久石譲 (Joe Hisaishi) Lyrics

TBS系 日曜劇場「この世界の片隅に」 (オリジナル・サウンドトラック) TBS Sunday Show「In This Corner of the World」(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (2018)

Revelation (2015)

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (Original Soundtrack) (2013)

The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (Original Soundtrack) (2013)

The Wind Rises (Original Soundtrack) (2013)

Le Mecano de la General (2004)

The Myth of Red (2002)

Spirited Away (2001)

Kikujiro (Soundtrack from the Motion Picture) (2000)

Princess Mononoke (Original Soundtrack) (1997)

Sonatine (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (1993)

Porco Rosso (Original Soundtrack) (1992)

Kiki’s Delivery Service (Original Soundtrack) (1989)

Castle in the Sky (Original Soundtrack) (1986)

A Chinese Tall Story (Soundtrack Album)

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (Original Soundtrack)

Other Songs

...and Alone
1000 mph
A Battle with Creatures
A Fox and a Scholar
A Picture in Sepia
A Quiet Town
After Death (Freestyle)
Al Mamoon ~ Court of the Cowlipha ~
Always With Me
Always With Me [Sheet Music]
Angel Bell
Angel Springs
Asian Dream Song
Ask me why: 母の思い (Mother’s Message)
Ask me why: 疎開 (Evacuation)
Ask me why: 眞人の決意 (Mahito’s Commitment)
Autumn Harvest
Battle II
Battle With The Frog Monster
Boat Ride
Bygone Days
Cicada Night
Cinema Nostalgia
Criminal Shuffle
Curse Of The Evil Spirits
Die out of memories
Ding Dong Dell ~ The Cat King’s Castle ~
Dog fight
Donkey Running Away
Doom - Trap of Clouds
Doom -雲の罠-
Ever Love
Eye witness
Finding My Clamen
First Love
Flying boatmen
Fragile Dream
Frog’s Trap
Going Home
Going Out
Good-by Cello
Gran’ma Dola
HANA-BI (Live)
HANA-BI (reprise)
Heaven’s Gate
Howl’s Moving Castle - Merry-Go-Round of Life
Imperial March
In Loving Memory of Allie
Innocent - 映画「天空の城ラピュタ」より
Inochi no Namae (The Name of Life) - Romaji
Into a trance
Joe Hisaishi & Azumi Inoue - となりのトトロ (My Neighbor Totoro) - [Romanized]
Joe Hisaishi in Budokan (久石譲 in 武道館): Concert Set List
Kaze No Torimichi
Kids Return
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Kiki’s Delivery Service - On a Clear Day
Kokoro no Kakera - Pieces of a Broken Heart -
Koto Melody
Labyrinth of Eden
Laputa Theme Cover
Le vent se lève
Light and darkness
Li’l Bamboo
Looking For Brother Daoran
Lost Sheep on the bed
Lure Of The Evil Spirits
Mad Summer
Magic mushroom
Magic with Oomph
Melody of the Beautiful Koto
Memories of the Village
Miracle ~ Reunion ~
Mission Failed
Möbius band
Mom’s Broom
Mononoke Hime
