit
Fragment: Music And Sweet Poetry
Fragment: Omens
Fragment: Rain
Fragment: Satan Broken Loose
Fragment: Sufficient Unto The Day
Fragment: Supposed To Be An Epithalamium Of Francis Ravaillac And Charlotte Corday
Fragment: The Deserts Of Dim Sleep
Fragment: The Lady Of The South
Fragment: The Lake’s Margin
Fragment: The Vine-Shroud
Fragment: Thoughts Come And Go In Solitude
Fragment: To A Friend Released From Prison
Fragment: To Byron
Fragment: To One Singing
Fragment: To The Moon
Fragment: To The People Of England
Fragment: Zephyrus The Awakener
Fragment: ‘And That I Walk Thus Proudly Crowned’
Fragment: ‘Follow To The Deep Wood’s Weeds’
Fragment: ‘Great Spirit’
Fragment: ‘I Faint, I Perish With My Love!’
Fragment: ‘I Stood Upon A Heaven-Cleaving Turret’
Fragment: ‘I Would Not Be A King’
Fragment: ‘Methought I Was A Billow In The Crowd’
Fragment: ‘My Head Is Wild With Weeping’
Fragment: ‘O Thou Immortal Deity’
Fragment: ‘Such Hope, As Is The Sick Despair Of Good’
Fragment: ‘The Death Knell Is Ringing’
Fragment: ‘The Rude Wind Is Singing’
Fragment: ‘The Viewless And Invisible Consequence’
Fragment: ‘Unrisen Splendour Of The Brightest Sun’
Fragment: ‘When Soft Winds And Sunny Skies’
Fragment: ‘Ye Gentle Visitations Of Calm Thought’
Fragment: “Amor Aeternus”
Fragment: “Igniculus Desiderii”
Fragments Supposed To Be Parts Of Otho
From The Greek Of Moschus
From The Original Draft Of The Poem To William Shelley
From Vergil’s Fourth Georgic
From Vergil’s Tenth Eclogue
Good night
Good Night! ah! no; the hour is ill that severs those it should unite
Hellas (Dramatis Personae)
Homer’s Hymn To Castor And Pollux
Homer’s Hymn To Minerva
Homer’s Hymn To The Earth: Mother Of All
Homer’s Hymn To The Moon
Homer’s Hymn To The Sun
Homer’s Hymn To Venus
Hymn To Intellectual Beauty
Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
Hymn To Mercury
I Arise From Dreams of Thee
I Fear Thy Kisses
I Fear Thy Kisses
I Fear Thy Kisses, Gentle Maiden
I Will Survive - Frankenstein
If You Don’t Kiss Me
III. Peace, Peace!
Il tramonto
In Horologium
In Moonlight
Indian Love Song
Invocation To Misery
La sensitiva
Lines To A Critic
Lines Written Among The Euganean Hills
Lines Written During The Castlereagh Administration
Lines: ‘That Time is Dead For Ever’
Lines: ‘The Cold Earth Slept Below’
Love’s Philosophy
Love’s Philosophy
Love’s Philosophy
Love’s Philosophy - 114381
Love’s Rose
Marianne’s Dream
Matilda Gathering Flowers
Melody To A Scene Of Former Times
Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni
Music and Moonlight
Music, When Soft Voices Die
Music, when soft voices die
Music, when soft voices die
Music, When Soft Voices Die
Music, when soft voices die
Music, When Soft Voices Die
Music, when soft voices die
Music, when soft voices die
Music, when soft voices die
Music, when soft voices die
Music, When Soft Voices Die
Mutability [”The flower that smiles to-day”]
National Anthem
O Wild West Wind!
Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 1a)
Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 1b)
Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 2a)
Ode To Naples (Antistrophe 2b)
Ode To Naples (Epode 1a)
Ode To Naples (Epode 1b)
Ode To Naples (Epode 2a)
Ode To Naples (Epode 2b)
Ode To Naples (Strophe 1)
Ode To Naples (Strophe 2)
Ode to the West Wind
Oedipus Tyrannus (Dramatis Personae)
On A Faded Violet
On a Faded Violet
On A Fete At Carlton House: Fragment
On a poet’s lips I slept
On An Icicle That Clung To The Grass Of A Grav
On Death
On Fanny Godwin
On Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus
On Leaving London For Wales
On Robert Emmet’s Grave
On the Medusa of Leonardo Da Vinci in the Florentine Gallery - 114386
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 1
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 10
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 11
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 12
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 13
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 14
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 15
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 16
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 17
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 2
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 3
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 4
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 5
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 6
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 7
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 8
Original Poetry By Victor And Cazire 9
Ozy I
Ozymandias (EN)
Ozymandias (Period5B)
Pale Horse
Pan, Echo, and The Satyr
Passage Of The Apennines
Philosophy Of Love
Poems From St. Irvyne, Or, The Rosicrucian 1
Poems From St. Irvyne, Or, The Rosicrucian 2
Poems From St. Irvyne, Or, The Rosicrucian 3
Poems From St. Irvyne, Or, The Rosicrucian 4
Poems From St. Irvyne, Or, The Rosicrucian 5
Poems From St. Irvyne, Or, The Rosicrucian 6
Poetical Essay on The Existing State of Things
Preface to Alastor
Prometheus Unbound (Act 1)
Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.1)
Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.2)
Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.3)
Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.4)
Prometheus Unbound (Act 2 Scene 2.5)
Prometheus Unbound (Act 3 Scene 3.1)
Prometheus Unbound (Act 3 Scene 3.2)
Prometheus Unbound (Dramatis Personae)
Prometheus Unbound (Preface)
Queen Mab
Queen Mab 1
Queen Mab 2
Queen Mab 3
Queen Mab 4
Queen Mab 5
Queen Mab 6
Queen Mab 7
Queen Mab 8
Queen Mab 9
Rough Wind
Scenes From The Faust Of Goethe (Dramatis Personae)
Scenes From The Faust Of Goethe (Scene 1)
Scenes From The Faust Of Goethe (Scene 2)
Scenes From The Magico Prodigioso (Dramatis Personae)
Scenes From The Magico Prodigioso (Scene 1)
Scenes From The Magico Prodigioso (Scene 2)
Scenes From The Magico Prodigioso (Scene 3)
Serenata indiana
Similes For Two Political Characters Of 1819
Song For ‘Tasso’
Song From The Wandering Jew
Song To The Men Of England
Sonnet (Lift not the painted veil...)
Sonnet (”Guido, I would...”)
Sonnet from the Italian of Dante
Sonnet To A Balloon Laden With Knowledge
Sonnet to Byron
Sonnet: England in 1819
Sonnet: From The Italian Of Cavalcanti
Stanza From A Translation Of The Marseillaise Hymn
Stanza, Written At Bracknell
Stanzas 1 And 2
Stanzas From Calderon’s Cisma De Inglaterra
Stanzas Written in Dejection Near Naples
Stanzas Written In Dejection, Near Naples
Stanzas Written in Dejection, Near Naples - 114387
Stanzas.—April, 1814
Su una violetta morta
Tempi assai lontani
The Call of the Open
The Cenci (Act 1 Scene 1)
The Cenci (Act 1 Scene 2)
The Cenci (Act 1 Scene 3)
The Cenci (Act 2 Scene 1)
The Cenci (Act 2 Scene 2)
The Cenci (Act 3 Scene 1)
The Cenci (Act 3 Scene 2)
The Cenci (Act 4 Scene 1)
The Cenci (Act 4 Scene 2)
The Cenci (Act 4 Scene 3)
The Cenci (Act 4 Scene 4)
The Cenci (Act 5 Scene 1)
The Cenci (Act 5 Scene 2)
The Cenci (Act 5 Scene 3)
The Cenci (Act 5 Scene 4)
The Cenci (Dramatis Personae)
The Cyclops
The Cyclops (Dramatis Personae)
The Daemon Of The World Part I
The Daemon Of The World Part II
The Devil’s Walk
The First Canzone Of The Convito
The fountain mingles with the river
The Indian Serenade
The Isle
The Isle
The Masque of Anarchy
The Moon
The Past
The Retrospect: Cwm Elan, 1812
The Same
The Solitary
The Spectral Horseman
The Sunset
The Two Spirits: An Allegory
The Wandering Jew’s Soliloquy
The Waning Moon
The Whispering Waves
The widow bird
The Widow Bird
The Widow Bird
The Widow Bird
The Woodman And The Nightingale
The World’s Wanderers
The World’s Wanderers
Til mit Hjertes Dronning
To - One Word is Too Often Profaned
To A Star
To Constantia
To Constantia, Singing
To Death
To Harriet
To Harriet (”It is not blasphemy...”)
To Harriet (”Whose is the love...”)
To Ireland
To Mary Shelley
To Mary Shelley II
To Mary Who Died In This Opinion
To Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
To Mary —
To Night
To The Lord Chancellor
To The Moon
To the Moon
To the Moon
To the Moon
To the moon
To The Moonbeam
To the Night
To The Nile
To The Queen Of My Heart
To the Queen of My Heart
To The Republicans Of North America
To William Shelley
To William Shelley III
To Wordsworth
To —. ‘Oh! There are Spirits of The Air’
To —.’ Yet Look On Me.’
Use Ta Sell
Verses on a Cat
When soft winds
When the lamp is shattered
‘Mighty Eagle’
‘O That A Chariot Of Cloud Were Mine’
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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