Mother’s Broom (from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’)
Mountain Hamlet
Mummy’s Tummy
My Neighbor Totoro - The Path of the Wind
My Neighbour Totoro
Mystery of the Moon
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind - Opening
Ni no Kuni - Wrath of the White Witch - Main
Nursery Rhyme
On a Clear Day - A Town with an Ocean View
On the full moon of mystery
One Fine Morning
One Summer’s Day [Sheet Music]
Oriental Wind
Partner ship
Path of the Wind (My Neighbor Totoro Lofi)
Play in the sands
Ponyo On the Cliff by the Sea (English Version)
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (Piano Version)
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea - A Night of Shooting Stars
Porco e Bella
Porco e Bella -Ending-
Poursuites et obstacles
Princess Kaguya’s Thin Bamboo
Princess Mononoke (From ”Princess Mononoke”)
Princess Mononoke - The Legend of Ash*taka
Princess Mononoke Theme Song (Mononoke Hime)
Puppet Scholars
Rain after that
Reprise [Sheet Music]
River Side
Rousing Of Thunderbolts
Runaway trip
Sea of Blue
Secret Talk
See you....
Serbian March
Setting Out
Shadar, The Dark Djinn
Silent Love
Smile and Smile
Sonatine III~be over~
Sonatine II~in the beginning~
Sonatine I~act of violence~
Song of the Heavenly Maiden
Sphinx In The Night
Spirited Away - One Summer’s Day
Spring Waltz
Starting The Imperial Examination
Summer Road
Supple Bamboo
Temptation Of Jiankang City
Thank You.... for Everything
The Academy Of Miserable Sea
The Accident
The Banquet
The Bardo World
The Beginning Of The Journey
The Blue Sky of the Adriatic Sea
The City of the Moon
The Coming of Spring
The Fairyground
The Final Battle Against the White Witch
The Frog Monster
The Garden of Life
The Horror of Manna
The Joy of Living
The Lead-Up to the Decisive Battle
The Little Princess
The Little Princesse
The Moonlight Gathering
The Name of Life (Spirited Away Theme)
The Nobles’ Wide Ride
The Nobles’ Wild Ride
The Parting
The Peony Brothel
The Procession of Celestial Beings
The Procession of Celestial Beings I
The Procession of Celestial Beings II
The Rain
The Showdown with Shadar
The Sixth Station [Sheet Music]
The Sprout
The Sun Also Rises
The Theme of Marco and Gina
The Wind Forest - 映画「となりのトトロ」より
The Wind of Life
The Wrath of the White Witch
The Zodiarchs
To the Adriatic Sea
Tonari no Totoro
Water Traveller
World Map
Writing Practice
—オープニング—人生のメリーゴーランド (Opening: The Merry-Go-Round of Life)
あこがれのまち (The Town that I Long to Stay)
あの夏へ (One Summer’s Day)
あの日の川 (Day of the River)
いのちの記憶 (Inochi no Kioku) – Romanized
いもうと達 (Ponyo’s Sisters)
いもうと達の活躍 (Ponyo’s Sisters Lend a Hand)
おかあさん (Mother)
おかあさん (Mother) [Sound Book Version]
おかあさん (Mother) [Soundtrack Versio]
おじいさんのデッキブラシ (The Old Man’s Push Broom)
おみまいにいこう (Let’s Go to the Hospital)
おクサレ神 (The Stink God)
かあさんのホウキ (Mother’s Broom)
からっぽのバケツ (The Empty Bucket)
この世界の片隅に (ピアノソロ・バージョン) In This Corner Of The World
この世界の片隅に 〜メインテーマ〜 In This Corner Of The World Main Theme
この世界の片隅に 〜時代の波〜In This Corner Of The World 〜The Waves Of The Time〜
こわくない (Not Afraid)
さんぽ (Hey Let’s Go)
さんぽ (Hey Let’s Go) [Sound Book Version]
さんぽ -オープニング主題歌- (Hey Let’s Go -Opening The Song-)
すすわたり (The Dust Business)
すすわたり (The Dust Business) [Sound Book Version]
すずのテーマ Suzu
すずのテーマ 〜望郷〜 Suzu -Nostalgia-
ずぶぬれオバケ (A Soaking Wet Monster)
とおり道 (A Road to Somewhere)
となりのトトロ (My Neighbor Totoro)
となりのトトロ (My Neighbor Totoro)
となりのトトロ -エンディング主題歌- (My Neighbor Totoro -Ending Theme Song-)
とべない!(I Can’t Fly!)
ねこバス (Cat Bus)
ねこバス (Cat Bus)
ねこバス (Cat Bus) [Sound Book Version]
はるかな地へ… (To the Land of Faraway...)
はるかな地へ… (To the Land of Faraway...) [Symphony Version]
ふしぎしりとりうた (A Funny Word-Chain Song)
ふたたび (Reprise)
まいご (A Lost Child)
まいご (A Lost Child) [Sound Book Version]
まいご (A Lost Child) [Soundtrack Version]
めぐる季節 (Turning Seasons)
もののけ姫 (Princess Monoke)
もののけ姫 インストゥルメンタルバージョン (The Princess Mononoke -Instrumental Version-)
もののけ姫 ヴォーカル エンディング (Princess Mononoke -Ending Theme Song with Vocal-)
よかったね (I’m So Glad)
わたしのこころ (My Heart)
わらべ歌 (Warabe Uta ) – Romanized
アシタカせっ記 (The Legend of Ash*taka)
アシタカせっ記 (The Legend of Ash*taka) [Soundtrack Version]
アシタカせっ記 エンディング (The Legend of Ash*taka -Ending-)
アシタカとサン (Ash*taka and San)
アシタカとサン (Ash*taka and San) [Soundtrack Version]
アドリアの海へ (To the Adriatic Sea)
アドリアーノの窓 (Hotel Adriano’s Window)
アドリア海の青い空 (The Blue Sky of the Adriatic Sea)
ウォー・ウォー・ウォー (War War War)
ウルスラの小屋へ (To Ursula’s Cabin)
エボシ御前 (Lady Eboshi)
エボシ御前 (Lady Eboshi) [Soundtrack Version]
エンディング- 世界の約束 人生のメリーゴーランド (Ending: The Promise of the World: The Merry-Go-Round of Life)
エンディング「鳥の人」(Ending ”The Bird Man”)
オソノさんのたのみ事・・・ (Osono’s Request...)
オバケやしき!(A Haunted House!)
オープニング「風の谷のナウシカ」(Opening ”Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind”)
カオナシ (Kaonashi)
クシャナの侵略 (The Invasion of Kushana)
クミコちゃん (Kumiko)
グランマンマーレ (Gran Mamare)
ケイヴ・オブ・マインド (Cave of Mind)
コダマ達 (Kodamas) [Soundtrack Version]
コダマ達 (The Kodamas)
ゴンドアの思い出 (Memories of Gondoa)
ゴンドア(母に抱かれて)[Gondoa (In Mother’s Arms)]
シシ神の森 (The Forest of the Shishi God)
シシ神の森の二人 (San and Ash*taka in the forest of Deer God)
シークレット・ガーデン (Secret Garden)
シータとパズー (Sheeta and Pazu, Part. 1)
シータとパズー (Sheeta and Pazu, Part. 2)
シータの決意 (Sheeta’s Decision)
ジェフ (Jeff)
スラッグ溪谷の朝 (Morning in the Slag Ravine)
セピア色の写真 (A Picture in Sepia)
セリビア行進曲 (Serbian March)
ソフィーの明日 (Sophie’s Tomorrow)
ソリチュード (Solitude)
タイガーモス号にて (On the Tiger Mouth)
タタラ場前の闘い (The Battle in Front of the Ironworks)
タタラ踏む女達-エボシ タタラうた- (Tatara Women’s Song)
タタリ神 (The Demon God)
タタリ神 (The Demon God) [Soundtrack Version]
タタリ神Ⅱ-うばわれた山- (The Demon God II -The Lost Mountains-)
タタリ神Ⅲ (The Demon God III)
ダボハゼ (Flying Boat ”Dabohaze”)
ティディスの要塞 (Titus’ Fort)
ディプノリンクスの海へ (Towards the Sea of the Dipnorhynchus)
デッキブラシでランデブー (Rendezvous on the Push Broom)
トキさん (Toki)
トトロ (Totoro)
トンネル (The Tunnel)
トンボさん (Mister Tombo)
ドーラ (Dola)
ナウシカ・レクイエム (Nausicaä Requiem)
ナンパ通り (Nampa Street)
ニノ国メインテーマ (Ni No Kuni Dominion of the Dark Djinn Main Theme)
ハトと少年 (Doves and the Boy)
バトル (Battle)
パン屋さんの窓 (The Bakery’s Window)
パン屋の手伝い (The Baker’s Assistant)
パーティーに間に合わない (Late for the Party)
ピッコロの女たち (Woman of Piccolo)
ピッコロ社 (Piccolo S.P.A.)
フィナーレ (The Grand Finale)
フジモト (Fujimoto)
フラップター (Flapter)
プロベラ自転車 (A Propeller Driven Bicycle)
プロローグ~出会い (Prologue~The Encounter)
ペジテの全滅 (Annihilation of Pejite)
ボイラー虫 (Sootballs)
ボーイ (Boy)
ポニョと宗介 (Ponyo and Sosuke)
ポニョと宗介Ⅱ (Ponyo and Sosuke II)
ポニョの子守唄 (Ponyo’s Lullaby)
ポニョの飛行 (Ponyo Flies)
ポンポン船 (The Toy Boat)
マルコとジーナのテーマ (The Theme of Marco and Gina)
ミステリアス・ワールド (Mysterious World)
メイがいない (Mei is Missing)
メイとすすわたり (Mei and the Dust Bunnies)
メーヴェ (Mehve)
メーヴェ (Mehve) [Symphony Version]
メーヴェとコルベットの戦い (The Battle Between Mehve and Corvette)
ヤックル (Yakkle)
ラピュタの崩壊 (Destruction of Laputa)
リサの家 (Lisa’s House)
リサの決意 (Lisa’s Resolve)
リリーとジジ (Lili and Jiji)
レクイエム (Requiem)
レクイエムⅡ (Requiem II)
レクイエムⅢ (Requiem III)
ロボット兵(復活~救出) [Robot Soldier (Resurrection~Rescue)]
ワナ (A Trap)
ワラワラ (Warawara)
不思議の国の住人 (People In The Wonderland)
不穏 (打楽器&弦バージョン) Disquiet
不穏 〜忍び寄る影〜 Disquiet -Creeping Shadow-
世界って広いわ (What a Wide World)
世界恐慌 (Global Terror)
五月の村 (The Village in May)
五月の村 (The Village in May) [Sound Book Version]
人間になる!(I Want to be a Girl!)
仕事はじめ (Starting the Job)
仕事はつらいぜ (It’s Hard Work)
何かをさがして (Looking for that Special Something)
修羅 (The Furies)
傷心のキキ (Heartbroken Kiki)
元気になれそう (I will be Fine)
冒険飛行家の時代 (The Age of Adventurous Pilots)
出会い (The Encounter)
出会い (The First Meeting)
別れ (Farewell)
動く城 (The Moving Castle)
動く城の魔法使い (The Wizard of the Moving Castle)
千の勇気 (Sen’s Courage)
千尋のワルツ (Waltz of Chihiro)
千年恋歌 (Sennen Koi uta)
合唱 君をのせて (Carrying You -Chorus Version-)
君をのせて (Carrying You)
呪われた力 (The Demon Power)
呪われた力Ⅱ (The Demon Power II)
呪われた海 (Cursed Sea)
回廊の扉 (The Corridor Door)
回顧 (Reminiscence)
土鬼軍の逆襲 (The Dorok Army Strikes Back)
塚森の大樹 (A Huge Tree in the Tsukamori Forest)
墓の主 (The Master of the Tomb)
夏の終わりに (At the End of the Summer)
夕暮れのタタラ場 (Evening at the Ironworks)
夕暮れの風 (Evening Wind)
夜が来る (The Night Is Coming)
夜来る (Nighttime Coming)
大いなる伝説 (The Legend)
大伯父 (Granduncle)
大伯父の思い (Granduncle’s Desire)
大崩壊 (The Great Collapse)
大忙しいのキキ (A Very Busy Kiki)
大樹 (The Eternal Tree of Life)
大活劇 (A Big Adventure)
大王の行進 (The King’s Parade)
天空の城ラピュタ (Castle in the Sky)
失われた楽園 (The Lost Paradise)
失われた民 (The Lost People)
失意のパズー (Discourage Pazu)
好きなのに! (Even though I like you!)
宗介のなみだ (Sosuke’s Tears)
宗介の航海 (Sosuke’s Voyage)
家族 The Family
小さなオバケ (A Little Monster)
小さな写真 (A Small Photo)
小さな写真 (A Small Photo) [Sound Book Version]
山の向こうへ (Over The Mountain) (Instrumental)
山の向こうへ (カラオケ) Over The Mountain (Karaoke Version)
山の向こうへ Over The Mountain (Vocal Version)
崖の上のポニョ (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea)
崖の上のポニョ(映画バージョン) [Ponyo on Cliff by the Sea (Movie’s Version)]
嵐のひまわりの家 (The Sunflower House Caught in the Storm)
巣穴 (A Burrow)
巨神兵~トルメキア軍~クシャナ殿下 (The Giant Warrior ~The Tolmekian Army~ Her Highness Kushana)
巨神兵~トルメキア軍~クシャナ殿下 (The Giant Warrior ~The Tolmekian Army~ Her Highness Kushana) [Symphony Version]
帰らざる日々 (Bygone Days)
帰る日 (The Return)
平和な日々 Peaceful Days
底なし穴 (The Bottomless Pit)
思春期 (Adolescence)
急接近 (Close Encounter)
恐怖 Fear
想い出がかけぬけてゆく (Sweeping Memories)
愉快なケンカ(~追跡) [A Rowdy Brawl (~Pursuit)]
愛しさ 2 Precious 2
愛しさ Precious
戦いの太鼓 (The Battle Drums)
戦争ゴッコ (Playing War)
戦闘 (Battle) [Soundtrack Version]
戦闘 (Battle) [Symphony Version]
戦闘 (Sentou; Battle)
敗走 (The Retreat)
新しい家族 (A New Family Member)
旅立ち (Departure)
旅立ち-西へ- (The Journey to the West)
旅路(夢中飛行)[A Journey (A Dream of Flight)]
時代の風 -人が人でいられた時- (The Wind of Ages -When a Human Can be a Human-)
時間の城 (The Castle of Time)
晴れた日に・・・ (On a Clear Day...)
暁の誘惑 (Dawn’s Allure)
暴飛行の自由の冒険号 (The Adventure of Freedom, Out of Control)
最後のほほえみ (The Last Smile)
月光の雲海 (A Sea of Clouds in the Moonlight)
月夜の飛行 (Moonlight Fligth)
木洩れ陽の路地 (An Alley lit by Treelight)
東から来た少年 (The Young Man from the East)
死と生のアダージョ (Adagio of Life and Death)
死と生のアダージョⅡ (Adagio of the Life and Death II)
母と海の讃歌 (A Song for Mothers and Sea)
母の愛 (A Mother’s Love)
水中の町 (Underwater Town)
沼の底の家 (The House at Swamp Bottom)
波の魚のポニョ (Ponyo Rides a Sea of Fish)
流れ星の夜 (A Night of Shooting Stars)
浦の町 (Town by a Cove)
海 (Sea)
海のおかあさん (Mother Sea)
海の見える街 (A Town with an Ocean View)
深海牧場 (Deep Sea Postures)
渚のデート (A Date by the Beach)
渚のメモリー (Nagisa no Memory)
湯婆婆 (Yubaba)
湯婆婆狂乱 (Yubaba’s Panic)
湯屋の朝 (Bathhouse Morning)
火の雨 (Rain of Fire)
炎の少女 (A Girl of Fire)
犬神モロの公 (The Dog God Moro)
狂気 -飛翔- (Kyouki -hishou-)
王蟲 (Ohmu)
王蟲との交流 (Contact with the Ohmu)
王蟲の暴走 (Stampede of the Ohmu)
生きろ (Will to Live)
町の夜 (The Town at Night)
発光信号 (Night Signals)
白壁 (White Wall)
眞人とヒミ (Mahito and Himi)
真紅の翼 (Crimson Wings)
矢羽根 (Feather Fletching)
破滅への予兆 (An Omen to Ruin)
祈りのうた: 産屋 (A Song of Prayer: The Delivery Room)
神さま達 (Procession of the Gods)
神の森 (The Forest of the Gods)
神秘なる絵 (An Unusual Painting)
穢土 (The Land of the Impure)
空から降ってきた少女 (The Girl who Fell from the Sky)
空から降ってきた少女 (The Girl who Fell from the Sky) [Soundtrack Version]
空とぶ宅急便 (Flying Delivery Service)
空中散歩 (A Walk in the Sky)
突風 (A Sudden Gust)
竜の少年 (The Dragon Boy)
竜の穴 (The Dragon’s Den)
箱船 (Ark)
紅の豚: il porco rosso - Live
紅の豚: Madness - Live
絆 Kizuna
聖域 (Sanctuary)
腐海 (Sea of Corruption)
腐海 (Sea of Corruption) [Symphony Version]
腐海にて (In the Sea of Corruption)
船団マーチ (March of the Boats)
船団マーチⅡ (March of the Boats II)
荒野の一目惚れ (Love at the First Sight in the Wildness)
蘇る巨神兵 (The Resurrection of the Giant Warrior)
虫愛ずる姫 (The Princess Who Loves Insects)
誰もいない料理店 (The Empty Restaurant)
谷への道 (The Road of the Valley)
谷への道 (The Road of the Valley) [Symphony Version]
赤ちゃんとポニョ (The Baby and Ponyo)
身代りジジ (Surrogate Jiji)
転生 (Reincarnation)
追憶 (Memories)
遠い日々 (The Distant Days)
遠い日々 (The Distant Days) [Symphony Version]
遠き時代を求めて (In Search of the Distant Era)
野性の風 (Yasei no Kaze)
鉱夫 (The Miners)
鉱山町 (A Missing Town)
陽動 (Diversion)
陽気な軽騎兵 (The Merry Light Cavalrymen)
隠密 (In Secret)
雲海のサボイア (The Savoia in the Clouds)
青サギ (Gray Heron)
青サギII (Gray Heron II)
青サギIII (Gray Heron III)
青サギの呪い (The Curse of the Gray Heron)
静寂 (Silence)
風と人々 (Kaze to hitobito)
風のとおり道 (The Path of the Wind -Acoustic Version-)
風のとおり道 (The Path of the Wind)
風のとおり道 (The Path of the Wind)
風のとおり道 (The Path of the Wind) [Sound Book Version]
風のとおり道 (インストゥルメンタル) [The Path of the Wind (Instrumental)]
風の丘 (A Windy Mountain)
風の伝説 (The Legend of the Wind)
風の伝説 (The Legend of the Wind) [Symphony Version]
風の神さま (God of the Wind)
風の谷 (The Valley of the Wind)
風の谷 (The Valley of the Wind) [Drama Version]
風の谷のナウシカ (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
風使いの娘 (Kaze tsukai no musume)
飛行石 (The Levitation Crystal)
魔法のぬくもり (The Warmth of Magic)
魔法使いのワルツ (The Wizard Waltz)
鳥になった私 (I am a Bird)
鳥の人 (The Bird Man)
黄昏の羽根 (A Feather in the Dusk)
黄昏の迷い子たち (Children lost at Dusk)
黄泉の世界 (The World of the Dead)
黄泉の世界Ⅱ (The World of the Dead II)
6番目の駅 (The Sixth Station)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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